26Dec, 2024
Ho-Lis-Tic, are ‘bols’ of Cure Tabla Maestro Zakir Hussain missed

Playing tabor, Wah Taj fame late Tabla maestro Zakir Hussain’s  bols were always flawless and beyond compare. But when it came to choosing treatment for most difficult lung condition called Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF), his finger failed to hit the right note. Though allopathy ’s success in curing this lung condition is non- existent, there are evidences of survivors when treatment protocol was different.


24Aug, 2024
Father of Holistic Medicine

Dr. (Prof) R.K. Tuli is the Founder of “SOHAM” – Society for Holistic Advancement of Medicine. He is popularly known as The Father of Holistic Medicine as he established the world’s first ever Department of its kind at state-of-the-art multi-speciality tertiary care Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi in the year 1996. He is a 1964 batch alumnus of the prestigious Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC), Pune. He was commissioned by the President of India into the Armed Forces Medical Service and seconded to the Indian Air Force.



1Jul, 2024
ताली बजाकर पाएं बेहतर सेहत, करें बीमारी दूर!

ताली बजाने का सकारात्मक प्रभाव हमारी सेहत पर भी होता है। रोजाना कितनी देर ताली बजाने से क्या फायदे हो सकते हैं, जानेंगे Dr. R. K. Tuli, Senior Holistic Expert.

12Jun, 2024
Lactose Intolerance Symptoms, Causes & Natural Remedies in Hindi | Dr. RK Tuli | Back to Nature

इस एपिसोड में होलिस्टिक चिकित्सक Dr. RK Tuli जी Lactose Intolerance के Symptoms, Causes और Natural Remedies पर चर्चा करेंगे। Lactose Intolerance एक पाचन विकार (Digestive Disorder) है जो आमतौर पर शरीर में लैक्टेज (Lactase) नामक एंजाइम (Enzyme) की कमी के कारण होता है।


20May, 2023

In the cause of Service to Humanity and Public Awareness, in this Video titled “SICKNESS TO WELLNESS” – Beyond Allopathy – I present to You, in his words, the story of 28 years young PRATEEK NEGI who was guided to this Centre by his own uncle as he remains CURED of his Bronchial Asthma which was treated over 25 years ago. Prateek suffered from debilitating Respiratory Allergy since his childhood, and in addition from unpleasant Body Odour, termed BROMHIDROSIS. The patient expresses remarkable recovery from all of his ailments by dedicated Holistic Medicine therapy comprising various drug-free modalities of Ayurveda like Yoga & Bhedan Kriya (Acupuncture) within 8 weeks. What needs to be highlighted is that he enjoys his HEALTH & HAPPINEES like never before, and even mentions to attract more success in his work. This work further adds to fulfilment of our Vedic Motto, “सर्वे संतु निरामया” = “Sarve Santu Niramaya”. i.e., May all remain Healthy and No on Suffer in any way!

27Dec, 2022
Preparedness Against Corona Virus

The CORONA VIRUS has been here in our environment, and it’s Going to Evolve & Stay here for ever. The need is for each citizen to observe CAB – Corona Appropriate Behaviour, take prescribed Vaccine, At the same time the most important need is to improve our own Life-Style and Enhance our Natural Immunity as a protection against all infections as well as all Life-Style Diseases.


26Dec, 2022

The Corona Virus is known to be around for some time and as in the past it’ll keep evolving in the form of its various strains with varying morbidity and mortality amongst people with compromised health. HUMAN HEALTH is a product of the Triology of interaction explained as AGENT-HOST-ENVIRONMENT comprising all forms of life including various Microbes: Bacteria, Fungi, Protozoa or Viruses. Human Immunity is a direct product of its symbiotic relationship with nature and its various microbes. Long term survival of human being is, therefore, determined by indicators as population of Tigers, Penguins, Vultures, Sparrows, et al., as also Quality of Soil, Water, Air, and importantly of natural polar Magnetic Fields. To Promote human health, we need to improve the quality of Lifestyle of people and our rapidly deteriorating Environment. Its improvement only shall, finally, enhance human Immunity leading to Better Physical, Mental, Social, Emotional & Spiritual Health termed Wellness.


24Sep, 2022

In the cause of Service to Humanity, this Video titled “SICKNESS TO WELLNESS” – Beyond Allopathy – I present to You the first hand story of a 56 years old patient who had suffered FOUR episodes of STROKE (with residual after-effects) in previous 15 years in spite of appropriate medical management, presenting with UNCONNTROLLABLE PAIN due to ADVANCED SPONDYLOSIS & NERVE CANAL STENOSIS & associated INSOMNIA. The patient was guided to “SOHAM” The Centre For Holistic Wellness by a Chief Medical Officer in CGHS in view of no promise of help at best of medical institutions in the country. The patient displayed, not only, remarkable recovery from all of his ailments by the dedicated drug-free modalities of Holistic Medicine within 12 weeks since commencement of therapy in 2006, but – what needs to be highlighted – has continued to enjoy his FULL HEALTH & HAPPINEES sixteen years later at his current age of 72 in year 2022.

1Sep, 2022
SICKNESS TO WELLNESS BEYOND ALLOPATHY: Sero +ve Rheumatoid Arthritis & Ankylosing Spondylitis

Nearly 4% of the world’s population is affected by one of more than 80 different types of Autoimmune Diseases like the Rheumatoid Arthritis & Ankylosing Spondylitis. Autoimmune diseases occur when a body’s immune system attacks its own healthy cells. The conventional medical management involves prescription of Disease Modifying Drugs (DMD), which may at the most provide only some temporary symptom relief without any promise of permanent cure. Each of these drugs, however, come with a series of side-effects and cumulative toxicity, progressively enhancing the morbidity of the unfortunate victim. The objective of reporting this case is to spread awareness that, as illustrated by this young software engineer, the drug-free system of Holistic Medicine enables not only predictable, reproducible and sustainable relief in quick time in both the conditions manifesting nearly 20 years apart, but restores Positive Health & Total Wellness ‘Body-Mind-Spirit’ in each individual. In our experience, the same therapy is equally efficient in eradication of all other autoimmune ailments as well. For more TESTIMONIALS on the CURE of Auto-Immune Diseases, please connect to read the following link: *Holistic Medicine = Modern Medicine + Drug-free modalities of officially recognised AYUSH (Traditional or Alternate) Systems of Health.

20Aug, 2022

SICKNESS TO WELLNESS – Beyond Allopathy: A Case Report on more than successful recovery of a patient suffering from Severely Debilitating LOW BACKACHE. A large number of people suffer from Chronic & Acute Backache making it one of the leading cause of pain, morbidity and loss of man hours all over the world. It leads to low medical category and invalidment from service on health grounds in thousands of personnel from the Indian Armed Forces. It’s not only an abrupt loss of carrier for the individual, but a huge loss of highly trained manpower from the Indian Army, Navy & Air Force. It adds to life long suffering for the individual, at the same time additional financial burden for their healthcare as well as pensionary compensations. The Armed Forces Medical Services (AFMS), like rest of the nation, have been conventionally based on the allopathic system of modern medicine. In spite of all the benefits of this system, the whole world has recognised its serious limitations as well as their long-term iatrogenic effects. In consonance with our National Health Policy, and directives of Ministry of AYUSH, the various modalities of AYUSH systems are being initiated at different AFMS institutions. But, drugs of no two different systems can be prescribed to any patient, concurrently, in view of unknown hazards of drug interactions. At the same time, drug-free modalities of various recognised systems of AYUSH can complement best practices of allopathic medicine to improve the final outcome of every sickness at all stages of health. This synergy of various drug-free modalities of traditional systems of health with modern medicine is termed Holistic Medicine. The testimony of one eminent personnel of Indian Army in this video recording highlights the efficacy of Holistic Medicine therapy in ‘quick recovery’ from a resistant ailment. What is more important is that it enabled him to attain the peak of his professional glory, and physical. mental, emotional as well as spiritual wellness in terms of ‘quality-of-life’ beyond any specific system of health! This case story, supplemented with many more, should lead the authorities in AFMS to trigger the Ministry of Defence & Health, respectively, to lead the whole nation and spark a revolution in healthcare in the country and the whole world. JAI HIND

4Mar, 2022

A Case Report on dramatic recovery of a patient suffering from CANCER Stage-4 of Both Ovaries, and after-effects of medical treatment at Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai.. An undetermined number of patients develop and continue to suffer from debilitating morbidity following prescribed treatment of CANCERS. Medical drugs may provide some symptomatic relief, but the suffering continues. Holistic Medicine therapy as a synergy of various drug-free modalities of traditional systems of health with best practices of modern medicine, however, as illustrated by this patient in the video recording provides ‘QUICK RECOVERY’ from sickness and adds to ‘Quality-of-Life’ making living years worthwhile for such individuals.

29Oct, 2021

A Case Report on successful recovery of a patient suffering from various debilitating symptoms after 2 doses of Astra Zeneca COVISHIELD Vaccine:
An undetermined number of patients develop and continue to suffer from various debilitating symptoms causing morbidity, suffering and loss of wages. Medical treatments, at the most, provide some symptomatic relief. But the suffering continues and one is afraid of the side-effects of such medication. Holistic Medicine therapy which is a synergy of various drug-free modalities of traditional systems of health, however, as illustrated by one such eminent Indian patient in this video recording provides ‘quick recovery’ and adds to ‘quality-of-life’ of such individuals.


29May, 2021

This Video is dedicated to display evidence of instant CURE and saving a life by drug-free Holistic Medicine therapy in a Medical Emergency like ACUTE MOUNTAIN SICKNESS, where in a remote location no medical assistance could be provided nor any medical treatment could be beneficial. “SOHAM” The Centre For Holistic MediCARE & CURE


12May, 2021

Please tell me if in the history of global practice of Pulmonary-Sleep Medicine a chronic patient of Bronchial Asthma having gone into COPD and Sleep Apnoea needing B-PAP Oxygen dependence, along with Co-morbidities of Type-2 Diabetes + Hypertension, etc.,  has without any medication ever reversed to independent breathing with such improvement in Quality-of-Life
🫁 🫀 🧠

Reproducibility & Sustainability are the HALLMARK of a Scientific Phenomenon: It can’t be IGNORED for long 🎸🎷🎻

27Apr, 2021
The Needle Free Acupuncture: ACUTE MOUNTAIN SICKNESS – AMS

The Needle Free Acupuncture, as always, proved to be highly efficient & life-saving even at high altitudes / remote areas during the trek, where no medical assistance may be available:
The co-trekker receiving a rejuvenating health boost is

1. Maj Gen Sunil Chandra AVSM, VSM (Retd); and the one on the left is
2. Mr. Sacheen Ramchandani – just having got revived from a moribund episode of highly fatal “ACUTE MOUNTAIN SICKNESS – AMS”.
3. It helped another young trekker to abort early AMS as well as a trigger of her old Low Backache to accomplish the mission.

Unfortunately, due to lack of such facilities, a large number of our soldiers and mountaineers die of AMS !!

P.S. The photograph dated 14.04.2021 is at an altitude of nearly 14,008 feet on way to Adventure-PULSE 2021 trek to the EVEREST BASE CAMP-EBC

27Feb, 2021

The newly emerging strains of virus causing the Covid-19 pandemic are threatening new challenges all over the world. This interview with Dr. R. K. Tuli, the Global Pioneer of Holistic Medicine and Founder of Society For Holistic Advancement of Medicine “SOHAM” highlights that while various vaccines against Covid-19 aim to activate immunity against the original strains, there is no scientific knowledge about the long term profile of the available vaccines. These vaccines, in any case, are being released for Emergency Limited use. While current vaccination may be a good short term measure for limited numbers of people, Dr. Tuli propagates long term use of complementing traditional modalities of Vedic systems of health like Ashtanga Yoga, Ayurveda including Acupuncture which hold tremendous promise to not only develop people’s NATURAL IMMUNITY amongst the masses against the currently known or unknown future strains of the Corona Virus, but a concurrent immunity against all germs. Its infinite benefit will be in control of unabated increasing incidence of all Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs).

21Jan, 2021

There has been a seasonal incidence of BIRD or AVIAN FLU noticed in different parts of the country due to deaths of large number of different species of birds. A huge number of birds have to be culled to prevent it spread. This recording is done with the objective of spreading awareness amongst the public that this Viral Infection essentially spreads through excreta of migratory birds carrying H5N8 Virus to various other birds, naming it ‘Birds to Birds’ transmission. It can seriously affect the poultry birds causing epidemic deaths amongst them in huge numbers. It’s safe to not consume eggs and chicken flesh during this period. However, this virus is very sensitive to heat and doesn’t spread to human population if the eggs and chicken flesh are well cooked. The H5N8 Flu usually doesn’t spread to humans. However, its H5N1 mutant has been found to infect humans resulting in 861 infections and 455 deaths due to it all over the world in six years period from years 2013 to 2019. We do have a Vaccine available to prevent transmission of H5N1, H5N2 and H5N8 strains of the virus to prevent its transmission from birds to its human handlers.

25Nov, 2019
Building a More Equitable World

JD Tytler Learning Centre fosters integrated, inclusive development of special children, enabling them to overcome their individual deficits and build up on their strengths….
By abhigyan/Abhinav

Rohtak Road, New Delhi houses JD Tytler Learning Centre – a school with a difference. What sets this institution apart is the unique, all-inclusive educational and vocational training that it provides for all-round development of more than 180 children on its rolls with various special needs.
Living up to Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru’s famous statement “The Children of Today will make the India of Tomorrow,” the school’s aim is to ensure holistic development (body, mind, and soul) of these special children with specifically tailored programmes.
“The dedicated team of academic teachers and special educators at the centre continuously refines their skills to help children get adequate confidence in themselves and prepare for CBSE curriculum concurrently. We, at the Learning Centre, strive to assist our children to achieve their full potential and live an independent happy life. We follow “Teach me the way I can learn” as the motto of our Learning Centre. Our aim is to enable each individual child to accomplish well to soar high and be an asset to the family, and the nation,” shares dynamic young director of JD Tytler Learning Centre, Ms Mallika Tuli.

Philosophy behind the Learning Centre:

Children with varied childhood disorders can learn a great deal if they are imparted appropriate and structured programmes which focus on their individual deficits and build up on their strengths.
They have the right to aspire to the highest standards attainable and their achievements should be recognised and praised.
Children are confident to take responsibility for their own lives and live as independently as possible.
Children should be encouraged to make decisions and speak for themselves through all means of communication.
All children, irrespective of their disabilities, have the right to participate in the community in which they live. The opportunities to integrate in main school, societies and activities are of paramount importance.
School is the place where everyone is of equal worth and is valued, treated with respect and dignity.

Common Childhood Disorders:

1. Intellectual Disability
2. Global Developmental Delay
3. Autism
4. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
5. Down’s Syndrome
6. Learning Disability
7. Hearing Impairment
8. Speech Impairment
9. Seizure Disorder
10. Cerebral Palsy

Accolades earned by the Learning Centre:
Year 2015 and 2016: The Best Institution for Special Education award by the YMCA Nizamuddin in the event “Ability Utsav”. It is an event organized by them every year wherein many similar institutions participate for various cultural and athletic programmes.

2016: Bharat Special Olympics held an Athletic Meet wherein the school won the highest number of medals in different sport activities (50mtrs and 100mtrs race, shot put, softball throw, and skating).

2017: The school children won the top prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions at the National Zoological Park Art and Clay Competition.

2017: The children played Cricket for the first time and won the Champions Trophy along with bringing maximum number of gold, silver and bronze medals in other sports events at YMCA Nizamuddin Athletic/Sports Meet.

2018: The children stood 1st in the BOCCI game and won highest number of trophies and medals in other events too at the Adaptive Athletic Meet organized at Bharat Special Olympics along with Sanskriti School.

25Nov, 2019
From Addiction to Aversion

Unable to fight your obsession with consuming tobacco? Here is an inclusive and harmless drug-free therapy comprising laser-acupuncture, reflexotherapy, hypnosis, along with lifestyle, nutrition and relaxation techniques that all help to instantly alleviate stress, anxiety and withdrawal effects of tobacco….
By Dr R. K Tuli

Any addiction is never a reflection on the character of the individual. But, it happens as a result of disturbance in the complex balance of neurotransmitters in the brain. The individual seeks solace from the active chemicals in the used substance, which is identified to be nicotine in the case of tobacco.

The root cause of any substance dependence, abuse or addiction stems from repeated positive memory, e.g., that smoking or chewing tobacco brings relief from stressful situations, gives pleasure, enhances ego parity with the peer group, or builds a macho image. This process is further strengthened by sophisticated publicity by tobacco companies.

Unfortunately, no specific medication or particular system of medicine offers reliable and lasting solution to tobacco or any other substance abuse. But, the ‘science’ of practice of medicine combined with its ‘art’ termed Holistic Medicine, enables a very efficient protocol based on optimum synergy of drug-free natural and harmless modalities of various recognised systems of medicine that gives instant success in over 90% patients with sustainable benefits in willing individuals.

The need to quit tobacco may be created through health education of the people to its harmful effects and raising the realisation that by continuing to consume tobacco they are:

A Indulging in ‘self-poisoning’;
B Inviting pre-mature aging, and disabilities associated with old age;
C Developing early sexual incompetence, infertility, and giving birth to a child with deformities;
D Leading to much higher probability to suffer from ill health, and die from lung diseases, diabetes and its complications, hypertension, heart disease or cardiovascular accidents, all cancers – especially of mouth, throat, larynx and esophagus, etc.;

The individual must appreciate the need to live healthy, increase his chances of living longer, and gain many extra years of happy, healthy existence for himself and his family. By stopping to consume tobacco would save huge expenditure first due to tobacco consumption, and later due to prolonged poor health, increased medical costs due to inevitable sicknesses, prolonged suffering in the long run, and finally early, painful and expensive death.

To get rid of tobacco after 10 or 20 years is a tough challenge. It needs waging a total war on this front! But, the rewards shall be great!! Success in quitting smoking at any stage can reverse its damages over a period of time, and by adopting a healthy lifestyle the individual can regain positive health and total wellness for decades to come.

To ensure a win in this war, I, as a Holistic Physician, have designed a ‘perfect’ all inclusive and integrative harmless drug-free therapy comprising laser-acupuncture, reflexotherapy, hypnosis, along with life-style, nutrition and relaxation technique that helps to instantly alleviate stress, anxiety and withdrawal effects of tobacco. It helps to ‘erase’ all past experiences associated with tobacco intake and regulate healthy balance of neurotransmitters in the brain to restore confidence, self-esteem, as well as develop instant aversion to tobacco.


A case-study in point is 50-year-old Arun Tulsian, who was chewing 40-50 packets of ‘gutka’ daily since the age of 20 and developed pre-cancerous oral fibrosis with the result that he couldn’t open his mouth more than one finger wide. He was suffering from poor health, chronic fatigue, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, severe back pain and inability to walk even a few yards. “The treatment at Dr. R. K. Tuli’s clinic for Holistic Medicare “SOHAM” for the last four months has given me a new life. I’ve been able to get rid of ‘gutka’ completely, my mouth can now open freely and my taste buds have recovered to enjoy the food again. Besides, I’m full of energy, vitality, pain-free, and follow a healthy life-style including regular Yoga as advised by Dr. Tuli,” says a much-relieved Tulsian.

This all-inclusive and integrated therapy, not only enables to permanently get rid of tobacco and all other addictions, but also activates concurrent elimination of all morbidity due to associated diseases giving an experience of total rejuvenation and positive wellness comprising “body-mind-spirit.” Dr. Tuli wishes all qualified doctors to rise above the limitations of their specialities and enhance their skills to offer Holistic Medicare to their patients and restore old glory of the medical profession.

Patient Success Stories

“I thank GOD first, and then Dr Poonam & Dr Ravi Tuli for their treatment in helping my husband, a Senior Surgeon himself, quit heavy smoking and binge drinking. He has, also, improved his health, and restored equanimity and energy.”
 Dr Ashima Vikram, Gynaecologist
“I brought my husband to Dr Tuli as he indulged in heavy smoking, and ‘morbid alcoholism’ when all treatments, including long stays at different rehabilitation clinics failed to help him. At the end of two months out-door drug-free treatment, he has not only overcome his addiction to alcohol, but he has become a very healthy, sane and confident person. His liver function tests are now normal. ”
 Alia Shaurique
“After the very first session of laser therapy and counseling by Dr Tuli, I didn’t have any desire to take Gutka! Now, after one week of this therapy, I thank God that I’ve been able to leave the habit of taking 15-20 packets of this poison every day for the last 24 years.”
 Latish Malhotra
“I used to smoke 40-50 cigarettes a day, but after taking this simple holistic therapy by Dr. Tuli, I am 100% smoke free, calm and confident.”
 Deen Dayal Goyal
“I used to smoke 25 cigarettes a day for last 35 years. After 2 sessions of therapy by Dr Tuli, my body does not crave for smoke. But due to old habit, if I ever light a cigarette, I feel horrible after 2-3 puffs!”
 Sudarshan Sharma


(The author is former Chief Consultant Holistic Medicine, Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals & Indian Air Force, and Founder, Society For Holistic Advancement of Medicine, “SOHAM”) 

25Nov, 2019
Harmonising Man with the Universe

Meeting Dr. [Prof] R. K. Tuli at his New Friends Colony Clinic “SOHAM” was an uplifting experience that filled the Double Helical Team with positive vibes and immensely feel-good factor. During our hours-long conversation, Dr. Tuli elaborated on the complementary benefits of Holistic MediCare which by harmonizing our inherent natural life-force helps to impart health, eliminate sickness and restore total wellness. Thereby, it minimises dependence on external medication and surgical interventions

“President Ram Nath Kovind believes that the use of both modern and
traditional system of medicine is gaining acceptance abroad”

The whole is greater than its part”, goes the golden saying underlying the significance of seeing life in its totality, as the sum total of all the choices or decisions that we make; the positive and negative attributes, energies and thoughts that we possess. This innate wisdom lies at the core of the clinical concept of Holistic Medicine spearheaded by Dr. [Prof] Ravinder K. Tuli, the founder of Society for Holistic Advancement of Medicine “SOHAM”.

The advent of antibiotics and vaccinations in the middle of the last century led to dramatic conquest over prevalent infectious diseases, followed by emergence of analgesics for quick relief from pain. It established the supremacy of modern medicine over the traditional systems of health as a quick and effective cure.


“SOHAM”, the brain child of Dr.Tuli is dedicated to optimum integration of best of modern medicine with drug-free modalities of all the officially recognised traditional or the alternate systems of health. Holistic Medicine, as practiced by this doctor with a difference, blends Western, Indian and Chinese philosophies for a synergy of all the systems and specialities of medicine to bring out their best to add ‘life to the years’ and impart ‘quality-to-life’ of each individual.
According to Dr. Tuli, the advent of antibiotics and vaccinations in the middle of the last century led to dramatic conquest over prevalent infectious diseases, followed by emergence of analgesics for quick relief from pain. It established supremacy of modern medicine over the traditional systems of health, which had taken care of the humanity over a millennium, as a quick and effective cure. This followed by developments in diagnostics, emergency care, rapid advances in surgery followed by introduction of robotics and telemedicine, etc., helped tremendous development in tertiary health care with world class institutions coming up in our country.

But, the germs kept on mutating in recent decades to challenge the currently available antibiotics, while the R & D has not been able to cope up with the emerging viruses. Also, the pattern of sickness has undergone drastic changes in the form of lifestyle disorders with an increasing hiatus in the management of psychosomatic disorders, immune disturbances, metabolic, hormonal, degenerative, and malignant diseases, etc. Our country has acquired the status of capital of several diseases in the world. The morbidity due to common diseases has gone up nearly three times in last four decades.

“Recent loss of eminent political leaders Smt. Sushma Swaraj and Mr. Arun Jaitley in their sixties despite getting the best of medical care that anyone could avail in the world is an example of ‘chinks-in-the-armour’ of high-tech current medical care. Bharat Ratna Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji had undergone replacement of his knee joints, but despite a successful surgery he was never able to walk properly as he remained bed-ridden in following years, and had to suffer with progressive morbidity for over a decade till his passing away.

The PMJAY or the Ayushman Bharat scheme has been initiated by our popular Prime Minister to prevent people from falling into the poverty ditch due to expense on healthcare. But, the rupees 5-lakh annual undertaking by the government to each poor family for tertiary medical care shall only provide temporary succor, as it can never improve health of the people.

This highlights limitations of best of the currently available medical support. It is not possible to cure most of the common diseases, or bring out the best in a human being by modern medicine alone. The fact is that even after a successful surgery the patient has to heal his own wounds to be able to return home; and antibiotics will work only if the patient’s own immune system is robust enough. The drugs and equipment used for life-support in intensive care help only till our own life-force or the ‘prana’ responds; they cannot provide us with the life-force needed for healing, recover from sickness or restore health,” Dr Tuli observes.

At “SOHAM”, an individual is treated as a whole, i.e., as the ‘microcosm’ of the universal ‘macrocosm’ to harmonise the human individual with his universal whole to restore the ‘milieu interior’ of the person that triggers inherent natural healing, i.e., replacing the old with the new. This phenomenon to boost the host factors is best facilitated by an optimum synergy of all the drug-free modalities of various officially recognised traditional or the alternate systems of health. It, further, complements highest in medical care to overcome ailments beyond the realm of the best of any one system of medicine rendered individually. This approach brings together the strengths of all the systems and balances the weaknesses inherent in different systems of healthcare for the best benefit of each patient. This wholesome approach to health is termed Holistic Medicine.

Modern medicine is inevitable in emergency situations, and it’s essential for life-saving. It offers good results in symptom control in quick time. But, its long term use in management of chronic diseases builds up a pile of side-effects and cumulative toxicity building up to prolonged morbidity and eventual mortality.

Albert Einstein had stated, “I fear the day when technology will surpass human endeavours.” Sadly, modern-day practice of medicine has reduced human being to a machine as there is a specialist for every part of the body. But, according to Charaka Samhita human being is not merely a body or its parts, but it’s an inseparable complex of the Body, the Mind, the Senses, and a Soul at its core. The human soul or consciousness with its inbuilt infinite natural intelligence is the factor of life; while the mind regulates the body without our knowing as it co-ordinates the beatings of heart, functions of the lungs, kidneys, liver and all the different organ systems for our survival.

In allopathic practice of medicine the practitioners all the time seek external interventions for every need of the patient. The clinical diagnosis has been replaced by excessive reliance on mechanical diagnostics. The practice of bed-side medicine has become so rare that the use of stethoscope has become very limited, and value of the human touch almost defunct these days” rues Dr Tuli.

Says Dr. Tuli, “Modern medicine is inevitable in emergency situations, and it’s essential for life-saving. It offers good results in symptom control in quick time. But, its long term use in management of chronic diseases builds up a pile of side-effects and cumulative toxicity contributing to progressive morbidity in each patient. This practice defeats the basic tenets of Hippocrates, in whose name we take the oath as we become doctors. He had desired “Primum Non-Nocere”, that is, First Do No Harm. There is no medical support where we can promise this. We do not seriously follow another of Hippocrates’ dictum, “Let Thy Food Be Thy Medicine”, whereby he meant that let the food and lifestyle take care of people’s health. Most of the modern ailments like anxiety, depression, insomnia, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, immune disturbances, psychosomatic disorders, cancer, and even trauma are attributable to wrong lifestyle. All doctors should also be familiar with the Hippocrates’ observation, “Our life-force is the greatest factor in our getting well.” Therefore, we must take care of our ‘life-force’. It involves disciplined life-style including regular hours of adequate sleep, practice of yoga and exercise to maintain the harmony needed to stay healthy. The system of acupuncture, traditionally known to restore any disturbance in the ‘life-force’, has established scientific credibility with its endorsement by W.H.O. for the cure of a large number of diseases.”

The wellness of human being is dependent on its harmony with the universe as each living being is an extension of the natural cosmic energy with its infinite inbuilt natural intelligence. We must develop this harmony with the nature to enjoy health.


A 1964 batch alumnus of the prestigious Armed Forces Medical College, Pune, Dr. R. K. Tuli was awarded the President’s Commission into Army Medical Corps and seconded to Indian Air Force. He was adjudged the Best-All-Round Medical Officer at the Army Medical Corps Centre and School. He received post-graduate training in Aviation Medicine at Institute of Aerospace Medicine; Sports Medicine at National Institute of Sports; and Internal Medicine at Army Hospital (R&R). He had a distinguished career in IAF before seeking premature retirement in the year 1981.

“I served in the Indian Air Force where it was my responsibility to keep the pilots fit for flying the high performance aircraft. As the engineer ensures proper working of the machine, the pilot manning the machine is looked after by an aviation medicine doctor specially trained in this job. The pilot’s peak endurance is essential to ensure that he flies the sophisticated machine to its optimum to destroy the enemy and return home safe. Now, if he depends on any medicine, he is not allowed to fly as the side-effects of medicine are unpredictable. Later, as I specialised in Sports Medicine to be Medical Adviser to Air Force Sports Control Board and Indian Hockey Federation, my job was to help sports persons to maintain their peak, bring glory to the nation, and win Arjuna Awards, etc. for themselves. My job was to keep the sports persons free of any medicines to win their medals; else they’d be penalized for DOPE. Further, my thesis “A five year retrospective study of ST-T wave changes in the ECG of asymptomatic aircrew” for M.D. (Medicine) during 1977-79 at Army Hospital R&R confirmed that Coronary Artery Disease was reversible by effecting lifestyle changes. All this developed my faith in superiority of non-pharmaceutical support over medications to bring out the best in a human being,” recounts the doctor.

Ultimately, even after a successful surgery, the patient has to heal his own wounds to be able to return home; and antibiotics work only if the patient’s own immune system is robust enough. The drugs and equipment used for life-support in intensive care help only for a limited period till our own life-force or the ‘prana’ responds.

His passion for drug-free management of health led him to visit various leading institutions in China to acquire a high level of proficiency in the system of acupuncture. He explains that ‘bhedan-kriya’ has been an integral part of traditional ayurveda, but the ancient Chinese royalty patronized it to its modern stature. His faith in acupuncture developed when he found it repeatedly to be more efficient than even parenteral drugs in tackling many medical emergencies. His personal experience was boosted with the publication of World Health Organisation (W.H.O.) document in year 1982 endorsing the use of acupuncture in most of the chronic diseases. He mastered this technique to adopt it into his medical practice, later blending the application of other drug-free modalities of yoga, panchakarma, and psycho-hypnotherapy, etc., to offer harmless complete solution to each patient suffering from varied and multiple diseases. His clinic “SOHAM” pronounces “Sarve Santu Niramaya” to be its motto with promise to “Eliminate All Sickness and Restore Positive Health & Total Wellness encompassing ‘Body-Mind-Spirit’, as far as possible, without the use of any medical interventions.

Significantly, Dr.Tuli was invited to establish the world’s first-ever Department of Holistic Medicine at the state-of-the-art multispecialty tertiary care Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi in year 1996 as its Chairman Dr. Prathap C. Reddy envisioned it to be “the medicine of 21st century”. The need for this all-inclusive approach is evoking interest globally. It offers the best in healthcare by blending the evidence based ‘science’ of modern Western medicine with the time honoured ‘art’ of Indian as well as Chinese wisdom. It’s a board certified speciality in the U.S. and being recognised in more and more countries.

The W.H.O. defines health as not merely an absence of disease or infirmity, but a state of positive physical, mental and social well-being. In year 1986, the World Health Assembly recommended ‘spiritual’ aspect being included as the fourth dimension of health. Unfortunately, the same has not been included in the definition of health, till today, due to lack of its understanding by the modern scientific temperament. We must appreciate, “As a human being our wellness is dependent on our harmony with the universe, as each living being is an extension of the cosmic energy with its infinite natural intelligence. You can’t remain healthy if you don’t keep a balance with the nature,” quips Dr Tuli.

“Modern medicine merely treats the symptoms – like the tip of an iceberg – and hardly ever cares to get to the root cause of the disease. If you have pain, high blood pressure or raised blood sugar, you pop up a pill and at best the symptom is down for a few hours. But, the disease persists for ever and keeps on growing in the body involving even other organs and progressively growing morbidity. Conversely, clinical application of holistic medicine is shown to break the iceberg underneath, i.e., reverse the process of disease, initiate inherent natural healing, eliminate the disease from its very root, and promote positive health as well as sustainable wellness. At the primary level its application helps to promote health and prevent sickness; whereas at secondary and tertiary levels it efficiently complements all the systems and specialities of medicine to improve the final outcome of every sickness, cure a vast number of conventionally incurable diseases, and add to quality of life of each individual,” Dr Tuli adds.

The failure of the WHO-UNICEF project “Health For All By 2000 A.D.” taught a lesson that health cannot be achieved by healthcare delivery system relying exclusively on the modern or allopathic system of medicine.

Dr Tuli highlights that since independence, there has been a steady improvement in vital health indices and simultaneous development of a robust world class secondary and tertiary healthcare system in our country. But, we have not paid requisite attention to primary, preventive and promotive care. As a result, there is a galloping increase in the incidence of many diseases, especially those attributable to lifestyle disorders.

“India got freedom in 1947 and China that was a much poorer and backward nation than ours at that time gained independence in 1949. Immediately after taking over, Chairman Mao-Tse-Tung initiated the programme of ‘barefoot doctors’ whereby rural workers like teachers, watchmen, and postmen, etc. were trained into short-term courses imparting knowledge about the methodology of ethnic Chinese medicine including acupuncture. This initiative at primary care led to a sound state of healthcare in China leading it to become a world power much ahead of us. We too need to promote primary health care in our country incorporating traditional knowledge and practices of our people.”

Due to inadequate facilities and overcrowding at public institutions, and unaffordability of medical care in private hospitals, a vast majority of people recede further into the widening pit of poverty. The WHO statistics reveal that around 100 million people all over the world fall below poverty line every year because of out-of-pocket medical expenses; out of which 40 million belong to our country. The PMJAY or the Ayushman Bharat scheme has been initiated by the Prime Minister to prevent people from falling into this poverty ditch due to expense on healthcare. But, the rupees 5-lakh annual undertaking by the government to each poor family for tertiary care shall only provide temporary succor, as it cannot restore true health of the people. The well known fact that primary drug-free care which is the key to achieving health, from which emerge all the assets of life, should have been given higher priority” opines Dr Tuli.



Holistic approach to health enables healthcare to be far more easily accessible, acceptable, harmless, efficient and highly cost effective. It’s, also, found to be highly predictable, reproducible and sustainable – thus qualifying it to be scientific too. The failure of the WHO-UNICEF project “Health For All By 2000 A.D.” taught a lesson that health cannot be achieved by healthcare delivery system relying exclusively on the modern or allopathic system of medicine. Dr Tuli cites the example of Sri Aurobindo who stated, “Only after renouncing the aid of medicines, I found a curative force within myself”. The practice of holistic medicine channelizes this life-force to keep a person in good health. It derives its inspiration from our ancient texts like Maharishi Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga that ordains human being to subscribe to a lifestyle comprising inherent practice of yama, niyama, asanas, pranayam, pratihara, dhyana, dharana, and samadhi (abstaining from evil, discipline, physical exercise, awareness of breath, control of senses, focus to the purpose, and visualisation leading to a state of bliss).

Every doctor, irrespective of system or speciality, should endeavour to enhance skills beyond any boundaries to be able to provide the best care to each of the patients.

Dr. Tuli draws our attention to a Vedic concept that our posture is as critical as our food. “There are seven major chakras or subtle energy transforming vortices arranged along the spine. When our posture is upright, the chakras remain aligned and the life-force flows harmoniously necessary for health and happiness. But, when our posture is wrong, the chakras get out of harmony with each other and health problems begin.” Life is all the time trying to replicate itself, as evident by ever-going replacement of old body cells with the fresh and healthy. We have to consciously support this process all the time and avail natural ways of treatment by qualified and experienced doctors who guide to lead a healthy life, and in sickness help to natural elimination of diseases for positive health and total wellness.


Significance of holistic medicine

Holistic medicine is an overall philosophy that considers the whole body of a person, physically, psychologically, socially and spiritually, in order to prevent diseases and to find optimal health. People can achieve optimal health by gaining proper balance in life.

The ideology behind holistic health is that the human body is made up of interdependent parts. If one part of the body is not working correctly, the whole body will not work correctly. Overall, this means if people have imbalances in their lives whether it is physical, emotional or spiritual, the imbalance can harm the overall health.

Holistic doctors use various forms of health care such as conventional medicine with a focus on promoting natural healing. Holistic medicine treats symptoms as well as looks for underlying causes of the symptoms. If a person has consistent headaches and migraines, a holistic physician will not just prescribe sleeping medication. They will look at other factors such as diet, sleep habits, stress and other potential root causes in order to improve their patient’s quality of life. Although holistic doctors will prescribe medicine when deemed necessary, with a high focus on lifestyle modifications, patients that work with doctors who follow this philosophy will see better long-term results and in the case of consistent headaches or migraines, see lower incidences in their future.

Holistic medicine is beneficial for long-term health because it will not only help an existing problem but will help prevent other problems down the line. Treatments in holistic medicine are designed to improve the body overall with a focus on health. Treatments include enhancing the mind’s capacity to affect bodily functions and symptoms, through uses of substances such as antioxidant rich foods and vitamins to enhance healing and prevent future illnesses. Instead of healing one factor of the body, holistic medicine heals the body as a whole to improve an illness and life as a whole.


Dr. Tuli sums up his meaningful observations thus, “It is accepted universally that health can’t be achieved by services based exclusively on allopathic medicine. Even though it can be lifesaving in acute emergency and quick in symptom relief, it makes the people poorer and damages their health in the long run. The priority of medical services should be on promotion of health, prevention of sickness, early detection of disease and its efficient harmless cure.” He adds, “It’s best achieved by optimum integration of modern medicine with complementary drug-free modalities of all the officially recognised AYUSH systems of yoga & naturopathy, ayurvedic principles & panchakarma, including the system of acupuncture and psycho-hypnotherapy. Every doctor, irrespective of their system or speciality, should endeavour to enhance skills beyond any boundaries to be able to provide the best care to each of the patients.”

It is accepted universally that health can’t be achieved by healthcare services based exclusively on allopathic medicine. Even though it can be lifesaving in acute emergency and quick in symptom relief, it makes the people poorer and damages their health in the long run. The priority of medical services should be on promotion of health, prevention of sickness, early detection of disease and its efficient cure.

“The major part of the country’s expenditure on health is utilised for tertiary health care. It’s even at the expense of accessible primary, preventive & promotive care which has been put on the back-burner, while vigorous action has been initiated to open 15 more AIIMS and a medical college in every district. We should realise that even in the countries that spend a whopping amount on healthcare, their citizens do not enjoy positive health. The USA spends 16 per cent of its GDP on health, but no one in that country is satisfied with the available services. So, we’d better not follow that pattern and instead tap into our own ancient heritage to indigenise and embrace all inclusive health care system termed Holistic Medicare which enables accessible, acceptable, affordable, harmless, cost-beneficial, predictable, efficient, reproducible and sustainable health with least medical and surgical inventions” he emphasises. It is also the sure way to restore old glory of the medical profession.



Shri FAKHRUDDIN ALI AHMED (s/o & d-i-l/o), Former President of India
Shri. I. K. GUJRAL (w/o), Former Prime Minister of India.
Shri Chandrashekhar, Former Prime Minister of India.
Air Chief Marshal O.P. MEHRA, Former Governor, Ambassador & Chief of Air Staff IAF
Shri. BALRAM JHAKAR, Fmr. Governor M.P., Speaker Lok Sabha & Union Minister GOI
Smt. MARGARET ALVA, Fmr. Governor Uttarakhand & Rajasthan, Fmr. Union Minister GOI
Shri MUKUT METHI M.P., Fmr. Governor Puducherry & C. M. Arunachal Pradesh
Shri J. S. VERMA (w/o), Fmr. Chief Justice of India & CM National Human Rights Commission
Shri P. K. DAVE, IAS (Retd.), Former Lieutenant Governor of Delhi
Mr. VASANT SATHE, Former Union Minister, Govt. of India & Gen. Secy. AICC
Shri GHULAM NABI AZAD, Fmr. Union Health Minister, GOI & Fmr. Chief Minister of J&K
Shri JAGDISH TYTLER (w/o), Former Union Minister, Govt. of India
Smt. SHIELA KAUL, Former Union Minister, Govt. of India
Shri T. R. BALU, M.P. & Former Union Minister Govt. Of India
Late Shri RAJESH PILOT (w/o), Former Union Minister Govt. of India
Colonel RAM SINGH, Former Union Minister Govt. of India
Shri VINOD KHANNA M.P., Former Union Minister, Govt. of India
Mrs. & Mr. LALIT MANSINGH IFS (Retd.), Fmr. Foreign Secretary, GOI & Ambassador to USA
Justice PRAKASH NARAIN, Former Chief Justice, Delhi High Court
Dr. SITA RAM JINDAL, Chairman Jindal Aluminium, Industrialist, Philanthropist & Naturopath
Shri NAVIN JINDAL, M.P., Industrialist & Sportsman
Mrs. & Mr. D. P. SINGHAL IPS (Retd.), Former M.P. & Director General Police, U. P.
Mr. VINOD LAL IAS (Retd.) (w/o), Fmr. Secretary Civil Aviation, Govt. of India
Air Chief Marshal S. K. KAUL (d/o), Former Chief of Air Staff, Indian Air Force
Air Chief Marshal S. P. TYAGI, Former Chief of Air Staff, Indian Air Force
Mr. MIHIR SHAH, Former Member of Planning Commission of India
Mrs. & Dr. DALBIR SINGH, Fmr. Chairman & Managing Director, Central & Oriental Bank of India
Air Marshal C. K. RAJE, Fmr. Vice Chief of Air Staff, IAF & D.G. Civil Aviation, Govt. of India
Air Marshal AJIT BHAVNANI, Former Vice Chief of Staff, Indian Air Force
Lieut. General (& w/o) HARISH C. DUTTA, Fmr. Commander Central Command, Indian Army
Vice Admiral KAILASH KOHLI (w/o), Former Vice Chief of Staff, Indian Navy
Lieut. General VELU NAIR (w/o & d/o) Fmr. DG Medical Services (Army) & Dean AFMC, Pune
Lieut. General (f/o) A. K. BAKSHI, Fmr. Military Secretary to President of India & GOC Corps
Dr. KUSUM SAHGAL, Fmr. Principal, Director & Professor Lady Harding Medical College, Delhi
Prof. (Dr.) A. K. GUPTA, Fmr Dean Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi & Ophthalmic Adviser WHO
Dr. KAVITA SAMA (w/o) Dr. S.K. SAMA, Chairman Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi
Air Vice Marshal (Medical) K. N. Ghosh, Fmr. Principal Medical Officer WAC, Indian Air Force
Air Vice Marshal (Medical) R. K. Ganjoo (w/o) Fmr. Commandant, Air Force Hospital, Bangalore
ARJUNA AWARDEES: Chhaya Adak, Rishi Narain, Dhanraj Pillai, Dilip Tirkey, Jugraj Singh, etc.

INTERNATIONAL CRICKETERS: Visiting West Indies & Pakistan Cricket Teams
Allwyn Kallicharan (West Indies), Manoj Prabhakar, Nikhil Chopra, Murali Karthik, Rahul Sanghvi
AMBASSADORS / HIGH COMMISSIONERS / DIPLOMATS: Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Ghana, Hungry, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, Sweden, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, etc.


(Based on a conversation with Amresh K. Tiwary and Vishal Duggal)


26Oct, 2019

BREAKING NEWS: The Director General of Armed Forces Medical Services (DG AFMS) has sanctioned a ‘Pilot Project’ by Army Hospital Research & Referral (AHRR) in collaboration with Society For Holistic Advancement Of Medicine “SOHAM”, in keeping with its motto “SARVE SANTU NIRAMAYA”, for individuals suffering from Respiratory Disorders like Bronchial Asthma, Uncontrolled Diabetes with complications, and Failed Backache. The project is free-of-cost for all the serving or retired beneficiaries of the three services purely on voluntary basis. The willing personnel may register online at www.holistic-medicare-net.

BACKGROUND: The medical services in the armed forces, since its inception, have been based on the allopathic or the system of modern medicine. Of late, there has been a growing global awareness that in spite of all its advantages and tremendous developments, modern medicine is not able to fully keep up with the changing pattern of sickness in the form of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and mutating germs. It has led to growing morbidity and increase in cost of health care. Therefore, the Government of India has formulated the national health policy to integration of conventional medical services with the traditional AYUSH systems of health. But, due to hazards of drug-interactions it’s not advisable for two drug based systems to be prescribed simultaneously. The “SOHAM” has brought together  complementing of available medical services with drug-free, thus harmless, natural modalities of the recognised systems of health termed Holistic Medicine with tremendous benefits. It offers a promise to overcome inherent deficiencies in exclusive practice of allopathic medicine for more efficient cure of all diseases. Many serving and retired personnel have tremendously benefitted from this modality over the years by spending from their own pocket. To extend its benefits, initially a ‘Pilot Project’ on No-Cost basis to the AFMS & ECHS beneficiaries on purely voluntary basis has been initiated which may be availed by those who continue to suffer in spite of the best efforts so far. Any beneficiary can enroll directly, but preference shall be given to serving personnel and those referred by concerned specialists.

Ques. Why Holistic Medicine?

Ans.  It’s being increasingly recognised world over that it would never be possible to meet all the health expectations of the humanity with the exclusive allopathy based conventional model of healthcare. The World Health Organisation (W.H.O.) recommends and our National Health Policy has promulgated integration of all the recognised systems of medicine.

Therefore, the healthcare services in the country have to grow beyond inherent limitations of the so called evidence based modern technology. An ever increasing number of people wish to explore benefits of time honoured traditional, or alternate systems of health which are natural, drug-free, harmless, highly reproducible and sustainable, having helped the humanity and survived over thousands of years.  

The good news is that we, now, have very rich expertise available to complement the best of drug-based specialities of medicine with various non-conflicting but complementing drug-free modalities of recognised systems of health to ‘Eliminate all Sickness’ from its root cause and restore ‘Positive Health & Total WellnessBody, Mind & Spirit’ in all.

According to official statistics, in spite of all the technological advances and availability of world class medical care in our country over the last four decades, the incidence of all common diseases, whether Diabetes, Hypertension, Coronary Artery Disease, Cancers, Psychosomatic or  Autoimmune Disorders, Respiratory Diseases, and incurable Viral Infections, has increased three times.

Ques. What’s Holistic Medicine?

Ans. Holistic Medicine is the wholesome approach to Health where each individual is treated as a whole ‘Body, Mind & Spirit’ by a synergy of the evidence based ‘science’ of modern medicine with the highly complementary and reproducible time honoured ‘art’ of drug-free modalities of all the officially recognised traditional systems of health for Elimination of All Sickness and promote  Positive Health and Total Wellness.                                                                                             

Holistic Medicine = Modern + Traditional Medicine                                     (Traditional = Indian & Chinese)

[Conservative Medicine + Life-Style & Stress Management + Ashtanga Yoga + Acupuncture-Reflexology + Panchakarma-Detoxification + Counseling-Hypnotherapy- PLRT-NLP + Reiki-Pranic Healing-Chakra Balancing + Regenerative Medicine] 

Holistic Medicine Takes Care of the Human Being as a Whole ‘Body-Mind-Spirit’                                            &                       All the ailments of an individual concurrently

This all inclusive and integrative approach to health helps to extend the best of each system of medicine, at the same time overcome inherent deficiencies in the respective systems to offer a ‘synergy’ of all of them to ensure ‘Health For All’ at all ages of life and all stages of sickness. This latest speciality of medicine is called Holistic Medicine. 

Ques. What’s the benefit of Holistic Medicine?

Ans. This all inclusive and integrative approach to health helps to extend the best of each system of medicine, at the same time overcome inherent deficiencies in the respective systems to offer a ‘synergy’ of all of them to ensure ‘Health For All’ at all ages of life, and all stages of all sickness. Therefore, it’s high time that we adopt it into our health care and make our living years more happy and productive.


  1. It treats the human being as a whole, ‘Body, Mind & Spirit’. 
  2. It offers ‘synergy’ of drug-free, thus harmless, modalities of all the recognised systems of Health.
  3. It’s equally beneficial at all the levels of health, and at all ages.
  4. It helps to take care of all the ailments of an individual concurrently. 
  5. No drugs, No interventions, No Dope, No Iatrogenesis.
  6. It’s highly reproducible, universally beneficial, and cost & time efficient.
  7. It’s very simple and easily accessible; can be rendered anywhere & everywhere by skilled personnel.
  8. It optimizes healthcare by complementing existing infrastructure at no extra cost. 
  9. It tremendously enhances skills, leading to greater  professional satisfaction of the practitioners and would restore old glory of the medical profession. 

“Holistic MediCARE is an all inclusive integrated ‘synergy’ of natural, drug-free, harmless, but highly efficient and sustainable modalities of Western,

Indian, Chinese & New-Age systems of Medicine for care of all diseases and each human being as a whole, body-mind-spirit. Earlier the Better.”

CONCLUSION: Holistic approach to health matches up with our Vedic concept that health is the greatest wealth, and we need health whether to achieve personal, financial or spiritual growth, and even moksha. It’s guided by the ancient Charaka Samhita which states that life is the combination of the body, the senses, the mind and the ‘atma’; they cannot be separated from each other, from this integration ensues ‘ayush’.  It’s complemented by Hippocrates, the Father of modern medicine who stated, “The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest factor in getting well.”                            

RECOMMENDATION: A majority of health problems can be easily overcome by optimum integration of evidence based ‘science’ of modern allopathic medicine with the time honoured ‘art’ of complementary drug-free modalities of officially recognised traditional systems of health. We are grateful to the DG AFMS for this unique initiative in our country. Let’s all take full advantage for the benefit of our health, and set an example for rest of the country towards better health, happiness and productivity.


Dr. [Prof] R. K. Tuli is 1964 batch alumnus of prestigious Armed Forces Medical College, Pune, and an Army Medical Corps / Indian Air Force veteran. He is recognised as a global pioneer in promoting the clinical concept of Holistic Medicine over last three decades for which he has been conferred with several national, life-time achievement awards and international accolades. He established the world’s first-ever department of Holistic Medicine in year 1995 at country’s leading multispecialty tertiary care Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi. He’s been appointed Honorary Visiting Professor at Indira Gandhi Technological & Medical Sciences University to promote the cause of accessible, affordable, reproducible and sustainable health, beyond modern medicine, in remote areas of the country. His passion to give back to its roots has led to sanction of this project at AHRR by the Director General, Armed Forces Medical Services. 


Shri FAKHRUDDIN ALI AHMED (s/o & d-i-l/o),

Former President of India                                                          Shri. I. K. GUJRAL (w/o),

Former Prime Minister of India                       Shri Chandrashekhar, Former Prime Minister of India

Air Chief Marshal O.P. MEHRA, Former Governor, Ambassador & Chief of Air Staff IAF     

                              Shri. BALRAM JHAKAR, Fmr. Governor M.P., Speaker Lok Sabha & Union Minister GOI

Smt. MARGARET ALVA, Fmr. Governor Uttarakhand & Rajasthan, Fmr. Union Minister GOI

Shri MUKUT METHI M.P., Fmr. Governor Puducherry & C. M. Arunachal Pradesh                                             

Shri J. S. VERMA (w/o), Fmr. Chief Justice of India & CM National Human Rights Commission

Shri P. K. DAVE, IAS (Retd.), Former Lieutenant Governor of Delhi

Mr. VASANT SATHE, Former Union Minister, Govt. of India & Gen. Secy. AICC                                

Shri GHULAM NABI AZAD, Fmr. Union Health Minister, GOI & Fmr. Chief Minister of J&K

Shri JAGDISH TYTLER (w/o), Former Union Minister, Govt. of India

Smt. SHIELA KAUL, Former Union Minister, Govt. of India            

Shri T. R. BALU, M.P. & Former Union Minister Govt. Of India

Late Shri RAJESH PILOT (w/o), Former Union Minister Govt. of India

Colonel RAM SINGH, Former Union Minister Govt. of India                          

Shri VINOD KHANNA M.P., Former Union Minister, Govt. of India

Mr. & Mrs. LALIT MANSINGH IFS (Retd.), Fmr. Foreign Secretary, GOI & Ambassador to USA Justice

PRAKASH NARAIN, Former Chief Justice, Delhi High Court

Dr. SITA RAM JINDAL, Chairman Jindal Aluminium, Industrialist, Philanthropist & Naturopath                                  

Shri NAVIN JINDAL, M.P., Industrialist & Sportsman                                                                                                   

Mr. & Mrs. D. P. SINGHAL IPS (Retd.), Former M.P. & Director General Police, U. P.

Smt. MARGARET ALVA, Fmr. Governor Uttarakhand & Rajasthan, Fmr. Union Minister GOI

Shri MUKUT METHI M.P., Fmr. Governor Puducherry & C. M. Arunachal Pradesh                                             

Shri J. S. VERMA (w/o), Fmr. Chief Justice of India & CM National Human Rights Commission

Shri P. K. DAVE, IAS (Retd.), Former Lieutenant Governor of Delhi

Mr. VASANT SATHE, Former Union Minister, Govt. of India & Gen. Secy. AICC                                

Shri GHULAM NABI AZAD, Fmr. Union Health Minister, GOI & Fmr. Chief Minister of J&K

Shri JAGDISH TYTLER (w/o), Former Union Minister, Govt. of India

Smt. SHIELA KAUL, Former Union Minister, Govt. of India            

Shri T. R. BALU, M.P. & Former Union Minister Govt. Of India

Late Shri RAJESH PILOT (w/o), Former Union Minister Govt. of India Colonel RAM SINGH, Former Union Minister Govt. of India                           Shri VINOD KHANNA M.P., Former Union Minister, Govt. of India Mr. & Mrs. LALIT MANSINGH IFS (Retd.), Fmr. Foreign Secretary, GOI & Ambassador to USA Justice PRAKASH NARAIN, Former Chief Justice, Delhi High Court Dr. SITA RAM JINDAL, Chairman Jindal Aluminium, Industrialist, Philanthropist & Naturopath                                   Shri NAVIN JINDAL, M.P., Industrialist & Sportsman                                                                                                    Mr. & Mrs. D. P. SINGHAL IPS (Retd.), Former M.P. & Director General Police, U. P.

Mr. VINOD LAL IAS (Retd.) (w/o), Fmr. Secretary Civil Aviation, Govt. of India     

Air Chief Marshal S. K. KAUL (d/o), Former Chief of Air Staff, Indian Air Force    

Air Chief Marshal S. P. TYAGI, Former Chief of Air Staff, Indian Air Force  

Mr. MIHIR SHAH, Former Member of Planning Commission of India

Mrs. & Dr. DALBIR SINGH, Fmr. Chairman & Managing Director, Central & Oriental Bank of India

Air Marshal C. K. RAJE, Fmr. Vice Chief of Air Staff, IAF & D.G. Civil Aviation, Govt. of India                                                        

Air Marshal AJIT BHAVNANI, Former Vice Chief of Staff, Indian Air Force Lieut. General (& w/o) HARISH C. DUTTA,

Fmr. Commander Central Command, Indian Army Vice Admiral KAILASH KOHLI

(w/o), Former Vice Chief of Staff, Indian Navy         Lieut. General VELU NAIR

(w/o & d/o) Fmr. DG Medical Services (Army) & Dean AFMC, Pune

Lieut. General (f/o) A. K. BAKSHI,

Fmr. Military Secretary to President of India & GOC Corps Army Dr. KUSUM SAHGAL,

Fmr. Principal, Director & Professor Lady Harding Medical College, Delhi

Prof. (Dr.) A. K. GUPTA, Fmr Dean Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi & Ophthalmic Adviser WHO                     

Dr. KAVITA SAMA (w/o) Dr. S.K. SAMA, Chairman Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi

Air Vice Marshal (Medical) K. N. Ghosh,

Fmr. Principal Medical Officer WAC, Indian Air Force Air Vice Marshal (Medical) R. K. Ganjoo

(w/o) Fmr. Commandant, Air Force Hospital, Bangalore

ARJUNA AWARDEES: Chhaya Adak, Rishi Narain, Dhanraj Pillai, Dilip Tirkey, Jugraj Singh, etc. 

INTERNATIONAL CRICKETERS: Visiting West Indies & Pakistan Cricket Teams Allwyn Kallicharan (West Indies), Manoj Prabhakar, Nikhil Chopra, Murali Karthik, Rahul Sanghvi

AMBASSADORS / HIGH COMMISSIONERS / DIPLOMATS: Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Ghana, Hungry, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, Sweden, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, etc.


12May, 2019
Dr. R K Tuli on Holistic treatment of Asthma on Sahara Samay live

This program is dedicated for awareness of all that Br. ASTHMA, which is very harmful to health at all ages of life and incurable by medications, is easily reversible by regulating the ‘life-force’ of the individual with drug-free Holistic Medicine therapy comprising Acupuncture + Yoga + Counseling, etc. for sustainable CURE and improved Health in expert hands. ????????????

About “SOHAM” The Clinic for Holistic MediCARE & CURE

The all inclusive and integrative approach to health termed Holistic MediCare, available at the unique Dr. Tuli’s Clinic helps to extend the best of each system of medicine, at the same time overcome inherent deficiencies in the respective systems, to offer a ‘synergy’ of all of them to ensure ‘Health For All’ at all ages of life, and all stages of every sickness. This latest speciality of medicine is called Holistic Medicine. It’s a board certified specialty in the U.S. for nearly two decades, and is catching up very fast amongst all the developed nations. Therefore, it’s high time that we adopt it into our health care and make our living years happy and productive.

“SOHAM” The Clinic for Holistic MediCARE & CURE
D-959 New Friends Colony, New Delhi-110025
Tel. 91 11 2691 4787 / 981122 4787

8Feb, 2019
Dr.(Prof.) R K Tuli receiving National Award from Dr. C P Thakur, former Union Minister of Health for Excellence in Pioneering Holistic Medicine in India and highlighting its benefits for “AFFORDABLE HEALTH FOR ALL”

According to the Vedic saying, “Dharmartha Kama Mokshanan – Shariram Mulamuthamam”, whatever we wish to achieve in life, whether education, success, wealth, fame, or long life, we first need health. We further need health even to rejoice the attained wealth or success. Health can generate wealth, but all the wealth can’t bring back the lost health! Finally, health is not only core to individual accomplishment, but progress and prosperity of a nation.
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines Health as not merely absence of disease or infirmity, but a state of positive physical, mental and social well-being. Our Constitution promises health as state responsibility to every person in the country.
Since independence there has been a steady improvement in vital health indices and simultaneous development of a robust world class secondary and tertiary healthcare system in the country, enabling steady growth in medical tourism from neighbouring SAARC countries, Middle East and African nations. But we have lacked proportionate attention to primary, preventive and promotive care. As a result, there is a galloping increase in incidence and morbidity, especially attributable to lifestyle disorders, due to various diseases in the country. According to available statistics 4% of our population falls below poverty line annually due to out of pocket medical expenses by the sick.

The objective of healthcare delivery system should be acceptable, accessible and affordable health to all. It can be possible to deliver it to the last person only if the system is simple, skill based, and in which the people participate willingly. To achieve this, we need to seriously consider the following points:
The objective “Health for All” cannot be achieved by healthcare delivery system, as endorsed by successive commissions, relying exclusively on the modern or allopathic system of medicine.
Health is not achievable just with the power of money. The WHO-UNICEF programme “Health For All by 2000 AD” failed in its objective despite no financial limitations. The countries like USA who spend 16% of their GDP on health, compared to mere 1% in our country, have not been able to achieve the desired targets.
Health cannot be achieved without ‘spiritual’ dimension being included as fourth dimension to physical, mental and social needs of the people as recommended by World Health Assembly in 1986.
It has been universally agreed that to achieve health we have to adopt an all-inclusive and integrative holistic approach to enable positive physical, mental, social as well as spiritual well-being of each person, . This model of Holistic Medicine enables care of each individual as a whole ‘body-mind-spirit’ and thereby all the ailments of an individual concurrently, minimising dependence on medication and surgical interventions, thus significantly reducing load on available secondary and tertiary services.
Holistic Medicine is a recognised speciality in many countries, but in our country we’ve not even initiated this globally recognised issue.
As described above, Holistic Medicine integrates the ‘science’ of modern medicine with the ‘art’ of various drug-free modalities of the recognised AYUSH or the alternate or complementary systems of medicine including the traditional Chinese system of acupuncture.
It helps to improve the final outcome of every sickness, adding ‘life-to-years’ of each person, and even helping to totally cure a vast majority of conventionally incurable ailments.
Its results are highly predictable, reproducible and sustainable, thus qualifying it to be ‘scientific’. Besides, its practice is totally free of ‘iatrogenesis’ – fulfilling Hippocrates’ dictum “Primum Non-Nocere”, i.e., First Do No Harm.
It enables to make the health services easily accessible and affordable at the level of primary care, as well as complementary at the secondary and tertiary levels of health making it far more efficient and sustainable.
An early action needs to be initiated under the ‘SKILL INDIA’ programme to enlarge training of medical and paramedical workers in drug-free modalities of the alternate complementary systems of health at all levels of healthcare to extend its benefits to the last person.
Let’s extend the already available rich expertise of alternate complementary systems of medicine at the grassroots without wasting time to re-invent the wheel. At the same time we must encourage multicentric pilot projects at the primary, secondary as well as tertiary levels to establish their scientific credibility.
The author Dr. R K Tuli is Chief Consultant Holistic Medicine * “SOHAM” The Clinic for Holistic MediCARE & CURE, New Delhi

6Feb, 2019
Role of Holistic Medicine in treating Lifestyle Disorders

About “SOHAM” The Clinic for Holistic MediCARE & CURE

The all inclusive and integrative approach to health termed Holistic MediCare, available at the unique Dr. Tuli’s Clinic helps to extend the best of each system of medicine, at the same time overcome inherent deficiencies in the respective systems, to offer a ‘synergy’ of all of them to ensure ‘Health For All’ at all ages of life, and all stages of every sickness. This latest speciality of medicine is called Holistic Medicine. It’s a board certified specialty in the U.S. for nearly two decades, and is catching up very fast amongst all the developed nations. Therefore, it’s high time that we adopt it into our health care and make our living years happy and productive.

“SOHAM” The Clinic for Holistic MediCARE & CURE
D-959 New Friends Colony, New Delhi-110025
Tel. 91 11 2691 4787 / 981122 4787

22Jan, 2019
Treatment without medicine

About “SOHAM” The Clinic for Holistic MediCARE & CURE

The all inclusive and integrative approach to health termed Holistic MediCare, available at the unique Dr. Tuli’s Clinic helps to extend the best of each system of medicine, at the same time overcome inherent deficiencies in the respective systems, to offer a ‘synergy’ of all of them to ensure ‘Health For All’ at all ages of life, and all stages of every sickness. This latest speciality of medicine is called Holistic Medicine. It’s a board certified specialty in the U.S. for nearly two decades, and is catching up very fast amongst all the developed nations. Therefore, it’s high time that we adopt it into our health care and make our living years happy and productive.

“SOHAM” The Clinic for Holistic MediCARE & CURE
D-959 New Friends Colony, New Delhi-110025
Tel. 91 11 2691 4787 / 981122 4787

15Jan, 2019
Dr. R K Tuli apprise about how to quit smoking with Laser Accupuncture

About “SOHAM” The Clinic for Holistic MediCARE & CURE

The all inclusive and integrative approach to health termed Holistic MediCare, available at the unique Dr. Tuli’s Clinic helps to extend the best of each system of medicine, at the same time overcome inherent deficiencies in the respective systems, to offer a ‘synergy’ of all of them to ensure ‘Health For All’ at all ages of life, and all stages of every sickness. This latest speciality of medicine is called Holistic Medicine. It’s a board certified specialty in the U.S. for nearly two decades, and is catching up very fast amongst all the developed nations. Therefore, it’s high time that we adopt it into our health care and make our living years happy and productive.

“SOHAM” The Clinic for Holistic MediCARE & CURE
D-959 New Friends Colony, New Delhi-110025
Tel. 91 11 2691 4787 / 981122 4787

19Dec, 2018


  • This note is a MUST READ for all sports persons who wish to achieve their peak fast, recover from injuries or sickness in quick time, avoid de-conditioning and sustain their position for long at the highest level for maximum laurels.
  • It’s the unique story of rehabilitation of a former international player, in her own words, who had qualified to be a coach after retirement. But, successful drug-free CURE of Pain in her Wrists, Elbows, Shoulders, Knees and the Spine due to cumulative injuries with Holistic Medicine therapy enabled her to once again return to the active sport to do ‘Better-than-Ever-Before’.
  • In her come back, she performed much better than ever before and went on to add medals to her tally at Asian, Commonwealth and World Weight-Lifting Championships, received the coveted ARJUNA AWARD, and got a lucrative job transforming her life. Her appetite for more led her to pick up the sport of Pistol Shooting at an age when others had already retired. She added several more medals to her bag of glory.
  • She continues to serve the cause of Sports at national level in many capacities. Today, she is a National Coach in both the games, an international referee, and a member of ‘Khelo India’ talent search committee.
  • This story won’t have an equal in the whole world where a retired sportsperson, having become a qualified coach in a particular sport, returned to the game bringing greater glory than ever before; further take up to excel in another sport; and continue to serve the cause of sports promotion in the country as a ROLE MODEL.


“I had cumulative injuries, due to years of my sport of weight-lifting, causing Chronic PAIN in my Knees, Wrists, Elbows, Shoulders and the Spine. I had retired from my sport and had qualified to be a Coach from National Institute of Sports. As the best of physiotherapy and treatment by Sports Medicine specialists didn’t help me much, I was guided to Dr. R. K. Tuli. With drug-free Holistic Medicine therapy at his clinic “SOHAM”, I fully recovered from all my aches and pains, and I started feeling so much Healthy and Happy that I sought Dr. Tuli’s permission to resume active training. To my sheer delight I found that I was doing much better than ever before! I went
on to add many more medals to my tally at the Asian, Commonwealth and World Championships. All these achievements got me the prestigious ARJUNA AWARD from the Rashtrapati, and I had my fortune smiling to get the job of an Assistant Commandant in Central Industrial Security Force (CISF). I further took to the sport of Target Shooting and won national and international laurels in that too. After more than two and a half decades, I still feel Healthy & Young and serve as ‘Khelo India’ member. I wish all sports persons take Dr. Tuli’s help and bring glory to the nation with his unique therapy.”
“I also know the story of another Commonwealth Games bound Weightlifter Sivaramakrishnan who was carrying an incurable Elbow Injury with him and would have returned ‘retired hurt’. I escorted him to Dr. Tuli, and with his magical therapy over three days, just before departure of the team, enabled him full recovery and return with Three Silver Medals for India.

CHHAYA ADAK – Arjuna Awardee: Asian, Commonwealth & World Medallist; Fmr. Assistant Commandant CISF & Member ‘Khelo India‘.

Dr. (Prof). R. K. Tuli has been Medical Adviser to the Air Force Control Board, and Indian Hockey Federation in the past. He is on Executive of Indian Federation of Sports Medicine. He has contributed a Chapter on the ‘Role of Acupuncture’ in Sports in the Textbook of Sports Medicine.
He himself has been an International Mountaineer, and is credited to be the First Indian ever to scale the 23,700 feet Mount Menthosa in the Lahaul Spiti region in year 1973. Upon successful conquer of a 19,700 feet high Virgin Peak as Doctor-cum-Liaison Officer of the Nippon Alpine Club, Tokyo, the Japanese chose to name the peak Mt. Poonam, after the name of his then fiancée and now wife, for his immense contribution to success of the expedition.
He has been the Team Doctor to visiting Pakistan and West Indies Cricket teams in the past, and taken care of Indian teams visiting abroad on different occasions.
The beneficiaries of his therapy comprise well known cricketers including Murali Karthik, Rahul Sanghvi, Nikhil Chopra, versatile Manoj Prabhakar and all-time great from West Indies named Rohan Kanhai; Arjuna Awardee Golfer Rishi Narain and his wife Charu; Jugraj Singh, former Captain of Junior World Cup Hockey Championship and assistant coach of national hockey team; Arjuna Awardee and former captain of Indian Hockey Dilip Terkey, and many other famous national and international sports persons.
Dr. (Prof) R. K. Tuli is a1964 batch alumnus of the prestigious Armed Forces Medical College with post-graduate training in Sports, Aerospace & Internal Medicine. He is, also, an Arhatic Pranic Healer, Reiki Grand Master, Counselor-Hypnotherapist, as well as an expert in Therapeutic Yoga. With nearly five decades of experience he is globally recognised for pioneering the all-inclusive concept of Holistic Medicine:Holistic Medicine = Modern Medicine + Complementary Alternate Medicine (CAM): Conservative Medicine + Therapeutic Yoga + Panchakarma + Acupuncture – Laser Therapy + Hypnotherapy + Nutrition
Holistic Medicine* with an optimum synergy of all the officially recognised systems of health, helps to improve the performance of each sports person, prevents as well as enables quick recovery from any injury or sickness, avoid de-conditioning, maintain peak performance for extended years, and finally their efficient rehabilitation to remain role models for aspiring generation of girls and boys aiming to excel in sports to bring glory for the nation.


6Dec, 2018
International Fame Awards – 2018, GOA

“Another ‘feather-in-the-cap’ of “SOHAM” having established its credibility as the globally ‘Unique’ Centre of Holistic MediCARE & CURE, promising Eradication of All Sickness and Restoration of Positive Health & Total Wellness ‘Body-Mind-Spirit’. This ‘unique’ centre has a proven record of eradication of all sickness at any stage or any age, that too without the use of any medicines or medical interventions by initiating the inherent natural healing force of the individual. The hallmark of this therapy is that it’s highly predictable, reproducible, and sustainable – meaning the CURE is permanent and for ever as it helps to eliminate the very root cause of the disease. It add ‘quality-to-life’ of each individual, and all this at a fraction of the cost of conventional care.”

About “SOHAM” The Clinic for Holistic MediCARE & CURE

The all inclusive and integrative approach to health termed Holistic MediCare, available at the unique Dr. Tuli’s Clinic helps to extend the best of each system of medicine, at the same time overcome inherent deficiencies in the respective systems, to offer a ‘synergy’ of all of them to ensure ‘Health For All’ at all ages of life, and all stages of every sickness. This latest speciality of medicine is called Holistic Medicine. It’s a board certified specialty in the U.S. for nearly two decades, and is catching up very fast amongst all the developed nations. Therefore, it’s high time that we adopt it into our health care and make our living years happy and productive.

“SOHAM” The Clinic for Holistic MediCARE & CURE
D-959 New Friends Colony, New Delhi-110025
Tel. 91 11 2691 4787 / 981122 4787

21Nov, 2018
Doctor-patient relationship: Comment by Dr. R K Tuli

Talk by Padma Shri Dr. K K AGGARWAL, President HCFI, Fmr President Indian Medical Association and President Elect CMAAO

It’s surprising that the voice of the Conscience Keeper of over 10 lakh doctors in the country has been shared merely my 10.0K of them (only 1%) on such an important subject of Doctor – Patient relationship, with merely 175 giving a ????!
The messages I take home from this talk,  besides that the Doctor must establish good communication with the patients are :
1. Whatever the Doctor does should be for BENEFIT of the patient
2. Whatever the Doctor does should do no harm to the patient – in consonance with the Hippocrates dictum, “Primum Non-Nocere”. 
3. Prescribe minimum number of medicines
4. Body has its own capability to produce all necessary medicines. 
The above mentioned points summarise that “allopathic” (allo=external) medicines, which never come without a long list of side-effects, in the first place are never harmless. Therefore, they should not be prescribed to patients.
However, in critical situations where the advantages outweigh disadvantages they could be used as life-saving measure.
Now, what we need and MUST appreciate to understand, as You state, that the body has its own capability to produce needed medicines – as that happens spontaneously all the time to maintain our state of Health or our ‘milieu interior’. 
When this harmony of ‘milieu interior’ is disturbed, it leads to disfunction, disorder or disease.
So, our effort should be to maintain this ‘millieu interior’ – to prevent sickness, and enjoy health.
Now, no (allo) drug is developed, designed or marketed with this objective, nor can ever help us to achieve the objective of health.
Therefore, it highlights the need for us to find alternate means to restore the ‘millieu interior’ – and that means a drastic paradigm shift in our understanding and outlook – contrary to our teaching thus far!
It may be just like looking for alternate means in nature, viz.  sun, wind or water for our energy needs having created a havoc by the hydrocarbons to our very survival!
Similarly, the so called Alternate Systems of Medicine where no drugs are used, offer us an opportunity to maintain our ‘millieu interior’, or even help to restore when it’s disturbed manifesting as disease or sickness. It works very efficiently at all stages of Sickness.
It shall be my privilege to share this   “Pandora’s Box” of what’s termed Complementary Alternate Medicine (CAM) offering drug-free, natural and harmless modalities for restoration of the vital “millieu interior” for easily accessible, efficient, yet highly predictable, reproducible and sustainable model of health termed Holistic Medicine.
JAI HIND ????????????????????????
Comment by:

Dr. R K Tuli

About “SOHAM” The Clinic for Holistic MediCARE & CURE

The all inclusive and integrative approach to health termed Holistic MediCare, available at the unique Dr. Tuli’s Clinic helps to extend the best of each system of medicine, at the same time overcome inherent deficiencies in the respective systems, to offer a ‘synergy’ of all of them to ensure ‘Health For All’ at all ages of life, and all stages of every sickness. This latest speciality of medicine is called Holistic Medicine. It’s a board certified specialty in the U.S. for nearly two decades, and is catching up very fast amongst all the developed nations. Therefore, it’s high time that we adopt it into our health care and make our living years happy and productive.

“SOHAM” The Clinic for Holistic MediCARE & CURE
D-959 New Friends Colony, New Delhi-110025
Tel. 91 11 2691 4787 / 2692 4787 / 981122 4787

6Nov, 2018
Dr. (Prof) R K Tuli, as a Holistic Medicine Physician successfully helping various kinds of CANCER, has reasons to feel greater sense of achievement than even the Nobel Prize winner

New Delhi: Holistic Medicine practitioners in India have for long been telling and practising what this year’s recipients of Nobel for medicine have claimed as a new principle of cancer therapy.

Nobel recipients’ research has underlined that the immune system of cancer patients can be converted into most effective weapon to eliminate their deadly tumours.

Holistic medicine works exactly on the same principle but whenever its practitioners showcased their success stories and testimonials, they invariably invited jeers and ridicule. Their cancer cure testimonials would be dismissed as anecdotal.

Holistic Medicine practitioners think that the reason for which the Nobel for medicine has been awarded vindicate their claims. They think as good as got Nobel. Dr R.K.Tuli, a renowned Holistic medicine practitioner, has come out with his success stories in cancer treatments.

Talking to Medicare News, Dr Tuli, formerly at Indraprastha Apollo hospital and Indian Air Force, said that his Holistic Medicine Clinic Soham at New Friend’s Colony can boast of successfully treating many cancer patients. Dr Tuli, also a renowned Acupuncturist, further said, ‘ Our holistic medicine is drug free and a happy blending of Ayurveda’s Panchkarma, Yoga, Acupuncture, life style counselling, reflexology and hypnotism etc. The concoction unleashes the immune system that finally kills cancer tumours. We also effectively compliment modern medicine and undo its side effects.’

Sample his testimonials as follow.
The case of 42 years Pratap Singh, a farmer from district Muzaffarnagar, speaks a volume about the efficacy of holistic medicine in Soham.

Pratap says, ‘I was confirmed with the diagnosis of Cancer in my Mouth having spread to the glands in right half of my neck at the Safdarjang Hospital nearly seven years ago. I was advised radical surgery, involving removal of right half of the jaw bone and extensive dissection of the neck to remove affected lymph nodes, followed by radiation of the area and chemotherapy. I was mortified with the thought of going through all this. I decided it was better to die than undergo the torture. At this stage, I followed the advice of my brother-in-law who took me to Dr. R. K. Tuli at his “SOHAM” Clinic. After, three months of regular Holistic therapy, the Doctors at Safdarjang Hospital could not find radiological evidence of my disease.’

Mr. Satish Bhatia, a 70 years old business entrepreneur from Delhi states suffered from ADENOCARCINOMA Grade II of PROSTATE. Mr Bhatia says, ‘heeding the advice of my son who lives in California, USA, I consulted Dr. Tuli and felt fully convinced about his holistic healing ability and went through his sessions till Urologist declared me CANCER FREE and fully CURED! Successive follow-ups by doctors at the top NCR Delhi hospital over the last three years continue to endorse success of this therapy.

Read full Article

21Sep, 2018
Mission Total Wellness: Dr. R K Tuli

Mission Total Wellness

Pioneering the clinical efficacy of Holistic Medicine and highlighting the ‘Body-Mind-Soul’ approach to health, Dr (Prof.) Ravi K Tuli has achieved global fame in concurrently curing nearly all chronic and incurable diseases of each individual. He has established himself as a unique top-rated practitioner of Holistic Medicine today…
By Amresh kumar Tiwary

His current role as Chairman of the renowned “SOHAM” Holistic Medicare Centre has helped him to achieve his motto to “Eradicate All Sickness, Restore Positive Health and Total Wellness in each individual.
It’s recognized the world over that it would never be possible to meet all the health expectations of the humanity with the exclusive allopathy based conventional model of healthcare.

Dr (Prof.) Ravi K. Tuli, MBBS DHA DAc (Srilanka) CHt(USA) MAcF (China) MD PhD, Visiting Honorary Professor, Indira Gandhi Technological and Medical Sciences University and Formerly Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals & Indian Air Force, has dedicated to Positive Health and Total Wellness ‘Body-Mind-Spirit’ by optimum synergy of drug-free harmless modalities of recognized modern & traditional (Indian and Chinese) systems of health for cure of all conventionally incurable diseases.
In an exclusive interview with Double Helical, he says that all wise people think, talk and wish to adopt Holistic Medicare for their Health these days. Days of exclusive dependence on allopathic medicine are over! “Holistic MediCARE is an all-inclusive integrated ‘synergy’ of natural, drug-free, harmless, but highly efficient modalities of all the Western, Indian, Chinese & New-Age systems of Medicine for care of each human being as a whole, ‘Body-Mind-Spirit’. Its predictability, reproducibility and sustainability establish its scientific credibility”

Why Holistic Medicine?
Ans. It’s being increasingly recognized world over that it would never be possible to meet all the health expectations of the humanity with the exclusive allopath based conventional model of healthcare. The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) recommends and our National Health Policy has promulgated integration of all the recognized systems of medicine.
Therefore, the healthcare services in the country have to grow beyond inherent limitations of the so called evidence based modern technology. An ever increasing number of people wish to explore benefits of time honoured traditional, or alternate systems of health which are natural, drug-free, harmless, highly reproducible and sustanable having helped the humanity and survived over thousands of years.
The good news is that we, now, have very rich expertise available to complement the best of drug-based specialities of medicine with various non-conflicting drug-free modalities of recognised systems of health to ‘Eliminate all Sickness’ from its root cause and restore Positive Health and Total Wellness ‘Body, Mind & Spirit’ in each individual.

Q. What is Holistic Medicine?
Ans. Holistic Medicine is the wholesome approach to Health where each individual is treated as a whole ‘Body, Mind & Spirit’ by a synergy of the evidence based ‘science’ of modern medicine with the highly complementary and reproducible time honored ‘art’ of drug-free modalities of all the officially recognized traditional systems of health and promote Positive Health and Total Wellness.
This all inclusive and integrative approach to health helps to extend the best of each system of medicine, at the same time overcome inherent deficiencies in the respective systems to offer a ‘synergy’ of all of them to ensure ‘Health For All’ at all ages of life, and all stages of all sickness. This latest specialty of medicine is called Holistic Medicine.
It is a board certified specialty in the U.S. for nearly two decades, and is catching up very fast amongst the developed nations. Therefore, it’s high time that we adopt it into our health care and make our living years happier and more productive.
This approach to health matches up to our Vedic concept that health is the greatest wealth, and we need health whether to achieve personal, financial or spiritual growth, and even moksha. It’s guided by the ancient Charaka Samhita which states that life is a combination of the body, the senses, the mind and the ‘atma’; they cannot be separated from each other, from this Integration ensues ‘ayush’.

Inherent Deficiencies Of Allopathic Medicine

♦ It is not easily acceptable, neither easily accessible to majority of people in the country, resulting in delays in commencement of appropriate treatment, leading to complications.
♦ It treats the human being as a mere physical entity, with a specialist taking care of just a limited part of this body with ‘allo’, i.e., foreign pharma or surgical interventions..
♦ By the time a disease is detectable by modern diagnostics, it’s invariably too late to reverse its basic cause and effect true lasting cure. We become masters of disease with little indulgence in health, even at our personal level.
♦ By this system treats just the ‘tip-of-iceberg’ symptoms of the disease, with rarely being able to eliminate its underlying cause or restore positive health.
♦ Best of this reductionist support invariably leads to progressive deterioration in health, onset of various side-effects, increasing morbidity and finally an expensive mortality.
♦ It lacks care of mental, emotional and spiritual needs of the people.
♦ It does not address to the increasing incidence of diseases due to life-style and psychosomatic disorders.
♦ It does not offer an efficient remedy to reverse or control any kind of dependence or substance abuse, whether due to tobacco, alcohol, legal or illegal drugs.
♦ The allopathic system does not offer much to the increasing population of the elderly from diseases attributable to degeneration or aging.
♦ It, also, does not have any solutions on the horizon to changing pattern of communicable diseases, especially due to emerging viruses or immune disturbances.
♦ It’s based on high capital investment and expensive technology, making its cost beyond reach of most people. It’s estimated that nearly 100 million people worldwide and 4% of population in our country falls below poverty line annually due to its exorbitant costs.
♦ According to official statistics, in spite of all the technological advances and availability of world class medical care in our country over the last three decades, the incidence of all common diseases, whether Diabetes, Hypertension, Coronary Artery Disease, Cancers, Autoimmune Disorders, Respiratory Diseases or Psychosomatic Disorders has increased 3-4 times more in the last thirty years.

Holistic Medicine = Modern Medicine + Alternate Medicine (Alternate = Traditional Indian / Chinese+ NewAge Medicine) (Conservative Medicine + Life-Style & Stress Management + Ashtanga Yoga + Acupuncture-Reflexology + Panchakarma-Detoxification + Nutrition + Counseling-Hypnotherapy-PLRT-NLP +Reiki-Pranic Healing-Chakra Balancing + Regenerative Medicine).

“The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest factor in getting well”  . . . . Hippocrates

Holistic Medicare Facilitates This Very Force In Getting Well

This all inclusive and integrative approach to health helps to extend the best of each system of medicine, at the same time overcome inherent deficiencies in the respective systems to offer a ‘synergy’ of all of them to ensure ‘Health For All’ at all ages of life and all stages of sickness. This latest speciality of medicine is called Holistic Medicine.


1. It treats the human being as a whole, body, mind & soul.
2. It offers ‘synergy’ of drug-free modalities of all the recognised systems of Health.
3.It’s equally beneficial at all the levels of health, and at all ages.
4.It helps to take care of all the ailments of an individual concurrently.
5. No drugs, No interventions, No Dope, No Iatrogenesis.
6. it’s highly reproducible, universally beneficial, and cost & time efficient.
7. It’s very simple and easily accessible; can be rendered anywhere & everywhere.
8. It optimizes healthcare by complementing existing infrastructure at no extra cost. 9. It tremendously enhances skills, leading to greater professional satisfaction of the practitioners and would restore old glory of the medical profession.



“Holistic Medicare Enabled Modern Surgery”

Pratima Dayal, Ex. World Bank & Wife of Former. Union Health Secretary, Govt. of India.“I was persuaded to consult Dr. R. K. Tuli by a friend in Australia whose family had a rich experience of regaining health in diverse conventionally incurable ailments. I suffered from massive NASAL POLYPS obstructing my breathing. All the surgeons declared their removal to be a very high risk surgery, nor there was any assurance that they would not recur! I, also, suffered from bronchial asthma, sleep apnoea, hypertension, pain in knees, total lack of energy and resultant obesity.
Dr. Tuli assured me that his all integrative Holistic Medicine Therapy would help me to cure the underlying ‘allergy’ and as a result not only the polyps would shrink and become easily removable, but my bronchial asthma would get cured and my breathing, thereby the whole health would improve concurrently. True to his words my ‘allergy’ is now fully cured and I breathe freely. Also, my knee pains have disappeared, I feel energetic and relaxed, and my medication has reduced considerably! I am very satisfied to be able to do a lot of walking, exercise and yoga to take care of my health now. I can safely state that Dr. Tuli has the right prescription to eliminate any sickness and restore positive wellness in you”,

I Found A Better Doctor In India Than In U.k.

Margaret Tandau, wife of High Commissioner of TANZANIA  “My husband was posted to New Delhi at a time when OSTEOARTHRITISof my KNEES caused me immense PAIN. It was an ordeal to walk a few steps, even to visit the toilet. A famous surgeon in London prescribed me strong painkillers and called me three months later for Total Replacement of Both Knees. The pain-killers were hardly of any relief, but caused terrible stomach upset. Upon arrival here, a compassionate friend escorted me to Dr. Tuli’s Holistic MediCare Centre. What a miracle! I improved by the day, and my pain was gone before I could realize it. Within two months I was walking so well that I CANCELLED my appointment for surgery. Today, three years later, I recall what a divine blessing it was to be able to write this note with my good old original knees serving me loyally and without any discomfort. This doctor couple has pioneered the holistic medicine therapy far beyond the best that one can expect from modern technology. Having observed them over the period it’s revealing that the healing potential of the body is immense and with this doctor’s support it can enable cure of any ailment in a very short time.”


Dilshad Mustafa, Embassy of Iran, New Delhi  “The miserable pain in my left wrist only denigrated further over the previous eight months, in spite of various pain killers and all efforts including injections into the joint by four successive top orthopedic docs of Delhi. But, once with Dr. Tuli, I’ve fully recovered in just 20 treatments! That too without any drugs!! The greater miracle is that my 15 year’s of post-surgical restrictions in shoulder movements, muscle wasting and loss of sensation in right arm have disappeared concurrently. I am also relieved of nagging pains in knees, neck and low back; the headaches that were a part of me ever since I remember have vanished too. Such can be the wonder of Holistic Medicare.”

“Incurable Epilepsygot Curedwhen Drugs Didn’t Work”

Arati Aggarwal, Maharani Bagh, New Delhi “My son suffered from Epileptic Seizures with EEG abnormality since his age of 5-6 weeks after birth. When the treatment advised by top Neurologists in India did not show any benefit, we took him all over the world, including UK, France, Switzerland and USA, to consult world’s best epilepsy specialists and followed their advice and medications most diligently.  We did not spare any known Homeopath, Vaid or Hakim, and even Astrologer. Recurrent fits and years of medication had made him very weak and dull, his academic record was poor as he was very erratic with his schooling and studies. He was nearly 16 years old when we brought him to Dr. Tuli’s Holistic Medicare Clinic at the suggestion of a friend whose daughter had been fully cured for a neurological deficiency by Dr. Ravi Tuli. By god’s grace, a most amazing miracle was awaiting. Ever since we commenced his treatment here, he never got a seizure again! But, what I must share is that out of curiosity, and without the advice of any doctor, I took him for EEG just after first four weeks of this holistic medicine therapy. To our shocking delight it turned out to be normal for the first time in his life !!! However, according to Dr. Tuli’s advice we continued with anti-epileptic drugs under surveillance of his neurologist till he was fully tapered off all drugs three years ago. He has simultaneously picked up his physical, emotional and social health to be as good as any of his peers.”

  Holistic Medicare Enabled Joyful Life

Philippa Kaye, U. K,  “A car accident in Delhi caused INTOLERABLE BACK PAIN, which would not respond to any pain killers, tranquilizers, anti-depressants, nor the injections including those pushed into my spine. MRI’s, X-Rays, Blood Tests, etc. all showed nothing was wrong. I was in agony and couldn’t move, and had to cancel all my travel plans – Disaster! In retrospect, I thank God all this happened while I was still in Delhi. A well wisher brought me to Dr Tuli’s Medicare Centre “SOHAM”, where I got my life back. Seven sessions, and a mere nine days later, I was on a plane to Cannes sipping Champagne! Another three sessions with Dr. Tuli, after my return, I had regained the confidence to dance in high heels all night!! I’ve now just returned, after fully enjoying galloping on horse and camel back through Rajasthan, for additional boost to my Body, Mind & Soul, before I returned home!!!”.

Thankfully, I Listened To My Mother

Anita Kapoor, New York, USA  “Five years ago I suffered from an unexplained progressive body weakness, leading to periods of confinement to bed due to helpless debility. It was increasing in intensity and frequency, in spite of thorough medical tests and advised medication at leading hospitals in the U.S. It reached a state that I’d be paralyzed in bed off and on for periods up to a month. Doctors termed it Leucodystrophy of the brain, a? variant of MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (M.S.). During one of my visits home, my mother brought me to Dr. Tuli’sCenter for Holistic Medicine. I had just 15 days to be able to attend out of his advised course of 10 weeks therapy. But, what a miracle! Just those few treatments, complemented with valuable advice which I’ve incorporated in my life style, after more than a year I can today state that I am fully cured of a serious globally incurable ailment  which top doctors in the world could not even understand!! I’ve regained my total health and youthfulness.”

It Became Australia-England-Nepal-India Quadrangle

Sudha Kanel, Middlesex, U.K.  “My son Sarthak lived with my mother in Nepal after he was diagnosed to suffer from ‘CEREBRAL PALSY’ by doctors in England as at the age 4 years he could not sit up on his own, stand or walk, his IQ was very low and he could talk very few confusing words. According to them modern medicine anywhere in world did not offer any hope to this problem! But,my brother in Australia knew a similar child who had been successfully cured by doctor Tuli at New Delhi, and he advised me to go and see him. Today, after nearly six months of his drug free Holistic Medicine therapy, I am pleased to report that true MIRACLE has taken place! My child can now talk, walk smartly, dance beautifully, and has turned out to be one of the most clever and friendly children. Our whole family thanks Dr. Tuli for having been a God to us.” . . .


SONAM SARIN, CA 91304, USA “After a few years of wandering from Doctor to Doctor in the U.S. to find relief from my Chronic Fatigue, Body Aches, Loss of Libido and Dizziness-TINNITUS which had taken the smile out from my life, I came down to India in search of remedy to my problems. I was totally fed up with modern medicine. At Delhi’s Apollo Hospital, I was guided to Dr. R. K. Tuli at the Department of Holistic Medicine. Skeptically, but with little hope, I started treatment with him. To my amazement, and also to the relief of my family, I started to show signs of ENERGY and ENJOYMENT almost instantly. Smile has, once again, returned to my gloomy face and I am now returning home with all the vitality and happiness to pursue goals of my life. In the meantime I have found a ‘GURU’ in Dr. Ravi Tuli, who has taught me how to live life.”

V. V. I. P. Beneficiaries Of Holistic MediCare

Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed (S/O & D/O), Former President of India
I. K. Gujral (W/O), Former Prime Minister of India.
Shri chandra shekhar, Former Prime Minister of India.
Air Chief Marshal O.P. Mehra, Former Governor, Ambassador & Chief of Air Staff Iaf
Balram Jhakar, Former. Governor M.P., Speaker Loksabha & Union Minister, Govt of India
Margaret Alva, Former. Governor Uttarakhand & Rajasthan, Former. Union Minister, Govt of India
Mukut Methi M.P., Former. Governor Poducherry & C. M. Arunachal Pradesh
J. S. Verma (W/O), Former. Chief Justice of India & C.M National Human Rights Commission
P. K. Dave, IAS (Retd.), Former Lieutenant Governor of Delhi
Vasant Sathe, Former Union Minister, Govt. of India & Gen. Secy. Aicc
Ghulam Nabi Azad, Former. Union Health Minister, Goi & Former Chief Minister of J&K
Jagdish Tytler (W/O), Former Union Minister, Govt of India
Shiela Kaul, Former Union Minister, Govt of India
T. R. Balu, M.P. & Former Union Minister Govt. of India
Rajesh Pilot (W/O), Former Union Minister Govt of India
Colonel Ram Singh, Former Union Minister Govt of India
Vinod Khanna Cine Star, M.P., Former Union Minister, Govt of India
Lalit Mansingh IFS (Retd.), Former Foreign Secretary, Govt of India & Ambassador To Usa
Justice Prakash Narain, Former Chief Justice, Delhi High Court
Dr. Sita Ram Jindal, Chairman Jindal Aluminium, Industrialist, Philanthropist & Naturopath
Navin Jindal, M.P., Industrialist & Sportsman
D. P. Singhal Ips (Retd.), Former M.P. & Director General Police, U. P.
Mr. Vinod Lal Ias (Retd.) (W/O), Former. Secretary Civil Aviation, Govt. of India
Air Chief Marshal S. K. Kaul (D/O), Former Chief of Air Staff, Indian Air Force
Air Chief Marshal S. P. Tyagi, Former Chief of Air Staff, Indian Air Force
Mr. Mihir Shah, Former Member of Planning Commission of India
Mrs. & Dr. Dalbir Singh, Former. Chairman & Managing Director, Central Bank of India
Air Marshal C. K. Raje, Former. Vice Chief of Air Staff, IAF & D.G. Civil Aviation, Govt of India
Air Marshal Ajit Bhavnani, Former Vice Chief of Air Staff,
Lieut. General (& W/O) Harish C. Dutta, Former. Commander Central Command, Indian Army
Vice Admiral Kailash Kohli (W/O), Former Vice Chief of Naval Staff, Indian Navy
Lieut. General (F/O) A. K. Bakshi, Military Secretary To President of India
Dr. Kusum Sahgal, Former. Principal, Director & Professor Lady Harding Medical College, Delhi
Dr. Kavita Sama (W/O) Dr. S.K. Sama, Chairman Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi
Air Vice Marshal (Medical) K. N. Ghosh, Former. Principal Medical Officer Wac, Indian Air Force
Air Vice Marshal (Medical) R. K. Ganjoo (W/O) Former. Commandant, Air Force Hospital, Bangalore
Arjuna Awardees: Chhaya Adak, Rishi Narain, Dhanraj Pillai, Dilip Tirkey, M. P., Etc.
International Cricketers: Allwynkallicharan (West Indies), Manoj Prabhakar,
Nikhil Chopra, Muralikarthik, Rahul Sanghvi
Ambassadors / High Commissioners / Diplomats: Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Ghana,
Hungry, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, Sweden, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Etc.

Several Judges, Civil Servants, Doctors, Artists, Nris, Armed Forces, Paramilitary & Police Personnel, Industrialists, Journalists, Theatre & Film Personalities, Sports Persons, Celebrities, Etc.

Legacy of Healing


Beneficiary from Bannockburn, Victoria 3331, Australia, BILL SWEETLAND writes with deep satisfaction, “Oh What a Feeling! The return of Energy flowing in my Veins, once again!! What a relief to begin to feel energised again after a period of hopeless depression of twelve months: it had me gasping for health, movement and motivation. I have experienced the whole being impact of your Holistic Medicine therapy. It has helped me simultaneously overcome the debilitating suffering from old spinal, shoulder and knee injuries. Watching your miracle on me, my son who works as a Polo Coach in the U.S. and Argentina, also, came to benefit from your ‘Healing Touch’. I wish you have Clinics like “SOHAM” across continents to help people with your miracle healing to relieve incurable sufferings of people with such natural and efficient restoration of happiness.”


Beneficiary from Kew, 3101 Victoria, Australia,  “As a professional sportsman it was terrible to suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome comprising symptoms of perpetual tiredness, lack of focus, poor mental acuity, loss of libido, chondromalacia patellae, body stiffness, backache even on mild exertion, indigestion, flatulence-IBS. All the medications prescribed by doctors in Australia and USA proved futile. I arrived at the “SOHAM” Clinic on my father’s counsel. Although hesitant in the beginning, now at the end of prescribed course of therapy I can say that this holistic therapy has helped to restore my health & vitality considerably – so, too the words Dr. Tuli has spoken to me! I’ve gained an awareness I did not have before, an awareness of myself, of my environment, and the energy that surrounds us all. Through this period of time here I have commenced my journey into the ‘tapping’ of this infinite energy. I am on my way to where I wish to be going. Thanks, Dr. Tuli!


 Mr. Prakash C. Jhalani, in 80th year of his life has been an ardent practitioner of Vipassana Meditation for decades, and author of a book ‘MEDITATE ‘. He writes, “Observing dramatic improvement in the condition of my younger brother, I also decided to join Dr. Tuli’s Centre for Holistic MediCare for my symptoms of BENIGN PROSTATE HYPER TROPHY, persisting in spite of prescribed medical treatment. In addition I, also, suffered from TREMORS in my both arms due to Parkinson’s disease, Cervical & Lumbo-Sacral Spondylosis, and Uncontrolled Watering from Eyes, Hypertension, Chronic Bronchitis-DRY COUGH for over 20 years and DYSPEPSIA with poor state of health due to depletion of energy, etc. After undergoing spaced treatment at the “SOHAM” Clinic  without any medicines over the last six months, the symptoms due to Prostate are all gone, I feel more energetic and healthier, Dry Cough has been cured, Watering in the Eyes and Trembling of Hands has reduced substantially. Blood pressure is now under control without any medication.” He wishes, “The treatment done by Dr. Tuli is an exceptional service to the humanity and needs to go universal.”

 Mr. Yogesh Jhalani states, “I arrived at Dr. Tuli’s Clinic For HYPERTROPHY of my PROSTATE with doubtful Cancer due to raised PSA of 14.56 (Normal< 4.0); the Ultrasound revealed Rt. URTEROCELE. I had made up my mind to not to go to a hospital because of associated torment and limitations of medical care. In that situation Dr. Tuli’s words were reassuring that his therapy should help me to overcome the problem comprehensively; and at the same time even help to eliminate 8 years of medication for Hypertension. I like to share that I started improving in my health from day one, and realize as I look back 3-4 months, how it has helped me to eliminate all the symptoms of Prostate Enlargement, improve my all-round ‘quality of life’. As a bonus my Blood Pressure, as forecast by Dr. Tuli, remains normal without any medication. I feel happy to share that I certainly feel10 years younger in my body and mind today, than the day I commenced this therapy. I wish that many more qualified doctors adopt the procedures done by Dr. Tuli in the service of suffering humanity and raise their own esteem.”


Dr. Pervez Ali Ahmed, A world renowned Cardiologist, son of a former President of India, and founder of Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed Medical College in Assam, wishes to share, ‘’’I have known Ravi for five decades and have met him in various capacities. I’vve always heard of his exceptional work with Complementary Alternate Medicine. Now, I have experienced him at my personal level for my problem of ‘Post-Operative Urinary Incontinence, following my surgery for Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH)’. The work he is doing is commendable. The results are outstanding, though anecdotal are obvious objectively. He has the knowledge, dedication and ability to harness the ‘Universal Energy’ and utilize it for wholesome benefits to eradicate various sicknesses and restore health – that it helped me to overcome my other problems concurrently of ‘Low Backache-Severe Coccydynia + Sciatica due to Prolapsed Inter-Vertebral  Discs & L4 Radiculopathy; Arthralgia Lt Knee & Rt. Ankle; Seasonal Bronchitis, and CAD-Post PTCA, etc. I promise him all the support in his mission to promote Holistic Medicare.’


Dr. Anjum Ali Ahmed, “I am Dr. Anjum Ali Ahmed and I met Ravi 4 months ago when I was in a state of complete energy depletion, depression, and:  A. HYPERTENSION for 20 years not managed well with drugs as it fluctuated badly leaving me short of breath and dizzy;   B. CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIA for past 3years with irregular heart- beats leaving me quite non-functional and depressed;   C. NEURASTHENIA with Fatigue, Stress, Anxiety, Panic & Phobia of Elevator & Flights; D. JOINT PAINS & OSTEOPENIA due to Post-Polio Residual Paresis and series of corrective surgeries. My experience just after 30 sessions of spaced Holistic Medicine therapy has been more than amazing! Energy level has come back to me after many years, changing outlook to life. Hypertension – Arrhythmias are totally manageable; Joint Pains are gone, and the surprise is that I don’t need any medications any longer!! This is an amazing form of energy redistribution which heals, restores health and wellness. I’d like to see a big institution that Dr. Ravi Tuli can manage and teach the whole world in his form of drug-free, harmless, easily accessible, reproducible, sustainable, and highly efficient Holistic Medicine therapy.”


DEEPAK SANDHU, First Women Chief Information Commissioner, Govt. Of India.
 DEEPAK SANDHU has written, “I came to Dr. Tuli’s Clinic “SOHAM” when I was suffering from Acute (Very Acute) PAIN and total exhaustion, not responding to any medication, in all the joints and my whole body following an attack of CHIKUNGUNIYA a year ago. I was prescribed 10 sessions of drug-free Holistic Medicine therapy comprising relaxation, breathing, chanting, acupuncture & moxibustion, reflexolgy, laser and detox therapy, I am very glad to state that I am now 100% CURED, totally pain free, and bouncing with energy. A big Thank You to Dr. Tuli and the “SOHAM” team.”


SAHIBA SANDHU, San Francisco-CA, U.S.A. “I came to Dr. Tuli about 4 years ago when I had been suffering from Severe Chronic Fatigue, Acute Fibromyalgia, Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia, Blurred Mind, Migraine, etc. It had, also, disturbed my hormonal system to cause PCOD-Amenorrhea-Infertility. Despite trying various allopathic and natural cures at best of the recommendations for over 10 years in both India & the U.S., my condition only got from bad to worse. But, once under Dr. Tuli’s care I’ve found significant relief in all of my issues. From being bed ridden with intolerable drug-resistant pain, I’m now a qualified Yoga teacher, do my aerobics as well as go jogging regularly. The quality of my health (Body-Mind-Spirit) has improved from 1/10 to 8-9/10. Also, I didn’t find any answer in western medicine for my PCOD which has been concurrently cured and I’m the mother of a healthy baby now.”


 Jennifer Tytler. Principal, JD Tytler School, New Delhi, “In the year 1992, when I came to Dr.  R.K. Tuli, I was bed-ridden for previous five years due to pain and disabilities of Cervical Spondylitis, three Slip-Discs in my Lumbar Spine, and Sero-Positive Rheumatoid arthritis involving every joint in my body. I had been treated by the best specialists here, and later hospitalized under leading Doctors in London and New York.  But, of no avail. Within three months of drug-free Holistic Medicine therapy comprising different modalities of Acupuncture, Therapeutic Yoga and the Healing Touch of Dr. Tuli, I was miraculously CURED of all my ailments that have stood good over the last 25 years.”  She likes to add, “A few years later I suffered Multiple Fractures in my Left Ankle. But, when after six months of Orthopaedic treatment and Physiotherapy, Pain and Discomfort didn’t subside I had to think of Dr. Tuli. Once again, I recovered fast and have been ever since freely wearing my favourite but forbidden ‘stilettos’. The whole world should adopt this wholesome therapy that restored me to fully enjoy health, fitness and wellness in spite of the years added to my age.” She states further, “Dr. Tuli’s therapy is truly Holistic in the literal sense that it addresses the person as a whole. It didn’t merely help my body or all my joints and entire spine concurrently; it brings an unimaginable equanimity to the mind and uplifts the spirit of the person to another level! The true role of his therapy was confirmed further when I developed High Blood Pressure a few years later – all the tests and medications by leading cardiologists couldn’t control my B. P. over six months. But, within seven days at Dr. Tuli’s Clinic and 20 years later my B. P. has remained within normal limits without any drugs, in spite of all the ups and downs of life.” . . . Jennifer Tytler, Trustee Director, JD Tytler School, New Delhi


 Radhika Tytler  Poetess, New Delhi,  “Filled With Depression And Its Accompaniments For Many Years Full Of Doubts And FearsMy Emotions suffering Their Ups And Downs, Floor Racing, Blurred Vision,  All Around DizzinessWhat I Found Unable To Cross The Road, Unable To Climb The Stairs, Even Unable To Stand UprightThen, Brought To A Saint Doctor With A Miracle Cure In The Form Of Healing Touch And The NeedlesThat Cured My Life From Depression, Its Desperations, and its Hallucinations!                                          The Soft Prick Of Needles Clipped With Wires Passing Micro Currents Metabolized My Life Force The High Energy Levels Taking Away The Memory Of The Options Of High MedicationI Was Cured Of My Long Suffering! An Earth Can Be Without The Dosage Of Pills!! Today I Walk Free Of The Disease I Can No Longer Care, I Say Goodbye To Depression And My Heart Says Three Cheers to Holistic Medicare As I Worship The Saintly Doctor.” . . . . Radhika Tytler [An Ever Grateful Patient]



“Holistic Medicine is SURELY the highest form of Healing. Dr. Tulis’ team is really aiding the Divine Healer and in the process motivating their patients in the right direction.” . . . . Dr. (Prof) Kusum Sahgal Former. Principal & Director Lady Harding Medical College, New Delhi

“I had brought my wife Veena Gupta after I was fed up with allopathic treatments, as in spite of the best care she continued to suffer from multiple problems of Mental Depression – OCD; Hypothyroidism; Fibromyalgia; Obesity; Cervical Spondylosis + Vertigo with Osteoarthritis of Knees & Ankles + Restless Legs and APD-GERD + Fatty Liver, etc. After drug-free Holistic Medicine therapy at “SOHAM” for just over two months, I am Thrilled with the improvement in her health.”. . . . Dr. A. K. Gupta, Former. Dean, Maulana Azad Medical College & Technical Expert Govt. of India

“In April 2000 I had a Lumbar Canal Stenosis operation by a visiting surgeon from U.K. at the Apollo Hospital, Delhi, as my L4 & L5 Vertebrae had collapsed pressing on the Nerve Roots causing excruciating PAIN and Weakness in Both Legs causing difficulty in even getting out of the bed or walking, which had persisted even after the operation. After a few sittings at the Holistic Medicine Department, I felt remarkable improvement and as a follow-up I do regular exercise and yoga. I wish Dr. Tuli keeps his mission of CURING many more patients.” . . . C.D.D. Reddy, Managing Director, Apollo Hospital, Ahmedabad

“I came to Dr. Tuli in a desperate condition with unbearably severe LOW BACK PAIN due to Inoperable Advanced L-S Degenerative Spondylosis + DDD & PIVDs L1 to L5, Spinal Canal Stenosis and Radiculopathy BLLs causing Anxiety, Sleep Disturbance & Hypertension. I already had both Knees as well as a Hip joint replacement. I got very positive vibrations and a feeling of reassurance at his “SOHAM” Clinic. I felt very relieved after only a first few treatments. At the end of recommended course I am completely relieved and I’d like to share that I am able to play better Golf today than I did 10 years ago!” …Dr. Kavita Sama, Sr. Obst & Gynaecologist, SAMA Nursing Home & Sir Ganga Ram Hospital.
“I am glad that I directed my 73 years old mother to Dr. Tuli. She suffered from Chronic Low Backache for the last three decades, and was operated upon 25 years ago. Her MRI revealed L4-L5 & L5-SI PROLAPSED DISCS with LUMBAR CANAL STENOSIS & NERVE ROOT IMPINGEMENT. For the last six months her pain was intolerable, radiating into left leg causing its wasting. Now in her own words, “Every morning when I go for my morning walk, I thank God and Dr. Tuli! I was almost confined to bed for over a year. Nothing really helped, no pain killers or even injections into the spine. I agreed for this Holistic Therapy on the insistence of my doctor daughters. After 30 sessions of drug-free therapy, I am glad to report that the pain is relieved and my leg is regaining its lost strength. I find a new elasticity in my body at this age to enjoy daily Pranayama, Asanas & Meditation.” . . . . . Dr. Neelam Dhillion, Medical Adviser, Canada High Commission, New Delhi.
“I used to feel exhausted and breathless ‘dyspnoea’ on mild exertion and had been diagnosed to suffer from progressive Interstitial Lungs Disease (I.L.D.). After consulting all the doctors here and abroad (U.K. & U.S.A.), many of whom were my former students, I had decided to retire when I was told nothing much could be done. But, after having this drug-free Holistic Medicine treatment for about four months, I’ve tremendous improvement in my health and I really now BELIEVE about the theory of LIFE-FORCE which can CURE many incurable ailments.” ….. Dr. Shanti Talwar, Sr. Consultant Paediatric Surgery, Apollo Hospitals and Former. Director, Professor & Head Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi.
“I am pleased to share that I had brought my bed-redden mother here more than 15 years ago as she suffered from severe Rheumatoid Arthritis with multiple crippling deformities. She had, also, developed serious side-effects to drugs including heavy dose of prednisolone prescribed to her at AIIMS, New Delhi. I am highly obliged to Dr. Tuli’s team and the drug-free holistic method of treatment for total cure of my mother from the very cause of disease, recovery from all the deformities and her freedom from heavy toxic medication. It was a medical miracle that stands proven till today! My mother has now crossed the age of ‘80’ years and she continues to smoothly manage her entire household including my ‘handicapped’ sister!! Long live holistic Medicine!!!” . . . . . Dr. Anand K. Gupta, Senior Family Physician & Dermatologist, New Delhi
I had slipped into Hepatic Coma & Total Renal Shut Down following Chronic Progressive Multi-Virus Hepatitis. My family sought the services of Dr. R.K. Tuli, the renowned Holistic Physician at the stage when specialists at AIIMS gave up on me! Due to his sincere and vigorous support I’ve fully regained my liver functions. What’s amazing is that the universally INCURABLE ‘C’ & ‘E’ Antigens and all the Virus load has been eliminated from my body. My health has bounced back to be better than in previous ten years, and I’ve resumed my medical practice nearly after three years of its closure due to my morbidity.” . . . . . Dr. Deepak Chandra, Vishnupura, Kanpur (U.P.)
“I was diagnosed to suffer from Takayeshu’s Disease, a rare type of serious arteritis due to autoimmune disorder with no definitive treatment in the world of modern medicine, anywhere. I survived left sided hemiplegia 4 years back, after which my life got complicated. I was also developing diabetes as a side-effect of drugs. The Holistic Medicine therapy has helped me an unbelievable CURE; besides I’ve learnt the way to lead life with positive attitude, and I feel a new force & energy within me to carry out my life with ease. I’ve learnt many things, which will also help me professionally. I wish Dr. Tuli may long continue to serve the humanity and give new direction to healthcare.” . . . . . Dr. Purnendu Kumari, Chief Medical Officer, C.G.H.S., Rashtrapati Bhawan.
“I was transferred to New Delhi’s Apollo Hospital having suffered Multiple Fractures Rt. Elbow & Lumbar Spine at Rishikesh. While splints and plaster was done for the elbow, there was varied opinion whether I needed a surgery for my spine. For unbearable pain, swelling of the elbow and side-effects of drugs, I sought assistance of the Holistic Physician, Dr. Ravi Tuli, at the hospital. He instantly brought ‘life-force’ into healing, bringing lot of comfort and immediate increase in the range of my movements by 45 degrees. It saved me the controversy about spinal surgery and the injury healed spontaneously – instantly! Hypnotherapy by Dr. Poonam Tuli helped me clear lot of past ‘karmic garbage’ giving me plenty of mental equanimity. I am very thankful for this work and wish they use it in the entire hospital for benefit of many more people.” . . . . . Dr. Audrey Easton, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA


“I visited “SOHAM”, the energy charged healing clinic of Dr. Tulis’ when I was in a state of very low health, morale and vitality due to recurrence of incapacitating LOW BACKACHE with severe SCIATICA. I had been operated for L4-L5 DISECTOMY for the same problem three years earlier. The surgeons advised me a repeat surgery as I had developed a SLIP DISC at L5-S1 compressing on the nerve roots. But, I was scared due to my bad experience with the surgery in the past, its after effects, and also due to my poor health this time. Dr Tuli, with his drug-less holistic therapy, has enabled me to restart my life once again and given me a new chance to enjoy life. They only could save me from the burden of a repeat surgery. I can state that I am, now, as healthy and bouncy as a ‘ping-pong’ ball that I was never before! I will always remember your treatments and pray to God that I can find someone like you in the U.S., where I’ve to return to now. All the best and a BIG Thank You, once again. . . . Benoit Ghesquiere-Dierickx, New York, USA

“My two and a half years old son Ali suffered from serious ‘Cerebral Palsy’. After Holistic Medicine therapy in the last six weeks, we realize that his intelligence, interaction and speech has improved a lot, and he has started crawling. Dr. Tuli’s faith in divine and his healing therapy has helped Ali much! Insha Allah, our child shall recover fully in due course as we have seen other children here recover fully from such disability.” . . . Celine Shukr, Beirut, Lebanon.
“Dr. Tuli’s therapy has been highly effective in reducing long-term inflammation damaging my muscles and joints. Amazingly, as a by-product, it has corrected the congenital condition of Flat Feet. I’ve found it to be extremely useful as drug free remedy for day to day problems, especially managing my Immunity.”. . . Dr. William S. Fox, Director Maharishi Corporate Development Program, U.S.A.

“Dr. Tuli has not only taught us the integration of natural & modern medicine, but also allowed us to experience this incredibly inspiring experience.” – Tara Lynn, Dallas, Texas, USA “Thank you so much for introducing us to natural holistic medicine as practiced here in India! I am definitely coming back to learn more in 4th year of my medical school”. – Mien Chyi, Ann Arbor, MI USA
“Your office is a very warm welcoming environment. Thank you for teaching us about holistic medicine and spirituality. I hope to learn more about it in future.”- Amy Caron, Ann Arbor, Michigan State, USA I am truly thankful for this unusual, interesting, beneficial and wonderful experience of integrating holistic medicine for a budding doctor. – Marta Deolza, Brooklyn, NY, USA

“Having come to Dr. Tuli in agony and anxiety due to severe Low Backache as a result of L-S Spondylosis & Prolapsed Discs and disturbed digestion and low health because of a long standing Irritable Bowel Syndrome, I can testify to the wonders of holistic medicine treatment: acupuncture, breathing, relaxation techniques, and yoga, etc. Now, I am fully cured, restored in health, feel 10 years younger, more alert and at peace with my environment. They have also improved the general vitality of my younger daughter who perpetually remained sick, in spite of all treatments by medical experts, due to poor immunity that hampered her growth. This holistic approach in healthcare should become the norm for treating all ailments by modern medicine physicians, complementing it and in some cases supplementing the traditional holistic approach of body, mind & spirit. Thank you Dr R. K. Tuli and Dr Poonam Tuli.” . . . Salman Zaheer, World Bank, Washington D.C., USA

“The Healing Touch and dedication of both Dr. Ravi & Dr. Poonam Tuli have helped my wife to far improve of her lifelong Bronchial Asthma, Arthritis Knees & Chronic Backache. I myself feel rejuvenated and several years younger because of improvement in my Spine.”. . . Lieut. General Harish Dutta, Former. Army Commander.
“The Holistic Medicine therapy of Dr. Tuli benefitted me to fully recover from Cervical Spondylosis with Prolapsed Disc causing C7 Radiculopathy, and enabling me to achieve a world milestone of completing para jumps as serving chief of a service. I fully believe in this philosophy of Holistic Medicine for Life style and Fitness.” . . . Air Chief Marshal S.P. Tyagi, Former. Chief of Staff, Indian Air Force
“I got treatment for my Headache due to Chronic Sinusitis which . I was suffering for more than ten years. Dr. Tuli not only treated me but also educated me about the benefits of Holistic Medicine and healthy life style.”. . . Mukut Mithi, Former Chief Minister Arunachal Pradesh & Governor of Puducherry


CONCLUSION: It’s no wonder that Dr. Tuli is so passionate to share miracles of such wide spectrum of stories which prove the efficacy and versatility of Holistic Medicare. It reveals the potential to tremendously improve the way medicine is practiced today. The efficacy of modern medicine enhanced by alternate / traditional therapies brings out the best in healthcare to offer to the humanity.
At the same time Dr. Tuli, cautions that to establish its universal acceptability we need large scale multicentric scientific studies and develop evidence based protocols for the larger benefits that help in entire range of chronic and incurable medical conditions at a fraction of cost to achieve “HEALTH FOR AL. He stated that in the absence of medical profession extending benefits of CAM practices, a vast number of ‘quacks’ are exploiting their inherent goodness without scientific fervor and even mislead the society. Therefore, the medical profession must raise its level to complement the benefits of Holistic Medicine and appeals to his peers to open their minds and rise above to extend humane benefits of complementar alternate medicine (CAM) which has the infinite potential to enrich the ‘science’ of modern medicine with the ‘art’ of time honoured practices of traditional systems of health to restore the old glory of the profession.


23Aug, 2018
A Panacea For All Musculo-Skeletal & Joint Ailments Due To Trauma, Inflammation Or Degeneration: Dr. R K Tuli

An interaction with Dr. R. K. Tuli, the global pioneer of Holistic MediCare, reveals his passion in spearheading the all inclusive and comprehensive model of health care that complements the ‘science’ of modern medicine with the ‘art’ of various drug-free modalities of recognised traditional systems of health to make available an universally curative, easily accessible, most efficient, cost-beneficial and highly reproducible model of health to eliminate all sickness from root cause and

restore positive health and total wellness, ‘body-mind-spirit’ in all. Holistic Medicine = Modern Medicine + Traditional Medicine (Allopathic Medicine complemented with drug-free modalities of Alternate Systems of Health.  

Case Study : Ms. Jennifer Tytler

Ms. Jennifer Tytler, the Principal of J.D. Tytler School, New Delhi, states, “In year 1992 when I came to Dr. R. K. Tuli, I was bed-ridden for previous five years due to pain and disabilities of cervical spondylitis, three slip-discs in my lumbar spine, and sero-positive rheumatoid arthritis involving every joint in my body. I had been treated by the best specialists here, and later hospitalized under leading Doctors in London and New York. But, of no avail.”

“Within three months of drug-free Holistic Medicine therapy comprising diifferent modalities of Acupuncture, Therapeutic Yoga and the Healing Touch of Dr. Tuli, I was miraculously CURED of all my ailments that have stood good with me over the last 25 years.”

“A few years later I suffered multiple fractures in my left ankle. But, when after six months of advised orthopaedic treatment and physiotherapy, pain and discomfort didn’t subside I had to think of Dr. Tuli. Once again, I recovered fast and have been ever since freely wearing my favourite but forbidden ‘stilettos’. The whole world should adopt this whole-some therapy that restored me to fully enjoy health, fitness and wellness in spite of the years added to my age.”

She likes to add further, “Dr. Tuli’s therapy is truly Holistic in the literal sense that it addresses the person as a whole. It didn’t merely help my body or all my joints and entire spine concurrently; it brings an unimaginable equanimity to the mind and uplifts the spirit of the person to another level! The holistic role of his therapy was confirmed further when I developed High Blood Pressure a few years later – all the tests and medications by leading cardiologists couldn’t control my B.P. over six months. But, within seven days at Dr. Tuli’s Clinic and 20 years later my B.P. has remained within normal limits without any drugs, in spite of all the ups and downs of life!!”  

Case Study : Mr. F. R. Wilson

Dr. Tuli presented the remarkable complementary scope of Holistic MediCare by pictorial evidence of a 76 years old Royal Air Force veteran, Mr. F. R. Wilson, who came to him as a ‘cripple’ in miserable drug-resistant pain and wasting of his left lower limb due to inoperable advanced Spinal Degeneration and Severe Arthrosis of Left Hip Joint, as endorsed by following X-ray images: The X-Rays No. 1 & 2 reveal severely advanced degeneration of lower spine and left side pelvis including the hip joint. After commencement of Holistic Medicine therapy, the patient had total relief from pain within 4 weeks. With continued therapy, the affected limb showed significant progressive structural improvement, regeneration and restoration of function over next few months, as supported by images at no.3 and 4, respectively. An orthopedic surgeon commented that this natural recovery and radiological restoration is certainly beyond any expectation, while such reconstruction is not possible anywhere in the world!

According to Dr. Tuli, as evidenced by the pictures, Mr. Wilson got relief from his pain within a few days and about six months later he had regained full range of movements in the spine and hip joint. He was a fully rejuvenated to be able to do all yoga asanas, squat freely, and even became an exercise freak to pedal exercise bicycle for 30(!) kms a day. He truly resumed to ‘Live Life Fully’ with jest greater than any 18 years old.  

Case Study: Mr. Anil Mittal

The 35 years old patient suffering from Severe Low Backache, radiating down the Left Lower Limb developed weakness to be unable to walk, or stand due to numbness in the lower limb and foot drop for the previous six months. He was advised urgent decompression surgery by all spinal and neurosurgeons. But, he was reluctant to undergo surgery as no surgeon could assure him for complete recovery from pain, numbness and foot drop. He commenced treatment w.e.f. 13th October 2009, and started showing subjective clinical improvement just after the first week, and felt full restoration of strength , mobility, sensation, and function of his whole limb. The repeat MRI on 14.1.2010 revealed natural decompression commensurating with patient’s full and complete recovery.

Case Study :Arjuna Awardee Ms. Chhaya Adak

Ms. Chhaya Adak, had represented India in Weight Lifting at several international meets and turned a national coach after retirement from active sport. She states, “I came to Dr. Tuli in year 1992 for treatment of my pain and chronic injuries in almost all the joints of my body and spine, accumulated over the years as a result of my sport.

Within a few weeks of commencing holistic therapy I recovered from all problems I started feeling so good that with Dr. Tuli’s encouragement I resumed active weight lifting, once again, and soon found to do better than ever before! A few months later I bid for Gold Medal at Asian Weightlifting and won a Bronze Medal at the World Championship in Bulgaria. Even now, I feel perfectly fine.”

Following her achievements in international forums, Chhaya Adak received the coveted ARJUNA AWARD from President of India in year 1995, and rewarded with the job of Assistant Commandant in CISF.

Dr. Tuli highlighted that it’s perhaps unique in the history of world’s sport that a retired sportsperson, turned coach, bounces back into active sport and achieves heights never attained before. There are a few more sportsmen who have brought glory to the nation in the form of medals at international meets, received Arjuna Awards and other accolades following his support. The list includes the only Asian gold medalist in golf, hockey players Dhanraj Pillai, Dilip Tirkey, Gagan Ajit Singh, Deepak Thakur, and Prabhjot Singh, etc. To name a few cricketers, he informed that Allwyn Kallicharan of West Indies and Manoj Prabhakar are the famous beneficiaries of his treatment; besides Nikhil Chopra, Rahul Sanghvi and Murali Karthik could play for India only subsequent to successful therapy of their respective ailments with him.

Dr. Tuli has, been, himself an international mountaineer of significance. He was instrumental to conquer a virgin peak along with a Japanese team in the Lahaul-Spiti region of Himalayas which was named, after his then fiancée, Mt. Poonam in year 1973. He has been Medical Adviser to Air Force Sports Control Board and the Indian Hockey Federation. CONCLUSION: It’s revealing that this holistic model of health based on non-medical or surgical interventions offers excellent and lasting curative rates, often beyond the best of conventional medicine worldwide, with lasting rehabilitation of various inflammatory, degenerative, or traumatic musculoskeletal, joints and spinal ailments. It, also, helps recovery from sports injuries in quickest possible time; in most cases restoring health capabilities even much better than the best of the same person ever before.

Large scale studies shall further establish complementary role of Holistic Medicare in improved post-surgical rehabilitation of patients, and also a healthy scope for those who need a major surgical correction but are medically not fit due to systemic ailments; as well as those whose outcome after surgery has not been satisfactory or rehabilitation is inadequate.

The all inclusive and integrative approach to health termed Holistic MediCare, available at the unique Dr. Tuli’s Clinic helps to extend the best of each system of medicine, at the same time overcome inherent deficiencies in the respective systems, to offer a ‘synergy’ of all of them to ensure ‘Health For All’ at all ages of life, and all stages of every sickness. This latest speciality of medicine is called Holistic Medicine. It’s a board certified specialty in the U.S. for nearly two decades, and is catching up very fast amongst all the developed nations. Therefore, it’s high time that we adopt it into our health care and make our living years happy and productive.

“SOHAM” The Clinic for Holistic MediCARE & CURE, D-959, New Friends Colony, New Delhi-110025

Dr. R. K. Tuli Tel. 91 11 2691 4787 / 2692 4787 / 981122 4787

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13Aug, 2018
A ray of Gold to all suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS): Dr. R K Tuli

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a poorly understood condition primarily characterized by debilitating, persistent or recurrent fatigue, increased physical and mental fatigability, cognitive impairment and widespread musculoskeletal pain -due to which in some quarters it’s known as Fibromyalgia, and by some as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME).  

INCIDENCE: We may not have any statistics available in our country, but !e US National Health Interview Survey population of persons ≥18 years of age in 2012 reported 1.75% of population or 3.94 million people to be suffering from Fibromyalgia. is illness is catching on to be an epidemic, most probably as another life-style disorder adding to growing basket of morbidity all over the world.  

INTRODUCTION: It’s considered to be an acquired illness that affects all the body systems; predominantly the neurological, psychological, endocrine, musculoskeletal, and immune systems. During the past two decades, there have

been heated debates about CFS among researchers, practitioners and patients

about its underlying pathophysiology and effective treatment such as antidepressants, stimulants or antibiotics, etc. A lot of multidisciplinary literature is found about CFS. But, a majority of patients continue to suffer indefinitely from its unabated morbidity, generally even without any symptomatic relief from hit and try medications.

This article is an honest effort towards raising awareness about the drug-free, efficient and reproducible model of health that has repeated success in each of the patients coming from different nations and continents leading to total elimination of their suffering and restoration of positive health and total wellness ‘Body, Mind & Spirit’. !eir individual experiences are reproduced below in their own words for authenticity.

This therapy is based on optimum synergy of the ‘science’ of modern with the ‘art’ of various drug-free and thus harmless modalities of recognised alternate (CAM) systems of medicine, termed Holistic Medicine. It restores ‘Health in All’ without using any medication.

It may be taken as a clarion call by the main stream medical profession, researchers and health authorities to explore its efficacy through large scale trials to develop scientific protocols for the benefit of the humanity at large.  


Beneficiary from CA 91304, USA

SONAM SARI N , states ,“After several years of wandering from Dr.to Dr. in several hospitals in the U.S. to end relief from debilitating body aches & stiffness, loss of libido, dizziness, depression and Chronic Fatigue, which had taken the smile out from my life, I came down to India in search of remedy to my problems.

To my amazement, and also to the relief of my family, I started to show signs of ENERGY & ENJOYMENT almost instantly. Smile has, once again, returned to my gloomy face and as I feel fully assured, I am now returning home with all the vitality and happiness to pursue goals of my life. In the meantime I have found a ‘GURU’ in Dr. Ravi Tuli, who has infused me with health, youth, happiness, and taught me how to live a qualitative life!”

Beneficiary from Sector 19-B, Chandigarh

YATHARTH VERMA, shares, “My woes started in the summer of 1999, when an unexplained Muscle Myalgia gripped me following an episode of Viral Flu. It gradually developed into a full :edged Chronic Fatigue Syndrome comprising constant debilitating Pain & Stiffness in my whole body. I suffered from Migraines, Sleep Disturbances, Fogginess in my brain: total Lack of Focus, Severe Vertigo & Tinnitus, Blurred Vision, multiple Food Allergies-Irritable Bowel, Kidney Stones and Hyperlipedemia; topped by recurrent Idiopathic Pneumothorax – each time rushing me to hospital in emergency.

No medical tests were of any use; many medications were prescribed; I tried life-style changes, my food / eating habits, etc. But, everything fell :at with not even an iota of relief.” I was told about a friend’s friend who had been fully cured of similar ailment by Dr. R. K. Tuli at New Delhi. No time was wasted, as the Doctor after assessing my condition first explained to me the nuances of Holistic Medicine therapy. I found his explanation to be very logical and I accepted the treatment schedule prescribed by him with full faith. And, here I am penning down my HONEST TESTIMONY after just 3 months of starting the treatment.

All of my symptoms mentioned above are no longer there, and I feel good like I’ve not felt in the last 13 years. I am no longer on any medication. I sleep well and I think much clearly. I feel full of love which can now be transferred to my wife and my son.

My wife and friends tell me that I’ve regained the aggression I was known for. My Body & Mind have undergone such changes that I have started enjoying life, again, after almost 13 years. To me Dr. Tuli is a SAVIOUR!!”

Beneficiary from Darap, Sikkim

B. LIMBOO reveals, “I came to know About Dr. Tuli’s Holistic Medicine Clinic from a popular ‘Body-Mind-Spirit’ magazine. I was suffering from Severe Headache, Hotness in Head, Perpetual Fatigue & Exhaustion, Bodyache & Stiffness, Stress-Anxiety, Depression, Nervousness, Lack of Concentration, and total loss of Confidence in life. If I didn’t come to Dr. Tuli at that time, I would have been finished! He has given me a new life without a single pill of medication. I’m grateful to him for all round improvement in my physical, mental and emotional health, with a new awareness of spiritual wellness; plus some good motivation. It has been a true miracle for me!! So, I can’t forget Dr. Tuli till my last breath. With my warmest regards and best wishes.”

 Beneficiary from 95800 Caragy St., Christophe, France

MARION HALE describes, “Body, Mind and Spirit are a whole and this whole should be in a good turn of positive energy whatever the situation is this is what I learnt from Dr. Tuli as he treated me of tremendous weakness, sickness, body stiffness, loss of all vitality, mental fatigue, and a state of perpetual dizziness.

Now that I’m feeling really well, my own effort will be to maintain that positivity, boost my immunity and good energy by practicing the art of breathing, yoga, relaxation, aerobic activities, balanced organic nutrition, and maintain my calm. !ank you so much for having been there at the right time for me.” “OM SHANTI”


Beneficiary from London SW16 2Y, U.K.

ANDREW G. GOODE is very pleased to share,” I first met Dr. Tuli just after having spent 3 times in emergency in one month in Delhi’s Apollo Hospital due to great emotional shock and distress, in spite of being on a complex variety of medicines from different doctors. I suffered from long standing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Neurasthenia, Phobias & Tinnitus, amongst problems of Severe Allergy-Urticaria-Asthma, IBS-GERD, Cervical & L-S Spondylosis, etc. Within a few days of this remarkable drug-free Holistic Medicine treatment, not only all my negative feelings, worries, phobias, including my long standing allergies have disappeared, I feel healthy, and have developed a positive outlook on life.

I owe my sincere GRATITUDE to Dr. R. K. Tuli & Dr. Poonam Tuli for this new found freedom in qualitative health.”

Beneficiary: Fmr. Dean Maulana Azad Medical College & Medical Faculty, University of Delhi

PROF. (Dr.) A. K. GUPTA conveys his good wishes, “I had brought my wife Veena Gupta as she suffered from the complex of total Lack of Energy, Mental Depression, OCD, vague Myalgias, Cervical Spondylosis + Vertigo, Restless Legs, Hyperlipedemia and Borderline Hyperglycemia, among other problems.

I was fed up with allopathic treatments. I am thrilled with the improvement she has shown and will continue with it till she is in absolutely positive health. I wish more people take advantage of this drug free Holistic Medicine therapy. My Good Wishes & Blessings to your mission of Holistic Health.”


Dr. R. K. Tuli, who is a globally established pioneer of Holistic Medicine therapy, explains that the secret behind unique success of this latest speciality of medicine in being able to so easily and successfully cure each of the patients suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Fibromyalgia and series of other conventionally incurable disorders is always due to complementing the evidence based ‘science’ of modern medicine with the ‘art’ of time honoured Vedic wisdom of traditional (Indian & Chinese) systems of health.

!is wisdom explains the human being as a microcosm of the universal macrocosm. It’s not merely a physical body or its parts as treated by various specialists in allopathic medicine, but a ‘body-mind-spirit’ complex that draws vital life with its functions of reproduction, replication, respiration, digestion, assimilation and excretion from the universal omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient divine energy imparting life to each living entity. It’s natural to it to impart psychosomatic harmony and invisible immunity to human individual.

Any disturbance in this harmony over a prolonged period manifests as a sickness. No external agents or drugs can help restore this natural harmony. But, simple restoration of this harmony through initiating natural ‘life-style’ helps to regulate and restore normal health.

The various drug-free modalities of the so-called alternate systems of medicine (CAM) comprising therapeutic yoga, panchakarma, various modalities of acupuncture, counselling-hypnotherapy, regular exercise and healthy nutrition as an all inclusive therapy help to initiate healing and restore positive health and total wellness. It’s usually useful in all diseases in improving the outcome of every sickness, enhancing the very scope of modern medicine. Thus, its optimum utilization by qualified doctors shall go a long way in mitigating sufferings of people, and restore the old glory of medical profession!

Dr. Ravinder K. Tuli is a global pioneer in spearheading the clinical concept of Holistic Medicine. He is the founder of Society for Holistic Advancement of Medicine “SOHAM”. He was invited to establish the world’s first-ever Department of Holistic Medicine at the state-ofthe-art multispeciality tertiary care Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi in year 1996.

Dr. Ravi Tuli is a 1964 batch alumnus of the prestigious Armed Forces Medical College, Pune. He has been medical adviser to Air Force Sports Control Board, as well as Indian Hockey Federation representing India in several events abroad. He’s been official doctor of Pakistan & West Indies cricket teams touring India. Dr Tuli has been rewarded with various national and international accolades.

E-mail: tuli.rk@gmail.com;

Website: www.holistic-medicare.net

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30Jul, 2018
Alternative Medicine: Miracle story of Kamal Kaur

The 83-years-old woman, Kamal Kaur from a village in Meerut District has successfully under-gone drug-free Holistic Medicine therapy, for intolerable and uncontrollable Pain due to Severe Osteoporosis and suspected Cancer leading to Fracture in D-12 Vertebra of her Spine, at “SOHAM” The Clinic for Holistic MediCARE & CURE that specialises in curing people suffering from various incurable ail-ments with conventional drug based systems or surgery.

According to Dr. R. K. Tuli, “Smt. Kamal Kaur was brought to me on the 04th of February 2016, with complaint of severely intolerable Pain (10/10 on Pain Assessment Scale) in her middle spine, restricting all her movements for the previous two months, with progressive deterioration in her symptoms in spite of treatment by reputed specialists at different hospitals. Accompanying reports revealed that she suffered from Fracture D-12 vertebra, Severe Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis of Spine & Knees and Anemia with just 6.0 gms. per deciliter of Haemoglo-bin; her body weight was 85.0 Kgm. for her height of mere 155 cms., putting her at risk of other morbidities.”

This reporter met this lady last week having attended the therapy at Dr. Tuli’s New Friends Colony Clinic for the last three months. She was found to be bursting with boisterous energy in appre-ciation of the therapy that has re-lieved her pain, restored her full mobility, she has lost 10 kgm. of her body fat; she finds a pink visible on her cheeks as her haemoglobin has improved to 12.0 gms. She reported of not only normal life after being severely restricted for several years, but states to en-joy her health today better than in preceding ten years.

Shri Jagdish Singh, the son of Smt. Kamal Kaur, a master’s de-gree holder from Meerut University and a garment exporter revealed that doctors in several big hospitals had attributed her ex-cess weight and muscle wasting to have completely damaged her back bone and knees, restricting her to a bed for the last several years. They advised that she ur-gently needed to go under Cancer surgery and demanded huge money for her treatment. But, when her condition deteriorated to a threatening level, the family decided to seek Holistic Medicine treatment with Dr. Tuli.

Jagdish Singh cursed himself for delaying his mother’s treat-ment by Dr. Tuli as he recalled that his family has patronised Dr. Tuli for over 25 years for his holistic therapy, and it has each time come to their rescue with 100% success rate whether it was for cure of Infertility of his wife, severe Bronchial Asthma of his father, Heart Disease, Oral Cancer, Hiatus HerniaGERD, LupusSLE with Sarcoidosis, Kid-ney Failure, Slip Disc-Sciatica, Arthritis of Knees needing total joint replacement, and a range of ailments amongst his family members and friends circle.

As per his reputation with us, Dr Ravinder K. Tuli assured her that his therapy shall alleviate her pain and suffering in next few days and here she is in front of everyone proving magi-cal success of the all inclusive drug-free system of treatment. He stated that he didn’t reveal to him at that stage that the doctors suspected Cancer of the Spine. In retrospect, as the reports and clinical condition reveals that she has been absolutely cured of all her visible and non-visible ailments and the quality of her health at this stage speaks in her own words.

Dr. Tuli explained that Holis-tic Medicine is the latest emerging speciality in the developed world and it’s a board certified speciality in the US for nearly the last 20 years. It complements the ‘science’ of evidence based mod-ern medicine with the ‘art’ of time honored and highly reproducible drug-free modalities of the various officially recognised alternate or traditional (AYUSH) systems of health to overcome inherent deficiencies of modern system of medicine to improve ‘quality of life’ and ‘add life to years’ of each individual. According to him this ‘synergy’ of all the systems of medicine, in fact, helps to eradicate the root cause of all kinds of sickness, initiate healing, effect true CURE, and restore positive health and total wellness in majority of patients.

Finally, it offers an opportunity to all health practitioners to achieve highest professional satisfaction, and simultaneously restore old glory of the medical

4Jul, 2018
FAILED PROSTATE: A new hope at all stages

The prostate is a walnut-sized gland located between the urinary bladder and the penis, just in front of the rectum. The urethra runs through the center of the prostate, from the ladder to the penis, letting urine flow out of the body.

Role of Prostate:

The prostate secretes fluid that nourishes and protects sperms. During ejaculation, the prostate squeezes this fluid into the urethra and it’s expelled with sperms as semen. The vasa deferentia bring sperm from the testes to the seminal vesicles. The seminal vesicles contribute fluid to semen during ejaculation.

Prostate Disorders:

The region to infect testes, epididymis, seminal vesicles, urinary bladder, the urethra, etc., leading to miserable inflammation in the whole region

Enlarged Prostate

With Normal PSA : Called benign prostatic hypertrophy or BPH. The prostate growth affects virtually all men over the age of 50 years. Symptoms of difficult urination tend to increase with age, up to 90% of men have symptoms of BPH by age 85, but only about one-third of men with BPH are bothered by the symptoms. Usually Alpha-blockers or 5-Alpha-reductase inhibitor medicines are used as a first line of treatment to relieve symptoms of an enlarged prostate. When drugs cease to help the urine flow freely some men require surgery to improve symptoms and prevent complications.

Enlarged Prostate With Raised PSA :

This situation has to be closely observed to watch for malignancy.

Prostate Cancer

It’s the most common form of cancer in men, but only one in 35 men die from prostate cancer. Surgery, radiation, hormone therapy, and chemotherapy can be used to treat prostate cancer. Some men choose to delay treatment, which is called watchful waiting.

Post-Surgical Incontinenece Of Bladder:

A few men after surgical resection of the prostate gland suffer life-long loss of control over their bladder due to irreversible damage to their sphincters, leading to embarrassing and foul smelling ‘leaky bladder’ or dependence on ‘diapers’.

Holistic Medicine Therapy For Failed Prostate Dr. R. K. Tuli, the global pioneer of Holistic Medicine therapy expressed that in his clinical experience the all inclusive drug-free model of treatment


One of the greatest Indians and founder of world famous Hindustan Computers Limited (HCL), Padma Bhushan Awardee, Mr. Ajai Chowdhry likes to share, “I was referred to Dr. Tuli by my neighbour as he had been cured of an incurable ailment. I had continued

to suffer from Chronic Prostatitis & Orchitis for over10 years in spite of all possible and best of medical advice in the world; in addition I suffered from ‘Uveitis’; Cervical & L-S Spondylosis with PA Shoulder and Osteoarthritis of Both T-M & Knee Joints; Bronchial Asthma & Sinusitis; Hypertension, Hyperlipedemia and CAD: DVD-PTCA over the last 20 years. I feel happy to announce that I have been CURED at this “SOHAM” Clinic of all these problems concurrently over one year of spaced drug-free holistic medicare therapy. The cure has been so complete that I do not need any medicines, now. It’s been a great experience to recover lost health and attain wellness. I strongly recommend to all those who are disappointed by their medications to come here, GET WELL, and Live Life all over again.”

Enlarged Prostate

With Normal PSA Mr. Prakash C. Jhalani, who himself is an ardent Vipassana practitioner for decades and author of a book “MEDITATE”; likes to highlight, “Observing dramatic improvement in the condition of  my younger brother, I also decided to join Dr. Tuli’s Centre for Holistic Medicare for my symptoms of Benign Prostate Hypertrophy, in spite of prescribed medical treatment”

Mr. P. C. Jhalani who is now in 80th year of his life, states, “In addition to BPH, I suffered from Tremors in my both arms due to Parkinson’s Disease, Cervical &amp; Lumbo-Sacral Spondylosis, Uncontrolled Watering from Eyes, Hypertension, Chronic Bronchitis-Dry Cough for over 20 years and Dyspepsia with poor state of health due to depletion of energy, etc. After undergoing treatment at Dr. Tuli’s Clinic without any medicines over the last six months, the symptoms due to Prostate are all gone, I feel more energetic and healthier, Dry Cough has been cured, Watering in the Eyes and Trembling of Hands has reduced substantially. Blood pressure is now under control without any medication.”

He likes to highlight, “The best part of treatment is the realization that existence of human beings is a composite one of spirit, mind and body, and not the body alone. Efforts are made during this treatment towards synchronization of the existence at all levels and to get and remain in touch with the omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient universal consciousness or the higher power. The treatment done by Dr. Tuli is an excel- lent service to the humanity and I hope and wish that many qualified doctors will adopt the procedures done by Dr. Tuli in the service of suffering humanity.”

Enlarged Prostate With Raised PSA

Mr. Yogesh Jhalani, “I arrived at Dr. Tuli’s Clinic “SOHAM” with symptoms of Prostate Hypertrophy with doubtful Cancer due to raised PSA of 14.56 (Normal 4.0); the Ultrasound revealing Rt. Ureterocele. I had made up my mind to not go to a hospital because of associated torment and limitations of medical care. In that situation Dr. Tuli’s

words were reassuring that his therapy should help me to overcome the problem comprehensively; and at the same time even eliminate 8 years of medication for Hypertension. I like to share that I started improving in my health from day one, and realize as I look back 3-4 months how it has helped me to eliminate all the symptoms, improve all-round ‘quality of life’. As a bonus my Blood Pressure  remains normal without any medication. I feel happy to share that I certainly feel 10 years younger today, than the day I commenced this therapy!”

Mr. Satish Bhatia, a 70 years old business entrepreneur from Delhi states, “My family was confused due to varying opinions on treatment of my ADENOCARCINOMA Grade II of my PROSTATE by the various leading specialist doctors. But, my son who lives

in California, USA advised us to consult Dr. Ravi Tuli in New Delhi. After being fully convinced about his approach to drug-free, natural and harmless method of treatment, the family preferred to go for it. It turned out to be very interesting procedure whereby each successive session of therapy kindled a sense of well being and the symptoms starting

regressing, gradually on to normalization of my gland to the extent that my Urologist declared me CANCER FREE and fully CURED! Successive follow-ups by doctors at the top NCR Delhi hospital over the last three years continue to endorse success of this therapy. I must add that Dr. Tuli’s holistic medicine therapy has definitely made me feel much healthier and happier, and as an additional benefit, it has also helped me to improve my hypertension and coronary heart disease of over 25 years.”

Post-Surgical Incontinence of Bladder

Dr. Pervez Ali Ahmed, a world renowned Cardiologist and son of Late Hon’ble Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed, a former President of India wishes to share, “I have known Ravi for five decades and have met him in various capacities. I’ve always heard of his exceptional work with Complementary Alternate Medicine.

Now, I’ve experienced him at my personal level for my problem of ‘Post-Operative Urinary Incontinence, following my surgery for Benign Prostate Hyperplasia ’. The work he is doing is commendable. The results are outstanding, though anecdotal are obvious objectively. He has the knowledge, dedication and ability to harness the ‘Universal

Energy’ and utilize it for wholesome benefits – that it helped me to overcome my other problems concurrently of ‘Low Backache -Severe Coccydynia + Sciatica due to Prolapsed Inter-Vertebral Discs & L4Radiculopathy; Arthralgia Lt Knee & Rt Ankle; Seasonal Bronchitis, and CAD-Post PTCA, etc. I promise him all the support in his mission to promote Holistic Medicare.”

It’s no wonder that Dr. Tuli is so passionate to share miracles of such wide spectrum of stories which prove the efficacy and versatility of Holistic Medicare. It reveals the potential to tremendously improve the way medicine is practiced today. The efficacy of modern medicine enhanced by CAM therapies brings out the best to offer to the humanity at large. After all, given an opportunity, nobody would like to suffer the process and misery of medical interventions which do not even assure a clean recovery. At the same time Dr. Tuli, cautions that to establish its universal accept- ability we need large scale multicentric scientific studies and develop evidence based protocols for the larger benefits of humanity that help in entire range of chronic and incurable medical conditions at a fraction of cost.

He stated that in the absence of medical profession extending benefits of CAM practices, a vast number of ‘quacks’ are exploiting their inherent goodness without scientific fervor and even mislead the society. Therefore, the medical profession must raise its level to

complement the benefits of Holistic Medicine for “Health For All”. He appeals to his peers to open their minds and rise above to extend humane benefits of complementary alternate medicine (CAM) which has the infinite potential to enrich the ‘science’ of modern medicine with the ‘art’ of time honoured practices of traditional systems of health to restore the old glory of the profession.

The all inclusive and integrative approach to total health, termed Holistic Medicine, extends the best of harmless and drug-free modalities of all the systems of medicine to enable CURE of even conventionally incurable ailments to Dr. R. K. Tuli offer “HEALTH FOR ALL” at all ages of life and all stages of  every sickness. “SOHAM” The Clinic for Holistic MediCARE & CURE D-959, New Friends


25Jun, 2018
Alternative Medicine – Holistic Medicine in Organ Failure

The dream of organ transplant for all should simultaneously explore to harvest the simple potential of traditional systems of health.  . . . . . Dr. R. K Tuli

We should learn a lesson from limitations of reach of any modern surgical support to the masses from an ever increasing backlog of blindness in the world due to cataract which can be corrected by a 5-minute simple procedure costing merely a few hundred rupees.  The dream of organ transplant as a national programme for all, in the face of failure of ‘Health for All’ on sophisticated conventional model, may remain a utopian dream. The largest eye bank in Asia at LV Prasad Eye Institute of Hyderabad’s Ramayamma International Eye Bank leads the record in whole world to have just achieved in 25 years to harvest over 36,000 donor corneas, and transplanted over 20,000 of them to needy patients.

We’ve to think right at this stage the future of our national Organ Transplant campaign recently launched with a great fanfare. It may be another achievement we may gun for as an example of trying to reach for the mars at a time when the nation suffers from hunger, backwardness, illiteracy and poor health.

If we were to learn a lesson, we should simultaneously explore to harvest the easily accessible simple potential of traditional systems of health for reversal of their damage and to rejuvenate sick organs. We may have limited example of its scope at this stage, but it has the potential of a “eureka” possibility through large scale scientific studies to make a global beginning.

Dr. Tuli states that it’s a highly reproducible phenomenon, thus qualifying its scientific validation, as elucidated through the following case stories. The outcome of each patient has been much easier, healthier, at a fraction of cost,  and far superior and lasting results restoring highest ‘quality of life’ compared to progressive morbidity and eventual moretality in conventional medical management.

“In the year 2004, I was diagnosed to suffer from Ch. Renal Failure-ESRD and in 2005, I was started on dialysis three times in a week. Doctor told my daughter that I need Kidney Transplant. But, her boss Ms. Prema Sagar recommended that I consult Dr. Tuli at “SOHAM” clinic. With great suspicion and reservation, making sure that the holistic therapy in no way interfered with my ongoing medical treatment, I started it here. Today, 11 years later as I visit this clinic for my wife’s treatment, I feel proud in writing that with his ‘HEALING TOUCH’ I had got fully CURED in nearly four months, both my kidney have remained fully functional, and I’ve lived my life fully ever since. I pray to God for Dr. Tuli’s greater success to cure other like me.”

..…Colonel (Retd.) B.K. Chathli, Greater NOIDA

“I have been suffering from uncontrolled blood pressure leading to kidney problem (HTN + CKD – ESRD + Renal Lithiasis + Anemia) with poor health, from last one year. The doctors told me for Dialysis and Kidney Transplant in Sir Gangaram Hospital. But, since I came to Dr. Tuli, it was a great experience. My mental, physical and emotional health started improving immediately, and after nearly three months of treatment at this “SOHAM” Clinic, my kidneys have also improved a lot. I feel proud to write that my total health has improved from a grade of  2/10 to 10/10, now. Dr. Tuli is a God for me.”

…..Manoj Sohi, Haridwar (Utttrakhand)

“I’ve been given a SECOND LIFE! I had slipped into Hepatic Coma & Total Renal Shut Down following Chronic Progressive Multi-Virus Hepatitis. My family sought the services of Dr. R.K. Tuli, the renowned Holistic Physician at the stage when specialists at AIIMS gave up on me! Due to his sincere and vigorous support I’ve fully regained my liver functions. What’s amazing is that the universally INCURABLE ‘C’ & ‘E’ Antigens and all the Virus load has been eliminated from my body. My health has bounced back to be better than in previous ten years, and I’ve resumed my medical practice nearly after three years of its closure due to my morbidity.”      – Dr. Deepak Chandra, Vishnupura, Kanpur (U.P.)

Holistic Medicine is the wholesome approach to Health where each individual is treated as a whole ‘Body, Mind & Spirit’ by a synergy of the evidence based ‘science’ of modern medicine with the complementary and highly  reproducible time honoured ‘art’ of drug-free modalities of  the various officially recognised traditional systems of health to restore the disturbed ‘internal milieu’ of the individual to initiate one’s own natural inherent infinite healing  that leads to elimination of all sickness and to restore positive health and total wellness.    . . . . . Dr. R. K. Tuli

Holistic Medicine = Modern + Traditional Medicine

(Alternate = Traditional + NewAge)

[Conservative Medicine + Life-Style & Stress Management + Ashtanga Yoga + Acupuncture-Reflexology + Panchakarma-Detoxification + Counseling-Hypnotherapy- PLRT-NLP + Reiki-Pranic Healing-Chakra Balancing + Regenerative Medicine]

The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest factor in getting well” . . . . . Hippocrates

“Holistic Medicare facilitates this very force in getting well from any sickness.”    . . . . . Dr. R. K. Tuli

The all inclusive and integrative approach to health termed Holistic MediCare, available at the unique Dr. Tuli’s Clinic helps to extend the best of each system of medicine, at the same time overcome inherent deficiencies in the respective systems, to offer a ‘synergy’ of all of them to ensure ‘Health For All’ at all ages of life, and all stages of every sickness.

This latest speciality of medicine is called Holistic Medicine. It’s a board certified specialty in the U.S. for nearly two decades, and is catching up very fast amongst all the developed nations. Therefore, it’s high time that we adopt it into our health care and make our living years happy and productive.


      “MAY THIS TREATMENT BE AVAILABLE TO ALL PEOPLE”       “I’m grateful to Dr. Tuli to help me get over drug-resistant and persistent numbness in my fingers and problems with my shoulder due to Cervical Spondylosis-Radiculopathy and Peri-Arthritis Shoulder. The treatment sessions helped me to relax, tensions were gone and I felt rejuvenated. This therapy, also, helped my husband suffering from Parkinson’s Disease. I hope this treatment will become available to more people in our country.”                        . . . Margaret Alva, Fmr. Union Minister Govt. Of India and Governor of  Uttarakhand & Rajasthan                           

                            “POST- RETIREMENT REHAB. & GLORY”                                                   

 “I had retired from Weight Lifting as an international player and become a Coach after obtaining a diploma from NIS Patiala. I went to Dr. Tuli’s Holistic Clinic in 1992 for my nagging Pain in Wrists, Knees and Spine attributed by doctors due to Chronic Injuries of the sport over the years. The treatment did such MAGIC on me that I resumed my sport, once again, and perhaps for the first time in the history of the sport a coach returned player I went on to represent India and tied for 3 Gold Medals at Asian and 3 Bronze Medals at World Weight Lifting Championships, respectively. Due to this achievement I was given ARJUNA AWARD and got the job of a Deputy Superintendent of Police in CISF, for which I shall remain ever grateful to Dr. Tuli. I’ve seen Dr. Tuli help many other sports persons to win surprise medals”.                                                                                                                                                                 . . . Chhaya Adak, ARJUNA Awardee Weight Lifting

 IT BECAME AUSTRALIA-ENGLAND-NEPAL-INDIA QUADRANGLE”                                                                                                 

“My son Sarthak lived with my mother in Nepal after he was diagnosed to suffer from ‘CEREBRAL PALSY’ by doctors in England as at the age 4 years he could not sit up on his own, stand or walk, his IQ was very low and he could talk very few confusing words. According to them modern medicine anywhere in world did not offer any hope to this problem! But, my brother in Australia met a similar child who had been successfully cured by Dr. Tuli at New Delhi, and he advised me to go and see him. Today, after nearly six months of his drug free Holistic Medicine therapy, I am pleased to report that true MIRACLE has taken place! My child can now talk, walk smartly, dance beautifully, and has turned out to be one of the most clever and friendly children. Our whole family thanks Dr. Tuli for having been a God to us.”        . . . Sudha Kanel, Middlesex, U.K.   

 “I FOUND MY GURU IN INDIA”                                                                 

 “After a few years of wandering from Doctor to Doctor in the U.S. to find relief from my Chronic Fatigue, Body Aches, Loss of Libido and Dizziness-TINNITUS which had taken the smile out from my life, I came down to India in search of remedy to my problems. I was totally fed up with modern medicine. At Delhi’s Apollo Hospital, I was guided to Dr. R. K. Tuli at the Department of Holistic Medicine. Skeptically, but with little hope, I started treatment with him. To my amazement, and also to the relief of my family, I started to show signs of ENERGY and ENJOYMENT almost instantly. Smile has, once again, returned to my gloomy face and I am now returning home with all the vitality and happiness to pursue goals of my life. In the meantime I have found a ‘GURU’ in Dr. Ravi Tuli, who has taught me how to live life!”…..SONAM SARIN, CA 91304, USA

     “AFTER ALL MEDICAL & SURGICAL TREATMENTS FAILED”                 “The miserable pain in my left wrist only denigrated further over the previous eight months, in spite of various pain killers and all efforts including injections into the joint by four successive top orthopedic docs of Delhi. But, once with Dr. Tuli, I’ve fully recovered in just 20 treatments! That too without any drugs!! The greater miracle is that my 15 year’s of post-surgical restrictions in shoulder movements, muscle wasting and loss of sensation in right arm have disappeared concurrently. I am also relieved of nagging pains in knees, neck and low back; the headaches that were a part of me ever since I remember have vanished too. Such can be the wonder of Holistic Medicare.                           . . . .  Dilshad Mustafa, Embassy of Iran, New Delhi

5Mar, 2017
No Need To Suffer From Autoimmune Diseases

Dr. R. K. Tuli

A judicial complement of an all inclusive management comprising balanced organic diet with natural supplements, plenty of fluids intake, physical and mental relaxation, ashtanga yoga, regular physical exercise or physiotherapy, panchakarma detoxification, acupuncture and hypnosis have shown, not only to efficiently alleviate the symptoms, but enable lasting cure in majority of autoimmune disorders with a very high success rate”, says Dr. R. K. Tuli, the global pioneer of Holistic Medi-Care

An autoimmune disease is known to develop when our own immune system, which is supposed to defend our body against foreign entities goes out of tune and misidentifies our own healthy cells as foreign and attacks them resulting in inflammation in the concerned tissue, pain, dysfunction, damage, destruction and deformity, leading to prolonged morbidity with eventual mortality. It can affect one or many different types of body tissue at the same time. Read More