Pioneering the clinical efficacy of Holistic Medicine and highlighting the ‘Body-Mind-Soul’ approach to health, Dr (Prof.) Ravi K Tuli has achieved global fame in concurrently curing nearly all chronic and incurable diseases of each individual. He has established himself as a unique top-rated practitioner of Holistic Medicine today…
By Amresh kumar Tiwary
His current role as Chairman of the renowned “SOHAM” Holistic Medicare Centre has helped him to achieve his motto to “Eradicate All Sickness, Restore Positive Health and Total Wellness in each individual.
It’s recognized the world over that it would never be possible to meet all the health expectations of the humanity with the exclusive allopathy based conventional model of healthcare.

Dr (Prof.) Ravi K. Tuli, MBBS DHA DAc (Srilanka) CHt(USA) MAcF (China) MD PhD, Visiting Honorary Professor, Indira Gandhi Technological and Medical Sciences University and Formerly Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals & Indian Air Force, has dedicated to Positive Health and Total Wellness ‘Body-Mind-Spirit’ by optimum synergy of drug-free harmless modalities of recognized modern & traditional (Indian and Chinese) systems of health for cure of all conventionally incurable diseases.
In an exclusive interview with Double Helical, he says that all wise people think, talk and wish to adopt Holistic Medicare for their Health these days. Days of exclusive dependence on allopathic medicine are over! “Holistic MediCARE is an all-inclusive integrated ‘synergy’ of natural, drug-free, harmless, but highly efficient modalities of all the Western, Indian, Chinese & New-Age systems of Medicine for care of each human being as a whole, ‘Body-Mind-Spirit’. Its predictability, reproducibility and sustainability establish its scientific credibility”
Why Holistic Medicine?
Ans. It’s being increasingly recognized world over that it would never be possible to meet all the health expectations of the humanity with the exclusive allopath based conventional model of healthcare. The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) recommends and our National Health Policy has promulgated integration of all the recognized systems of medicine.
Therefore, the healthcare services in the country have to grow beyond inherent limitations of the so called evidence based modern technology. An ever increasing number of people wish to explore benefits of time honoured traditional, or alternate systems of health which are natural, drug-free, harmless, highly reproducible and sustanable having helped the humanity and survived over thousands of years.
The good news is that we, now, have very rich expertise available to complement the best of drug-based specialities of medicine with various non-conflicting drug-free modalities of recognised systems of health to ‘Eliminate all Sickness’ from its root cause and restore Positive Health and Total Wellness ‘Body, Mind & Spirit’ in each individual.
Q. What is Holistic Medicine?
Ans. Holistic Medicine is the wholesome approach to Health where each individual is treated as a whole ‘Body, Mind & Spirit’ by a synergy of the evidence based ‘science’ of modern medicine with the highly complementary and reproducible time honored ‘art’ of drug-free modalities of all the officially recognized traditional systems of health and promote Positive Health and Total Wellness.
This all inclusive and integrative approach to health helps to extend the best of each system of medicine, at the same time overcome inherent deficiencies in the respective systems to offer a ‘synergy’ of all of them to ensure ‘Health For All’ at all ages of life, and all stages of all sickness. This latest specialty of medicine is called Holistic Medicine.
It is a board certified specialty in the U.S. for nearly two decades, and is catching up very fast amongst the developed nations. Therefore, it’s high time that we adopt it into our health care and make our living years happier and more productive.
This approach to health matches up to our Vedic concept that health is the greatest wealth, and we need health whether to achieve personal, financial or spiritual growth, and even moksha. It’s guided by the ancient Charaka Samhita which states that life is a combination of the body, the senses, the mind and the ‘atma’; they cannot be separated from each other, from this Integration ensues ‘ayush’.
Inherent Deficiencies Of Allopathic Medicine
♦ It is not easily acceptable, neither easily accessible to majority of people in the country, resulting in delays in commencement of appropriate treatment, leading to complications.
♦ It treats the human being as a mere physical entity, with a specialist taking care of just a limited part of this body with ‘allo’, i.e., foreign pharma or surgical interventions..
♦ By the time a disease is detectable by modern diagnostics, it’s invariably too late to reverse its basic cause and effect true lasting cure. We become masters of disease with little indulgence in health, even at our personal level.
♦ By this system treats just the ‘tip-of-iceberg’ symptoms of the disease, with rarely being able to eliminate its underlying cause or restore positive health.
♦ Best of this reductionist support invariably leads to progressive deterioration in health, onset of various side-effects, increasing morbidity and finally an expensive mortality.
♦ It lacks care of mental, emotional and spiritual needs of the people.
♦ It does not address to the increasing incidence of diseases due to life-style and psychosomatic disorders.
♦ It does not offer an efficient remedy to reverse or control any kind of dependence or substance abuse, whether due to tobacco, alcohol, legal or illegal drugs.
♦ The allopathic system does not offer much to the increasing population of the elderly from diseases attributable to degeneration or aging.
♦ It, also, does not have any solutions on the horizon to changing pattern of communicable diseases, especially due to emerging viruses or immune disturbances.
♦ It’s based on high capital investment and expensive technology, making its cost beyond reach of most people. It’s estimated that nearly 100 million people worldwide and 4% of population in our country falls below poverty line annually due to its exorbitant costs.
♦ According to official statistics, in spite of all the technological advances and availability of world class medical care in our country over the last three decades, the incidence of all common diseases, whether Diabetes, Hypertension, Coronary Artery Disease, Cancers, Autoimmune Disorders, Respiratory Diseases or Psychosomatic Disorders has increased 3-4 times more in the last thirty years.
Holistic Medicine = Modern Medicine + Alternate Medicine (Alternate = Traditional Indian / Chinese+ NewAge Medicine) (Conservative Medicine + Life-Style & Stress Management + Ashtanga Yoga + Acupuncture-Reflexology + Panchakarma-Detoxification + Nutrition + Counseling-Hypnotherapy-PLRT-NLP +Reiki-Pranic Healing-Chakra Balancing + Regenerative Medicine).
“The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest factor in getting well” . . . . Hippocrates
Holistic Medicare Facilitates This Very Force In Getting Well

This all inclusive and integrative approach to health helps to extend the best of each system of medicine, at the same time overcome inherent deficiencies in the respective systems to offer a ‘synergy’ of all of them to ensure ‘Health For All’ at all ages of life and all stages of sickness. This latest speciality of medicine is called Holistic Medicine.

1. It treats the human being as a whole, body, mind & soul.
2. It offers ‘synergy’ of drug-free modalities of all the recognised systems of Health.
3.It’s equally beneficial at all the levels of health, and at all ages.
4.It helps to take care of all the ailments of an individual concurrently.
5. No drugs, No interventions, No Dope, No Iatrogenesis.
6. it’s highly reproducible, universally beneficial, and cost & time efficient.
7. It’s very simple and easily accessible; can be rendered anywhere & everywhere.
8. It optimizes healthcare by complementing existing infrastructure at no extra cost. 9. It tremendously enhances skills, leading to greater professional satisfaction of the practitioners and would restore old glory of the medical profession.
“Holistic Medicare Enabled Modern Surgery”
Pratima Dayal, Ex. World Bank & Wife of Former. Union Health Secretary, Govt. of India.“I was persuaded to consult Dr. R. K. Tuli by a friend in Australia whose family had a rich experience of regaining health in diverse conventionally incurable ailments. I suffered from massive NASAL POLYPS obstructing my breathing. All the surgeons declared their removal to be a very high risk surgery, nor there was any assurance that they would not recur! I, also, suffered from bronchial asthma, sleep apnoea, hypertension, pain in knees, total lack of energy and resultant obesity.
Dr. Tuli assured me that his all integrative Holistic Medicine Therapy would help me to cure the underlying ‘allergy’ and as a result not only the polyps would shrink and become easily removable, but my bronchial asthma would get cured and my breathing, thereby the whole health would improve concurrently. True to his words my ‘allergy’ is now fully cured and I breathe freely. Also, my knee pains have disappeared, I feel energetic and relaxed, and my medication has reduced considerably! I am very satisfied to be able to do a lot of walking, exercise and yoga to take care of my health now. I can safely state that Dr. Tuli has the right prescription to eliminate any sickness and restore positive wellness in you”,
I Found A Better Doctor In India Than In U.k.
Margaret Tandau, wife of High Commissioner of TANZANIA “My husband was posted to New Delhi at a time when OSTEOARTHRITISof my KNEES caused me immense PAIN. It was an ordeal to walk a few steps, even to visit the toilet. A famous surgeon in London prescribed me strong painkillers and called me three months later for Total Replacement of Both Knees. The pain-killers were hardly of any relief, but caused terrible stomach upset. Upon arrival here, a compassionate friend escorted me to Dr. Tuli’s Holistic MediCare Centre. What a miracle! I improved by the day, and my pain was gone before I could realize it. Within two months I was walking so well that I CANCELLED my appointment for surgery. Today, three years later, I recall what a divine blessing it was to be able to write this note with my good old original knees serving me loyally and without any discomfort. This doctor couple has pioneered the holistic medicine therapy far beyond the best that one can expect from modern technology. Having observed them over the period it’s revealing that the healing potential of the body is immense and with this doctor’s support it can enable cure of any ailment in a very short time.”
Dilshad Mustafa, Embassy of Iran, New Delhi “The miserable pain in my left wrist only denigrated further over the previous eight months, in spite of various pain killers and all efforts including injections into the joint by four successive top orthopedic docs of Delhi. But, once with Dr. Tuli, I’ve fully recovered in just 20 treatments! That too without any drugs!! The greater miracle is that my 15 year’s of post-surgical restrictions in shoulder movements, muscle wasting and loss of sensation in right arm have disappeared concurrently. I am also relieved of nagging pains in knees, neck and low back; the headaches that were a part of me ever since I remember have vanished too. Such can be the wonder of Holistic Medicare.”
“Incurable Epilepsygot Curedwhen Drugs Didn’t Work”
Arati Aggarwal, Maharani Bagh, New Delhi “My son suffered from Epileptic Seizures with EEG abnormality since his age of 5-6 weeks after birth. When the treatment advised by top Neurologists in India did not show any benefit, we took him all over the world, including UK, France, Switzerland and USA, to consult world’s best epilepsy specialists and followed their advice and medications most diligently. We did not spare any known Homeopath, Vaid or Hakim, and even Astrologer. Recurrent fits and years of medication had made him very weak and dull, his academic record was poor as he was very erratic with his schooling and studies. He was nearly 16 years old when we brought him to Dr. Tuli’s Holistic Medicare Clinic at the suggestion of a friend whose daughter had been fully cured for a neurological deficiency by Dr. Ravi Tuli. By god’s grace, a most amazing miracle was awaiting. Ever since we commenced his treatment here, he never got a seizure again! But, what I must share is that out of curiosity, and without the advice of any doctor, I took him for EEG just after first four weeks of this holistic medicine therapy. To our shocking delight it turned out to be normal for the first time in his life !!! However, according to Dr. Tuli’s advice we continued with anti-epileptic drugs under surveillance of his neurologist till he was fully tapered off all drugs three years ago. He has simultaneously picked up his physical, emotional and social health to be as good as any of his peers.”
Holistic Medicare Enabled Joyful Life
Philippa Kaye, U. K, “A car accident in Delhi caused INTOLERABLE BACK PAIN, which would not respond to any pain killers, tranquilizers, anti-depressants, nor the injections including those pushed into my spine. MRI’s, X-Rays, Blood Tests, etc. all showed nothing was wrong. I was in agony and couldn’t move, and had to cancel all my travel plans – Disaster! In retrospect, I thank God all this happened while I was still in Delhi. A well wisher brought me to Dr Tuli’s Medicare Centre “SOHAM”, where I got my life back. Seven sessions, and a mere nine days later, I was on a plane to Cannes sipping Champagne! Another three sessions with Dr. Tuli, after my return, I had regained the confidence to dance in high heels all night!! I’ve now just returned, after fully enjoying galloping on horse and camel back through Rajasthan, for additional boost to my Body, Mind & Soul, before I returned home!!!”.
Thankfully, I Listened To My Mother
Anita Kapoor, New York, USA “Five years ago I suffered from an unexplained progressive body weakness, leading to periods of confinement to bed due to helpless debility. It was increasing in intensity and frequency, in spite of thorough medical tests and advised medication at leading hospitals in the U.S. It reached a state that I’d be paralyzed in bed off and on for periods up to a month. Doctors termed it Leucodystrophy of the brain, a? variant of MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (M.S.). During one of my visits home, my mother brought me to Dr. Tuli’sCenter for Holistic Medicine. I had just 15 days to be able to attend out of his advised course of 10 weeks therapy. But, what a miracle! Just those few treatments, complemented with valuable advice which I’ve incorporated in my life style, after more than a year I can today state that I am fully cured of a serious globally incurable ailment which top doctors in the world could not even understand!! I’ve regained my total health and youthfulness.”
It Became Australia-England-Nepal-India Quadrangle
Sudha Kanel, Middlesex, U.K. “My son Sarthak lived with my mother in Nepal after he was diagnosed to suffer from ‘CEREBRAL PALSY’ by doctors in England as at the age 4 years he could not sit up on his own, stand or walk, his IQ was very low and he could talk very few confusing words. According to them modern medicine anywhere in world did not offer any hope to this problem! But,my brother in Australia knew a similar child who had been successfully cured by doctor Tuli at New Delhi, and he advised me to go and see him. Today, after nearly six months of his drug free Holistic Medicine therapy, I am pleased to report that true MIRACLE has taken place! My child can now talk, walk smartly, dance beautifully, and has turned out to be one of the most clever and friendly children. Our whole family thanks Dr. Tuli for having been a God to us.” . . .
SONAM SARIN, CA 91304, USA “After a few years of wandering from Doctor to Doctor in the U.S. to find relief from my Chronic Fatigue, Body Aches, Loss of Libido and Dizziness-TINNITUS which had taken the smile out from my life, I came down to India in search of remedy to my problems. I was totally fed up with modern medicine. At Delhi’s Apollo Hospital, I was guided to Dr. R. K. Tuli at the Department of Holistic Medicine. Skeptically, but with little hope, I started treatment with him. To my amazement, and also to the relief of my family, I started to show signs of ENERGY and ENJOYMENT almost instantly. Smile has, once again, returned to my gloomy face and I am now returning home with all the vitality and happiness to pursue goals of my life. In the meantime I have found a ‘GURU’ in Dr. Ravi Tuli, who has taught me how to live life.”
V. V. I. P. Beneficiaries Of Holistic MediCare
Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed (S/O & D/O), Former President of India
I. K. Gujral (W/O), Former Prime Minister of India.
Shri chandra shekhar, Former Prime Minister of India.
Air Chief Marshal O.P. Mehra, Former Governor, Ambassador & Chief of Air Staff Iaf
Balram Jhakar, Former. Governor M.P., Speaker Loksabha & Union Minister, Govt of India
Margaret Alva, Former. Governor Uttarakhand & Rajasthan, Former. Union Minister, Govt of India
Mukut Methi M.P., Former. Governor Poducherry & C. M. Arunachal Pradesh
J. S. Verma (W/O), Former. Chief Justice of India & C.M National Human Rights Commission
P. K. Dave, IAS (Retd.), Former Lieutenant Governor of Delhi
Vasant Sathe, Former Union Minister, Govt. of India & Gen. Secy. Aicc
Ghulam Nabi Azad, Former. Union Health Minister, Goi & Former Chief Minister of J&K
Jagdish Tytler (W/O), Former Union Minister, Govt of India
Shiela Kaul, Former Union Minister, Govt of India
T. R. Balu, M.P. & Former Union Minister Govt. of India
Rajesh Pilot (W/O), Former Union Minister Govt of India
Colonel Ram Singh, Former Union Minister Govt of India
Vinod Khanna Cine Star, M.P., Former Union Minister, Govt of India
Lalit Mansingh IFS (Retd.), Former Foreign Secretary, Govt of India & Ambassador To Usa
Justice Prakash Narain, Former Chief Justice, Delhi High Court
Dr. Sita Ram Jindal, Chairman Jindal Aluminium, Industrialist, Philanthropist & Naturopath
Navin Jindal, M.P., Industrialist & Sportsman
D. P. Singhal Ips (Retd.), Former M.P. & Director General Police, U. P.
Mr. Vinod Lal Ias (Retd.) (W/O), Former. Secretary Civil Aviation, Govt. of India
Air Chief Marshal S. K. Kaul (D/O), Former Chief of Air Staff, Indian Air Force
Air Chief Marshal S. P. Tyagi, Former Chief of Air Staff, Indian Air Force
Mr. Mihir Shah, Former Member of Planning Commission of India
Mrs. & Dr. Dalbir Singh, Former. Chairman & Managing Director, Central Bank of India
Air Marshal C. K. Raje, Former. Vice Chief of Air Staff, IAF & D.G. Civil Aviation, Govt of India
Air Marshal Ajit Bhavnani, Former Vice Chief of Air Staff,
Lieut. General (& W/O) Harish C. Dutta, Former. Commander Central Command, Indian Army
Vice Admiral Kailash Kohli (W/O), Former Vice Chief of Naval Staff, Indian Navy
Lieut. General (F/O) A. K. Bakshi, Military Secretary To President of India
Dr. Kusum Sahgal, Former. Principal, Director & Professor Lady Harding Medical College, Delhi
Dr. Kavita Sama (W/O) Dr. S.K. Sama, Chairman Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi
Air Vice Marshal (Medical) K. N. Ghosh, Former. Principal Medical Officer Wac, Indian Air Force
Air Vice Marshal (Medical) R. K. Ganjoo (W/O) Former. Commandant, Air Force Hospital, Bangalore
Arjuna Awardees: Chhaya Adak, Rishi Narain, Dhanraj Pillai, Dilip Tirkey, M. P., Etc.
International Cricketers: Allwynkallicharan (West Indies), Manoj Prabhakar,
Nikhil Chopra, Muralikarthik, Rahul Sanghvi
Ambassadors / High Commissioners / Diplomats: Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Ghana,
Hungry, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, Sweden, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Etc.
Several Judges, Civil Servants, Doctors, Artists, Nris, Armed Forces, Paramilitary & Police Personnel, Industrialists, Journalists, Theatre & Film Personalities, Sports Persons, Celebrities, Etc.
Legacy of Healing
Beneficiary from Bannockburn, Victoria 3331, Australia, BILL SWEETLAND writes with deep satisfaction, “Oh What a Feeling! The return of Energy flowing in my Veins, once again!! What a relief to begin to feel energised again after a period of hopeless depression of twelve months: it had me gasping for health, movement and motivation. I have experienced the whole being impact of your Holistic Medicine therapy. It has helped me simultaneously overcome the debilitating suffering from old spinal, shoulder and knee injuries. Watching your miracle on me, my son who works as a Polo Coach in the U.S. and Argentina, also, came to benefit from your ‘Healing Touch’. I wish you have Clinics like “SOHAM” across continents to help people with your miracle healing to relieve incurable sufferings of people with such natural and efficient restoration of happiness.”

Beneficiary from Kew, 3101 Victoria, Australia, “As a professional sportsman it was terrible to suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome comprising symptoms of perpetual tiredness, lack of focus, poor mental acuity, loss of libido, chondromalacia patellae, body stiffness, backache even on mild exertion, indigestion, flatulence-IBS. All the medications prescribed by doctors in Australia and USA proved futile. I arrived at the “SOHAM” Clinic on my father’s counsel. Although hesitant in the beginning, now at the end of prescribed course of therapy I can say that this holistic therapy has helped to restore my health & vitality considerably – so, too the words Dr. Tuli has spoken to me! I’ve gained an awareness I did not have before, an awareness of myself, of my environment, and the energy that surrounds us all. Through this period of time here I have commenced my journey into the ‘tapping’ of this infinite energy. I am on my way to where I wish to be going. Thanks, Dr. Tuli!
Mr. Prakash C. Jhalani, in 80th year of his life has been an ardent practitioner of Vipassana Meditation for decades, and author of a book ‘MEDITATE ‘. He writes, “Observing dramatic improvement in the condition of my younger brother, I also decided to join Dr. Tuli’s Centre for Holistic MediCare for my symptoms of BENIGN PROSTATE HYPER TROPHY, persisting in spite of prescribed medical treatment. In addition I, also, suffered from TREMORS in my both arms due to Parkinson’s disease, Cervical & Lumbo-Sacral Spondylosis, and Uncontrolled Watering from Eyes, Hypertension, Chronic Bronchitis-DRY COUGH for over 20 years and DYSPEPSIA with poor state of health due to depletion of energy, etc. After undergoing spaced treatment at the “SOHAM” Clinic without any medicines over the last six months, the symptoms due to Prostate are all gone, I feel more energetic and healthier, Dry Cough has been cured, Watering in the Eyes and Trembling of Hands has reduced substantially. Blood pressure is now under control without any medication.” He wishes, “The treatment done by Dr. Tuli is an exceptional service to the humanity and needs to go universal.”
Mr. Yogesh Jhalani states, “I arrived at Dr. Tuli’s Clinic For HYPERTROPHY of my PROSTATE with doubtful Cancer due to raised PSA of 14.56 (Normal< 4.0); the Ultrasound revealed Rt. URTEROCELE. I had made up my mind to not to go to a hospital because of associated torment and limitations of medical care. In that situation Dr. Tuli’s words were reassuring that his therapy should help me to overcome the problem comprehensively; and at the same time even help to eliminate 8 years of medication for Hypertension. I like to share that I started improving in my health from day one, and realize as I look back 3-4 months, how it has helped me to eliminate all the symptoms of Prostate Enlargement, improve my all-round ‘quality of life’. As a bonus my Blood Pressure, as forecast by Dr. Tuli, remains normal without any medication. I feel happy to share that I certainly feel10 years younger in my body and mind today, than the day I commenced this therapy. I wish that many more qualified doctors adopt the procedures done by Dr. Tuli in the service of suffering humanity and raise their own esteem.”
Dr. Pervez Ali Ahmed, A world renowned Cardiologist, son of a former President of India, and founder of Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed Medical College in Assam, wishes to share, ‘’’I have known Ravi for five decades and have met him in various capacities. I’vve always heard of his exceptional work with Complementary Alternate Medicine. Now, I have experienced him at my personal level for my problem of ‘Post-Operative Urinary Incontinence, following my surgery for Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH)’. The work he is doing is commendable. The results are outstanding, though anecdotal are obvious objectively. He has the knowledge, dedication and ability to harness the ‘Universal Energy’ and utilize it for wholesome benefits to eradicate various sicknesses and restore health – that it helped me to overcome my other problems concurrently of ‘Low Backache-Severe Coccydynia + Sciatica due to Prolapsed Inter-Vertebral Discs & L4 Radiculopathy; Arthralgia Lt Knee & Rt. Ankle; Seasonal Bronchitis, and CAD-Post PTCA, etc. I promise him all the support in his mission to promote Holistic Medicare.’
Dr. Anjum Ali Ahmed, “I am Dr. Anjum Ali Ahmed and I met Ravi 4 months ago when I was in a state of complete energy depletion, depression, and: A. HYPERTENSION for 20 years not managed well with drugs as it fluctuated badly leaving me short of breath and dizzy; B. CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIA for past 3years with irregular heart- beats leaving me quite non-functional and depressed; C. NEURASTHENIA with Fatigue, Stress, Anxiety, Panic & Phobia of Elevator & Flights; D. JOINT PAINS & OSTEOPENIA due to Post-Polio Residual Paresis and series of corrective surgeries. My experience just after 30 sessions of spaced Holistic Medicine therapy has been more than amazing! Energy level has come back to me after many years, changing outlook to life. Hypertension – Arrhythmias are totally manageable; Joint Pains are gone, and the surprise is that I don’t need any medications any longer!! This is an amazing form of energy redistribution which heals, restores health and wellness. I’d like to see a big institution that Dr. Ravi Tuli can manage and teach the whole world in his form of drug-free, harmless, easily accessible, reproducible, sustainable, and highly efficient Holistic Medicine therapy.”

DEEPAK SANDHU, First Women Chief Information Commissioner, Govt. Of India. DEEPAK SANDHU has written, “I came to Dr. Tuli’s Clinic “SOHAM” when I was suffering from Acute (Very Acute) PAIN and total exhaustion, not responding to any medication, in all the joints and my whole body following an attack of CHIKUNGUNIYA a year ago. I was prescribed 10 sessions of drug-free Holistic Medicine therapy comprising relaxation, breathing, chanting, acupuncture & moxibustion, reflexolgy, laser and detox therapy, I am very glad to state that I am now 100% CURED, totally pain free, and bouncing with energy. A big Thank You to Dr. Tuli and the “SOHAM” team.”
SAHIBA SANDHU, San Francisco-CA, U.S.A. “I came to Dr. Tuli about 4 years ago when I had been suffering from Severe Chronic Fatigue, Acute Fibromyalgia, Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia, Blurred Mind, Migraine, etc. It had, also, disturbed my hormonal system to cause PCOD-Amenorrhea-Infertility. Despite trying various allopathic and natural cures at best of the recommendations for over 10 years in both India & the U.S., my condition only got from bad to worse. But, once under Dr. Tuli’s care I’ve found significant relief in all of my issues. From being bed ridden with intolerable drug-resistant pain, I’m now a qualified Yoga teacher, do my aerobics as well as go jogging regularly. The quality of my health (Body-Mind-Spirit) has improved from 1/10 to 8-9/10. Also, I didn’t find any answer in western medicine for my PCOD which has been concurrently cured and I’m the mother of a healthy baby now.”
Jennifer Tytler. Principal, JD Tytler School, New Delhi, “In the year 1992, when I came to Dr. R.K. Tuli, I was bed-ridden for previous five years due to pain and disabilities of Cervical Spondylitis, three Slip-Discs in my Lumbar Spine, and Sero-Positive Rheumatoid arthritis involving every joint in my body. I had been treated by the best specialists here, and later hospitalized under leading Doctors in London and New York. But, of no avail. Within three months of drug-free Holistic Medicine therapy comprising different modalities of Acupuncture, Therapeutic Yoga and the Healing Touch of Dr. Tuli, I was miraculously CURED of all my ailments that have stood good over the last 25 years.” She likes to add, “A few years later I suffered Multiple Fractures in my Left Ankle. But, when after six months of Orthopaedic treatment and Physiotherapy, Pain and Discomfort didn’t subside I had to think of Dr. Tuli. Once again, I recovered fast and have been ever since freely wearing my favourite but forbidden ‘stilettos’. The whole world should adopt this wholesome therapy that restored me to fully enjoy health, fitness and wellness in spite of the years added to my age.” She states further, “Dr. Tuli’s therapy is truly Holistic in the literal sense that it addresses the person as a whole. It didn’t merely help my body or all my joints and entire spine concurrently; it brings an unimaginable equanimity to the mind and uplifts the spirit of the person to another level! The true role of his therapy was confirmed further when I developed High Blood Pressure a few years later – all the tests and medications by leading cardiologists couldn’t control my B. P. over six months. But, within seven days at Dr. Tuli’s Clinic and 20 years later my B. P. has remained within normal limits without any drugs, in spite of all the ups and downs of life.” . . . Jennifer Tytler, Trustee Director, JD Tytler School, New Delhi
Radhika Tytler Poetess, New Delhi, “Filled With Depression And Its Accompaniments For Many Years Full Of Doubts And FearsMy Emotions suffering Their Ups And Downs, Floor Racing, Blurred Vision, All Around DizzinessWhat I Found Unable To Cross The Road, Unable To Climb The Stairs, Even Unable To Stand UprightThen, Brought To A Saint Doctor With A Miracle Cure In The Form Of Healing Touch And The NeedlesThat Cured My Life From Depression, Its Desperations, and its Hallucinations! The Soft Prick Of Needles Clipped With Wires Passing Micro Currents Metabolized My Life Force The High Energy Levels Taking Away The Memory Of The Options Of High MedicationI Was Cured Of My Long Suffering! An Earth Can Be Without The Dosage Of Pills!! Today I Walk Free Of The Disease I Can No Longer Care, I Say Goodbye To Depression And My Heart Says Three Cheers to Holistic Medicare As I Worship The Saintly Doctor.” . . . . Radhika Tytler [An Ever Grateful Patient]
“Holistic Medicine is SURELY the highest form of Healing. Dr. Tulis’ team is really aiding the Divine Healer and in the process motivating their patients in the right direction.” . . . . Dr. (Prof) Kusum Sahgal Former. Principal & Director Lady Harding Medical College, New Delhi
“I had brought my wife Veena Gupta after I was fed up with allopathic treatments, as in spite of the best care she continued to suffer from multiple problems of Mental Depression – OCD; Hypothyroidism; Fibromyalgia; Obesity; Cervical Spondylosis + Vertigo with Osteoarthritis of Knees & Ankles + Restless Legs and APD-GERD + Fatty Liver, etc. After drug-free Holistic Medicine therapy at “SOHAM” for just over two months, I am Thrilled with the improvement in her health.”. . . . Dr. A. K. Gupta, Former. Dean, Maulana Azad Medical College & Technical Expert Govt. of India
“In April 2000 I had a Lumbar Canal Stenosis operation by a visiting surgeon from U.K. at the Apollo Hospital, Delhi, as my L4 & L5 Vertebrae had collapsed pressing on the Nerve Roots causing excruciating PAIN and Weakness in Both Legs causing difficulty in even getting out of the bed or walking, which had persisted even after the operation. After a few sittings at the Holistic Medicine Department, I felt remarkable improvement and as a follow-up I do regular exercise and yoga. I wish Dr. Tuli keeps his mission of CURING many more patients.” . . . C.D.D. Reddy, Managing Director, Apollo Hospital, Ahmedabad
“I came to Dr. Tuli in a desperate condition with unbearably severe LOW BACK PAIN due to Inoperable Advanced L-S Degenerative Spondylosis + DDD & PIVDs L1 to L5, Spinal Canal Stenosis and Radiculopathy BLLs causing Anxiety, Sleep Disturbance & Hypertension. I already had both Knees as well as a Hip joint replacement. I got very positive vibrations and a feeling of reassurance at his “SOHAM” Clinic. I felt very relieved after only a first few treatments. At the end of recommended course I am completely relieved and I’d like to share that I am able to play better Golf today than I did 10 years ago!” …Dr. Kavita Sama, Sr. Obst & Gynaecologist, SAMA Nursing Home & Sir Ganga Ram Hospital.
“I am glad that I directed my 73 years old mother to Dr. Tuli. She suffered from Chronic Low Backache for the last three decades, and was operated upon 25 years ago. Her MRI revealed L4-L5 & L5-SI PROLAPSED DISCS with LUMBAR CANAL STENOSIS & NERVE ROOT IMPINGEMENT. For the last six months her pain was intolerable, radiating into left leg causing its wasting. Now in her own words, “Every morning when I go for my morning walk, I thank God and Dr. Tuli! I was almost confined to bed for over a year. Nothing really helped, no pain killers or even injections into the spine. I agreed for this Holistic Therapy on the insistence of my doctor daughters. After 30 sessions of drug-free therapy, I am glad to report that the pain is relieved and my leg is regaining its lost strength. I find a new elasticity in my body at this age to enjoy daily Pranayama, Asanas & Meditation.” . . . . . Dr. Neelam Dhillion, Medical Adviser, Canada High Commission, New Delhi.
“I used to feel exhausted and breathless ‘dyspnoea’ on mild exertion and had been diagnosed to suffer from progressive Interstitial Lungs Disease (I.L.D.). After consulting all the doctors here and abroad (U.K. & U.S.A.), many of whom were my former students, I had decided to retire when I was told nothing much could be done. But, after having this drug-free Holistic Medicine treatment for about four months, I’ve tremendous improvement in my health and I really now BELIEVE about the theory of LIFE-FORCE which can CURE many incurable ailments.” ….. Dr. Shanti Talwar, Sr. Consultant Paediatric Surgery, Apollo Hospitals and Former. Director, Professor & Head Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi.
“I am pleased to share that I had brought my bed-redden mother here more than 15 years ago as she suffered from severe Rheumatoid Arthritis with multiple crippling deformities. She had, also, developed serious side-effects to drugs including heavy dose of prednisolone prescribed to her at AIIMS, New Delhi. I am highly obliged to Dr. Tuli’s team and the drug-free holistic method of treatment for total cure of my mother from the very cause of disease, recovery from all the deformities and her freedom from heavy toxic medication. It was a medical miracle that stands proven till today! My mother has now crossed the age of ‘80’ years and she continues to smoothly manage her entire household including my ‘handicapped’ sister!! Long live holistic Medicine!!!” . . . . . Dr. Anand K. Gupta, Senior Family Physician & Dermatologist, New Delhi
I had slipped into Hepatic Coma & Total Renal Shut Down following Chronic Progressive Multi-Virus Hepatitis. My family sought the services of Dr. R.K. Tuli, the renowned Holistic Physician at the stage when specialists at AIIMS gave up on me! Due to his sincere and vigorous support I’ve fully regained my liver functions. What’s amazing is that the universally INCURABLE ‘C’ & ‘E’ Antigens and all the Virus load has been eliminated from my body. My health has bounced back to be better than in previous ten years, and I’ve resumed my medical practice nearly after three years of its closure due to my morbidity.” . . . . . Dr. Deepak Chandra, Vishnupura, Kanpur (U.P.)
“I was diagnosed to suffer from Takayeshu’s Disease, a rare type of serious arteritis due to autoimmune disorder with no definitive treatment in the world of modern medicine, anywhere. I survived left sided hemiplegia 4 years back, after which my life got complicated. I was also developing diabetes as a side-effect of drugs. The Holistic Medicine therapy has helped me an unbelievable CURE; besides I’ve learnt the way to lead life with positive attitude, and I feel a new force & energy within me to carry out my life with ease. I’ve learnt many things, which will also help me professionally. I wish Dr. Tuli may long continue to serve the humanity and give new direction to healthcare.” . . . . . Dr. Purnendu Kumari, Chief Medical Officer, C.G.H.S., Rashtrapati Bhawan.
“I was transferred to New Delhi’s Apollo Hospital having suffered Multiple Fractures Rt. Elbow & Lumbar Spine at Rishikesh. While splints and plaster was done for the elbow, there was varied opinion whether I needed a surgery for my spine. For unbearable pain, swelling of the elbow and side-effects of drugs, I sought assistance of the Holistic Physician, Dr. Ravi Tuli, at the hospital. He instantly brought ‘life-force’ into healing, bringing lot of comfort and immediate increase in the range of my movements by 45 degrees. It saved me the controversy about spinal surgery and the injury healed spontaneously – instantly! Hypnotherapy by Dr. Poonam Tuli helped me clear lot of past ‘karmic garbage’ giving me plenty of mental equanimity. I am very thankful for this work and wish they use it in the entire hospital for benefit of many more people.” . . . . . Dr. Audrey Easton, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
“I visited “SOHAM”, the energy charged healing clinic of Dr. Tulis’ when I was in a state of very low health, morale and vitality due to recurrence of incapacitating LOW BACKACHE with severe SCIATICA. I had been operated for L4-L5 DISECTOMY for the same problem three years earlier. The surgeons advised me a repeat surgery as I had developed a SLIP DISC at L5-S1 compressing on the nerve roots. But, I was scared due to my bad experience with the surgery in the past, its after effects, and also due to my poor health this time. Dr Tuli, with his drug-less holistic therapy, has enabled me to restart my life once again and given me a new chance to enjoy life. They only could save me from the burden of a repeat surgery. I can state that I am, now, as healthy and bouncy as a ‘ping-pong’ ball that I was never before! I will always remember your treatments and pray to God that I can find someone like you in the U.S., where I’ve to return to now. All the best and a BIG Thank You, once again. . . . Benoit Ghesquiere-Dierickx, New York, USA
“My two and a half years old son Ali suffered from serious ‘Cerebral Palsy’. After Holistic Medicine therapy in the last six weeks, we realize that his intelligence, interaction and speech has improved a lot, and he has started crawling. Dr. Tuli’s faith in divine and his healing therapy has helped Ali much! Insha Allah, our child shall recover fully in due course as we have seen other children here recover fully from such disability.” . . . Celine Shukr, Beirut, Lebanon.
“Dr. Tuli’s therapy has been highly effective in reducing long-term inflammation damaging my muscles and joints. Amazingly, as a by-product, it has corrected the congenital condition of Flat Feet. I’ve found it to be extremely useful as drug free remedy for day to day problems, especially managing my Immunity.”. . . Dr. William S. Fox, Director Maharishi Corporate Development Program, U.S.A.
“Dr. Tuli has not only taught us the integration of natural & modern medicine, but also allowed us to experience this incredibly inspiring experience.” – Tara Lynn, Dallas, Texas, USA “Thank you so much for introducing us to natural holistic medicine as practiced here in India! I am definitely coming back to learn more in 4th year of my medical school”. – Mien Chyi, Ann Arbor, MI USA
“Your office is a very warm welcoming environment. Thank you for teaching us about holistic medicine and spirituality. I hope to learn more about it in future.”- Amy Caron, Ann Arbor, Michigan State, USA I am truly thankful for this unusual, interesting, beneficial and wonderful experience of integrating holistic medicine for a budding doctor. – Marta Deolza, Brooklyn, NY, USA
“Having come to Dr. Tuli in agony and anxiety due to severe Low Backache as a result of L-S Spondylosis & Prolapsed Discs and disturbed digestion and low health because of a long standing Irritable Bowel Syndrome, I can testify to the wonders of holistic medicine treatment: acupuncture, breathing, relaxation techniques, and yoga, etc. Now, I am fully cured, restored in health, feel 10 years younger, more alert and at peace with my environment. They have also improved the general vitality of my younger daughter who perpetually remained sick, in spite of all treatments by medical experts, due to poor immunity that hampered her growth. This holistic approach in healthcare should become the norm for treating all ailments by modern medicine physicians, complementing it and in some cases supplementing the traditional holistic approach of body, mind & spirit. Thank you Dr R. K. Tuli and Dr Poonam Tuli.” . . . Salman Zaheer, World Bank, Washington D.C., USA
“The Healing Touch and dedication of both Dr. Ravi & Dr. Poonam Tuli have helped my wife to far improve of her lifelong Bronchial Asthma, Arthritis Knees & Chronic Backache. I myself feel rejuvenated and several years younger because of improvement in my Spine.”. . . Lieut. General Harish Dutta, Former. Army Commander.
“The Holistic Medicine therapy of Dr. Tuli benefitted me to fully recover from Cervical Spondylosis with Prolapsed Disc causing C7 Radiculopathy, and enabling me to achieve a world milestone of completing para jumps as serving chief of a service. I fully believe in this philosophy of Holistic Medicine for Life style and Fitness.” . . . Air Chief Marshal S.P. Tyagi, Former. Chief of Staff, Indian Air Force
“I got treatment for my Headache due to Chronic Sinusitis which . I was suffering for more than ten years. Dr. Tuli not only treated me but also educated me about the benefits of Holistic Medicine and healthy life style.”. . . Mukut Mithi, Former Chief Minister Arunachal Pradesh & Governor of Puducherry
CONCLUSION: It’s no wonder that Dr. Tuli is so passionate to share miracles of such wide spectrum of stories which prove the efficacy and versatility of Holistic Medicare. It reveals the potential to tremendously improve the way medicine is practiced today. The efficacy of modern medicine enhanced by alternate / traditional therapies brings out the best in healthcare to offer to the humanity.
At the same time Dr. Tuli, cautions that to establish its universal acceptability we need large scale multicentric scientific studies and develop evidence based protocols for the larger benefits that help in entire range of chronic and incurable medical conditions at a fraction of cost to achieve “HEALTH FOR AL. He stated that in the absence of medical profession extending benefits of CAM practices, a vast number of ‘quacks’ are exploiting their inherent goodness without scientific fervor and even mislead the society. Therefore, the medical profession must raise its level to complement the benefits of Holistic Medicine and appeals to his peers to open their minds and rise above to extend humane benefits of complementar alternate medicine (CAM) which has the infinite potential to enrich the ‘science’ of modern medicine with the ‘art’ of time honoured practices of traditional systems of health to restore the old glory of the profession.