26Dec, 2024
Ho-Lis-Tic, are ‘bols’ of Cure Tabla Maestro Zakir Hussain missed

Playing tabor, Wah Taj fame late Tabla maestro Zakir Hussain’s  bols were always flawless and beyond compare. But when it came to choosing treatment for most difficult lung condition called Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF), his finger failed to hit the right note. Though allopathy ’s success in curing this lung condition is non- existent, there are evidences of survivors when treatment protocol was different.


24Aug, 2024
Father of Holistic Medicine

Dr. (Prof) R.K. Tuli is the Founder of “SOHAM” – Society for Holistic Advancement of Medicine. He is popularly known as The Father of Holistic Medicine as he established the world’s first ever Department of its kind at state-of-the-art multi-speciality tertiary care Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi in the year 1996. He is a 1964 batch alumnus of the prestigious Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC), Pune. He was commissioned by the President of India into the Armed Forces Medical Service and seconded to the Indian Air Force.



1Jul, 2024
ताली बजाकर पाएं बेहतर सेहत, करें बीमारी दूर!

ताली बजाने का सकारात्मक प्रभाव हमारी सेहत पर भी होता है। रोजाना कितनी देर ताली बजाने से क्या फायदे हो सकते हैं, जानेंगे Dr. R. K. Tuli, Senior Holistic Expert.

12Jun, 2024
Lactose Intolerance Symptoms, Causes & Natural Remedies in Hindi | Dr. RK Tuli | Back to Nature

इस एपिसोड में होलिस्टिक चिकित्सक Dr. RK Tuli जी Lactose Intolerance के Symptoms, Causes और Natural Remedies पर चर्चा करेंगे। Lactose Intolerance एक पाचन विकार (Digestive Disorder) है जो आमतौर पर शरीर में लैक्टेज (Lactase) नामक एंजाइम (Enzyme) की कमी के कारण होता है।


20May, 2023

In the cause of Service to Humanity and Public Awareness, in this Video titled “SICKNESS TO WELLNESS” – Beyond Allopathy – I present to You, in his words, the story of 28 years young PRATEEK NEGI who was guided to this Centre by his own uncle as he remains CURED of his Bronchial Asthma which was treated over 25 years ago. Prateek suffered from debilitating Respiratory Allergy since his childhood, and in addition from unpleasant Body Odour, termed BROMHIDROSIS. The patient expresses remarkable recovery from all of his ailments by dedicated Holistic Medicine therapy comprising various drug-free modalities of Ayurveda like Yoga & Bhedan Kriya (Acupuncture) within 8 weeks. What needs to be highlighted is that he enjoys his HEALTH & HAPPINEES like never before, and even mentions to attract more success in his work. This work further adds to fulfilment of our Vedic Motto, “सर्वे संतु निरामया” = “Sarve Santu Niramaya”. i.e., May all remain Healthy and No on Suffer in any way!

27Dec, 2022
Preparedness Against Corona Virus

The CORONA VIRUS has been here in our environment, and it’s Going to Evolve & Stay here for ever. The need is for each citizen to observe CAB – Corona Appropriate Behaviour, take prescribed Vaccine, At the same time the most important need is to improve our own Life-Style and Enhance our Natural Immunity as a protection against all infections as well as all Life-Style Diseases.


26Dec, 2022

The Corona Virus is known to be around for some time and as in the past it’ll keep evolving in the form of its various strains with varying morbidity and mortality amongst people with compromised health. HUMAN HEALTH is a product of the Triology of interaction explained as AGENT-HOST-ENVIRONMENT comprising all forms of life including various Microbes: Bacteria, Fungi, Protozoa or Viruses. Human Immunity is a direct product of its symbiotic relationship with nature and its various microbes. Long term survival of human being is, therefore, determined by indicators as population of Tigers, Penguins, Vultures, Sparrows, et al., as also Quality of Soil, Water, Air, and importantly of natural polar Magnetic Fields. To Promote human health, we need to improve the quality of Lifestyle of people and our rapidly deteriorating Environment. Its improvement only shall, finally, enhance human Immunity leading to Better Physical, Mental, Social, Emotional & Spiritual Health termed Wellness.


24Sep, 2022

In the cause of Service to Humanity, this Video titled “SICKNESS TO WELLNESS” – Beyond Allopathy – I present to You the first hand story of a 56 years old patient who had suffered FOUR episodes of STROKE (with residual after-effects) in previous 15 years in spite of appropriate medical management, presenting with UNCONNTROLLABLE PAIN due to ADVANCED SPONDYLOSIS & NERVE CANAL STENOSIS & associated INSOMNIA. The patient was guided to “SOHAM” The Centre For Holistic Wellness by a Chief Medical Officer in CGHS in view of no promise of help at best of medical institutions in the country. The patient displayed, not only, remarkable recovery from all of his ailments by the dedicated drug-free modalities of Holistic Medicine within 12 weeks since commencement of therapy in 2006, but – what needs to be highlighted – has continued to enjoy his FULL HEALTH & HAPPINEES sixteen years later at his current age of 72 in year 2022.

1Sep, 2022
SICKNESS TO WELLNESS BEYOND ALLOPATHY: Sero +ve Rheumatoid Arthritis & Ankylosing Spondylitis

Nearly 4% of the world’s population is affected by one of more than 80 different types of Autoimmune Diseases like the Rheumatoid Arthritis & Ankylosing Spondylitis. Autoimmune diseases occur when a body’s immune system attacks its own healthy cells. The conventional medical management involves prescription of Disease Modifying Drugs (DMD), which may at the most provide only some temporary symptom relief without any promise of permanent cure. Each of these drugs, however, come with a series of side-effects and cumulative toxicity, progressively enhancing the morbidity of the unfortunate victim. The objective of reporting this case is to spread awareness that, as illustrated by this young software engineer, the drug-free system of Holistic Medicine enables not only predictable, reproducible and sustainable relief in quick time in both the conditions manifesting nearly 20 years apart, but restores Positive Health & Total Wellness ‘Body-Mind-Spirit’ in each individual. In our experience, the same therapy is equally efficient in eradication of all other autoimmune ailments as well. For more TESTIMONIALS on the CURE of Auto-Immune Diseases, please connect to read the following link: *Holistic Medicine = Modern Medicine + Drug-free modalities of officially recognised AYUSH (Traditional or Alternate) Systems of Health.

20Aug, 2022

SICKNESS TO WELLNESS – Beyond Allopathy: A Case Report on more than successful recovery of a patient suffering from Severely Debilitating LOW BACKACHE. A large number of people suffer from Chronic & Acute Backache making it one of the leading cause of pain, morbidity and loss of man hours all over the world. It leads to low medical category and invalidment from service on health grounds in thousands of personnel from the Indian Armed Forces. It’s not only an abrupt loss of carrier for the individual, but a huge loss of highly trained manpower from the Indian Army, Navy & Air Force. It adds to life long suffering for the individual, at the same time additional financial burden for their healthcare as well as pensionary compensations. The Armed Forces Medical Services (AFMS), like rest of the nation, have been conventionally based on the allopathic system of modern medicine. In spite of all the benefits of this system, the whole world has recognised its serious limitations as well as their long-term iatrogenic effects. In consonance with our National Health Policy, and directives of Ministry of AYUSH, the various modalities of AYUSH systems are being initiated at different AFMS institutions. But, drugs of no two different systems can be prescribed to any patient, concurrently, in view of unknown hazards of drug interactions. At the same time, drug-free modalities of various recognised systems of AYUSH can complement best practices of allopathic medicine to improve the final outcome of every sickness at all stages of health. This synergy of various drug-free modalities of traditional systems of health with modern medicine is termed Holistic Medicine. The testimony of one eminent personnel of Indian Army in this video recording highlights the efficacy of Holistic Medicine therapy in ‘quick recovery’ from a resistant ailment. What is more important is that it enabled him to attain the peak of his professional glory, and physical. mental, emotional as well as spiritual wellness in terms of ‘quality-of-life’ beyond any specific system of health! This case story, supplemented with many more, should lead the authorities in AFMS to trigger the Ministry of Defence & Health, respectively, to lead the whole nation and spark a revolution in healthcare in the country and the whole world. JAI HIND

31May, 2018
Cancer Treatment


Cancer : Palliation & Cure

Owing to years of experience in the industry, we offer wide range of Cancer: Palliation & Cure services to our clients. Our entire services are executed under the strict supervision of experienced doctors thereby reddening utmost client satisfaction. These services are well-planned and help to eradicate the diseases from the root. Moreover, we offer them at most affordable rates.


  • Client centric approach
  • Flexibility
  • High quality
31May, 2018
Anti Aging


Therapeutic Yoga Service

Therapeutic yoga service: To inculcate the principals of patanjali’s ashtanga yoga as an inherent part of lifestyle for promotion of health. prevention of disease, early detection of sickness, its permanent cure and total rehabilitation of the individual at physical, mental, emotional as well as spiritual dimension leading to the state of bliss or “sat chit anand”.
31May, 2018
Pain Management


Acupuncture Therapy Services

Acupuncture is an alternative medicine methodology originating in ancient China that treats patients by manipulating thin, solid needles that have been inserted into acupuncture points in the skin. We provides “Acupuncture Therapy Services” by Using a combination of all the modalities of acupuncture in harmony with various other therapies for permanent cure of all the conventionally incurable ailments.

Laser Acupuncture

We provide Laser Acupuncture services. Needle free and totally painless Acupuncture for the entire range of treatments, especially beneficial for the children, the elderly or the frail.

Acupuncture & Reflexo Therapy

To furnish the diverse requirements of our clients we are involved in offering Acupuncture & Reflexotherapy. We provide acupuncture treatment of ears, muscles, veins of the patient. Offered therapy is done by our experienced medical practitioners by using sophisticated technology and advanced methods. Additionally, we offer these therapies to our clients at reasonable prices.


  • Reliable
  • Cost effective
  • Highly appreciated


31May, 2018
Fertility Services

laughing baby playing with mother

Fertility Services: Failed IVF / ART

Keeping in mind the precise requirements of the clients, we are able to serve with quality approved range of Fertility Services: Failed IVF / ART. Our entire services are the scientific laboratory procedure that is executed under the supervision of experienced professionals. All the treatments are undergone with the aid of advanced technologies and modern amenities.


  • Client centric approach
  • High quality
  • Affordable rates