The latest emerging and being increasingly recognized speciality of medicine in the world is HOLISTIC MEDICINE for ite wholesome approach to Health and Wellness, as it takes care of the human being as a whole ‘Body-Mind-Spirit’ and all the ailments of an individual concurrently by an optimum synergy of all the recognized systems of medicine. It enables to extend combined advantage of all the systems of medicine, and at the same time eliminate disadvantages inherent in each one of the system. At “SOHAM” we complement the efficacy of modern medicine with non-conflicting drug-free and harmless modalities of various officially recognized systems of health, viz.:
- Holistic Medicine = Modern Medicine
- Alternate Systems of Health
- Conservative Medicine Life Style Management Nutrition Stress Proofing Ashtanga Yoga Ayurvedic Panchakarma Acupuncture Psycho-Hypnotherapy.
Also, Holistic Medicine = Modern Medicine Ancient Indian Traditional Chinese Medicine
This integrated and all inclusive approach to health enables comprehensive care of each human and definitely works better than health care dependent on any one particular system of medicine. It enables permanent CURE of a vast range of conventionally incurable diseases and minimizes life-long dependence on medication and their inseparable hazards.
Its advantages are:
- It adds LIFE to YEARS and improves QUALITY of LIFE of each individual.
- It IMPROVES final outcome of every sickness.
- It effects PERMANENT CURE from most of the diseases in majority of persons.
- It saves from the hazards of medicines & surgical interventions by minimal dependence.
- It COMPLEMENTS all the Systems and Specialities of Medicine for better Health & Wellness.
EARLY DIAGNOSIS : The understanding of Holistic Medicine enables Promotion of Health & Prevention from Sickness by BIOENERGY SCAN which helps to locate a disturbance in energy body through study of Aura-Chakra-Meridians of the person, years before it even visits the physical body.
Allergy-Asthma Treatment