24Sep, 2022

In the cause of Service to Humanity, this Video titled “SICKNESS TO WELLNESS” – Beyond Allopathy – I present to You the first hand story of a 56 years old patient who had suffered FOUR episodes of STROKE (with residual after-effects) in previous 15 years in spite of appropriate medical management, presenting with UNCONNTROLLABLE PAIN due to ADVANCED SPONDYLOSIS & NERVE CANAL STENOSIS & associated INSOMNIA. The patient was guided to “SOHAM” The Centre For Holistic Wellness by a Chief Medical Officer in CGHS in view of no promise of help at best of medical institutions in the country. The patient displayed, not only, remarkable recovery from all of his ailments by the dedicated drug-free modalities of Holistic Medicine within 12 weeks since commencement of therapy in 2006, but – what needs to be highlighted – has continued to enjoy his FULL HEALTH & HAPPINEES sixteen years later at his current age of 72 in year 2022.

1Sep, 2022
SICKNESS TO WELLNESS BEYOND ALLOPATHY: Sero +ve Rheumatoid Arthritis & Ankylosing Spondylitis

Nearly 4% of the world’s population is affected by one of more than 80 different types of Autoimmune Diseases like the Rheumatoid Arthritis & Ankylosing Spondylitis. Autoimmune diseases occur when a body’s immune system attacks its own healthy cells. The conventional medical management involves prescription of Disease Modifying Drugs (DMD), which may at the most provide only some temporary symptom relief without any promise of permanent cure. Each of these drugs, however, come with a series of side-effects and cumulative toxicity, progressively enhancing the morbidity of the unfortunate victim. The objective of reporting this case is to spread awareness that, as illustrated by this young software engineer, the drug-free system of Holistic Medicine enables not only predictable, reproducible and sustainable relief in quick time in both the conditions manifesting nearly 20 years apart, but restores Positive Health & Total Wellness ‘Body-Mind-Spirit’ in each individual. In our experience, the same therapy is equally efficient in eradication of all other autoimmune ailments as well. For more TESTIMONIALS on the CURE of Auto-Immune Diseases, please connect to read the following link: *Holistic Medicine = Modern Medicine + Drug-free modalities of officially recognised AYUSH (Traditional or Alternate) Systems of Health.