BREAKING NEWS: The Director General of Armed Forces Medical Services (DG AFMS) has sanctioned a ‘Pilot Project’ by Army Hospital Research & Referral (AHRR) in collaboration with Society For Holistic Advancement Of Medicine “SOHAM”, in keeping with its motto “SARVE SANTU NIRAMAYA”, for individuals suffering from Respiratory Disorders like Bronchial Asthma, Uncontrolled Diabetes with complications, and Failed Backache. The project is free-of-cost for all the serving or retired beneficiaries of the three services purely on voluntary basis. The willing personnel may register online at www.holistic-medicare-net.
BACKGROUND: The medical services in the armed forces, since its inception, have been based on the allopathic or the system of modern medicine. Of late, there has been a growing global awareness that in spite of all its advantages and tremendous developments, modern medicine is not able to fully keep up with the changing pattern of sickness in the form of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and mutating germs. It has led to growing morbidity and increase in cost of health care. Therefore, the Government of India has formulated the national health policy to integration of conventional medical services with the traditional AYUSH systems of health. But, due to hazards of drug-interactions it’s not advisable for two drug based systems to be prescribed simultaneously. The “SOHAM” has brought together complementing of available medical services with drug-free, thus harmless, natural modalities of the recognised systems of health termed Holistic Medicine with tremendous benefits. It offers a promise to overcome inherent deficiencies in exclusive practice of allopathic medicine for more efficient cure of all diseases. Many serving and retired personnel have tremendously benefitted from this modality over the years by spending from their own pocket. To extend its benefits, initially a ‘Pilot Project’ on No-Cost basis to the AFMS & ECHS beneficiaries on purely voluntary basis has been initiated which may be availed by those who continue to suffer in spite of the best efforts so far. Any beneficiary can enroll directly, but preference shall be given to serving personnel and those referred by concerned specialists.
Ques. Why Holistic Medicine?
Ans. It’s being increasingly recognised world over that it would never be possible to meet all the health expectations of the humanity with the exclusive allopathy based conventional model of healthcare. The World Health Organisation (W.H.O.) recommends and our National Health Policy has promulgated integration of all the recognised systems of medicine.
Therefore, the healthcare services in the country have to grow beyond inherent limitations of the so called evidence based modern technology. An ever increasing number of people wish to explore benefits of time honoured traditional, or alternate systems of health which are natural, drug-free, harmless, highly reproducible and sustainable, having helped the humanity and survived over thousands of years.
The good news is that we, now, have very rich expertise available to complement the best of drug-based specialities of medicine with various non-conflicting but complementing drug-free modalities of recognised systems of health to ‘Eliminate all Sickness’ from its root cause and restore ‘Positive Health & Total Wellness ‘Body, Mind & Spirit’ in all.
According to official statistics, in spite of all the technological advances and availability of world class medical care in our country over the last four decades, the incidence of all common diseases, whether Diabetes, Hypertension, Coronary Artery Disease, Cancers, Psychosomatic or Autoimmune Disorders, Respiratory Diseases, and incurable Viral Infections, has increased three times.
Ques. What’s Holistic Medicine?
Ans. Holistic Medicine is the wholesome approach to Health where each individual is treated as a whole ‘Body, Mind & Spirit’ by a synergy of the evidence based ‘science’ of modern medicine with the highly complementary and reproducible time honoured ‘art’ of drug-free modalities of all the officially recognised traditional systems of health for Elimination of All Sickness and promote Positive Health and Total Wellness.
Holistic Medicine = Modern + Traditional Medicine (Traditional = Indian & Chinese)
[Conservative Medicine + Life-Style & Stress Management + Ashtanga Yoga + Acupuncture-Reflexology + Panchakarma-Detoxification + Counseling-Hypnotherapy- PLRT-NLP + Reiki-Pranic Healing-Chakra Balancing + Regenerative Medicine]
Holistic Medicine Takes Care of the Human Being as a Whole ‘Body-Mind-Spirit’ & All the ailments of an individual concurrently
This all inclusive and integrative approach to health helps to extend the best of each system of medicine, at the same time overcome inherent deficiencies in the respective systems to offer a ‘synergy’ of all of them to ensure ‘Health For All’ at all ages of life and all stages of sickness. This latest speciality of medicine is called Holistic Medicine.
Ques. What’s the benefit of Holistic Medicine?
Ans. This all inclusive and integrative approach to health helps to extend the best of each system of medicine, at the same time overcome inherent deficiencies in the respective systems to offer a ‘synergy’ of all of them to ensure ‘Health For All’ at all ages of life, and all stages of all sickness. Therefore, it’s high time that we adopt it into our health care and make our living years more happy and productive.
- It treats the human being as a whole, ‘Body, Mind & Spirit’.
- It offers ‘synergy’ of drug-free, thus harmless, modalities of all the recognised systems of Health.
- It’s equally beneficial at all the levels of health, and at all ages.
- It helps to take care of all the ailments of an individual concurrently.
- No drugs, No interventions, No Dope, No Iatrogenesis.
- It’s highly reproducible, universally beneficial, and cost & time efficient.
- It’s very simple and easily accessible; can be rendered anywhere & everywhere by skilled personnel.
- It optimizes healthcare by complementing existing infrastructure at no extra cost.
- It tremendously enhances skills, leading to greater professional satisfaction of the practitioners and would restore old glory of the medical profession.
“Holistic MediCARE is an all inclusive integrated ‘synergy’ of natural, drug-free, harmless, but highly efficient and sustainable modalities of Western,
Indian, Chinese & New-Age systems of Medicine for care of all diseases and each human being as a whole, body-mind-spirit. Earlier the Better.”
CONCLUSION: Holistic approach to health matches up with our Vedic concept that health is the greatest wealth, and we need health whether to achieve personal, financial or spiritual growth, and even moksha. It’s guided by the ancient Charaka Samhita which states that life is the combination of the body, the senses, the mind and the ‘atma’; they cannot be separated from each other, from this integration ensues ‘ayush’. It’s complemented by Hippocrates, the Father of modern medicine who stated, “The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest factor in getting well.”
RECOMMENDATION: A majority of health problems can be easily overcome by optimum integration of evidence based ‘science’ of modern allopathic medicine with the time honoured ‘art’ of complementary drug-free modalities of officially recognised traditional systems of health. We are grateful to the DG AFMS for this unique initiative in our country. Let’s all take full advantage for the benefit of our health, and set an example for rest of the country towards better health, happiness and productivity.
Dr. [Prof] R. K. Tuli is 1964 batch alumnus of prestigious Armed Forces Medical College, Pune, and an Army Medical Corps / Indian Air Force veteran. He is recognised as a global pioneer in promoting the clinical concept of Holistic Medicine over last three decades for which he has been conferred with several national, life-time achievement awards and international accolades. He established the world’s first-ever department of Holistic Medicine in year 1995 at country’s leading multispecialty tertiary care Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi. He’s been appointed Honorary Visiting Professor at Indira Gandhi Technological & Medical Sciences University to promote the cause of accessible, affordable, reproducible and sustainable health, beyond modern medicine, in remote areas of the country. His passion to give back to its roots has led to sanction of this project at AHRR by the Director General, Armed Forces Medical Services.
Shri FAKHRUDDIN ALI AHMED (s/o & d-i-l/o),
Former President of India Shri. I. K. GUJRAL (w/o),
Former Prime Minister of India Shri Chandrashekhar, Former Prime Minister of India
Air Chief Marshal O.P. MEHRA, Former Governor, Ambassador & Chief of Air Staff IAF
Shri. BALRAM JHAKAR, Fmr. Governor M.P., Speaker Lok Sabha & Union Minister GOI
Smt. MARGARET ALVA, Fmr. Governor Uttarakhand & Rajasthan, Fmr. Union Minister GOI
Shri MUKUT METHI M.P., Fmr. Governor Puducherry & C. M. Arunachal Pradesh
Shri J. S. VERMA (w/o), Fmr. Chief Justice of India & CM National Human Rights Commission
Shri P. K. DAVE, IAS (Retd.), Former Lieutenant Governor of Delhi
Mr. VASANT SATHE, Former Union Minister, Govt. of India & Gen. Secy. AICC
Shri GHULAM NABI AZAD, Fmr. Union Health Minister, GOI & Fmr. Chief Minister of J&K
Shri JAGDISH TYTLER (w/o), Former Union Minister, Govt. of India
Smt. SHIELA KAUL, Former Union Minister, Govt. of India
Shri T. R. BALU, M.P. & Former Union Minister Govt. Of India
Late Shri RAJESH PILOT (w/o), Former Union Minister Govt. of India
Colonel RAM SINGH, Former Union Minister Govt. of India
Shri VINOD KHANNA M.P., Former Union Minister, Govt. of India
Mr. & Mrs. LALIT MANSINGH IFS (Retd.), Fmr. Foreign Secretary, GOI & Ambassador to USA Justice
PRAKASH NARAIN, Former Chief Justice, Delhi High Court
Dr. SITA RAM JINDAL, Chairman Jindal Aluminium, Industrialist, Philanthropist & Naturopath
Shri NAVIN JINDAL, M.P., Industrialist & Sportsman
Mr. & Mrs. D. P. SINGHAL IPS (Retd.), Former M.P. & Director General Police, U. P.
Smt. MARGARET ALVA, Fmr. Governor Uttarakhand & Rajasthan, Fmr. Union Minister GOI
Shri MUKUT METHI M.P., Fmr. Governor Puducherry & C. M. Arunachal Pradesh
Shri J. S. VERMA (w/o), Fmr. Chief Justice of India & CM National Human Rights Commission
Shri P. K. DAVE, IAS (Retd.), Former Lieutenant Governor of Delhi
Mr. VASANT SATHE, Former Union Minister, Govt. of India & Gen. Secy. AICC
Shri GHULAM NABI AZAD, Fmr. Union Health Minister, GOI & Fmr. Chief Minister of J&K
Shri JAGDISH TYTLER (w/o), Former Union Minister, Govt. of India
Smt. SHIELA KAUL, Former Union Minister, Govt. of India
Shri T. R. BALU, M.P. & Former Union Minister Govt. Of India
Late Shri RAJESH PILOT (w/o), Former Union Minister Govt. of India Colonel RAM SINGH, Former Union Minister Govt. of India Shri VINOD KHANNA M.P., Former Union Minister, Govt. of India Mr. & Mrs. LALIT MANSINGH IFS (Retd.), Fmr. Foreign Secretary, GOI & Ambassador to USA Justice PRAKASH NARAIN, Former Chief Justice, Delhi High Court Dr. SITA RAM JINDAL, Chairman Jindal Aluminium, Industrialist, Philanthropist & Naturopath Shri NAVIN JINDAL, M.P., Industrialist & Sportsman Mr. & Mrs. D. P. SINGHAL IPS (Retd.), Former M.P. & Director General Police, U. P.
Mr. VINOD LAL IAS (Retd.) (w/o), Fmr. Secretary Civil Aviation, Govt. of India
Air Chief Marshal S. K. KAUL (d/o), Former Chief of Air Staff, Indian Air Force
Air Chief Marshal S. P. TYAGI, Former Chief of Air Staff, Indian Air Force
Mr. MIHIR SHAH, Former Member of Planning Commission of India
Mrs. & Dr. DALBIR SINGH, Fmr. Chairman & Managing Director, Central & Oriental Bank of India
Air Marshal C. K. RAJE, Fmr. Vice Chief of Air Staff, IAF & D.G. Civil Aviation, Govt. of India
Air Marshal AJIT BHAVNANI, Former Vice Chief of Staff, Indian Air Force Lieut. General (& w/o) HARISH C. DUTTA,
Fmr. Commander Central Command, Indian Army Vice Admiral KAILASH KOHLI
(w/o), Former Vice Chief of Staff, Indian Navy Lieut. General VELU NAIR
(w/o & d/o) Fmr. DG Medical Services (Army) & Dean AFMC, Pune
Lieut. General (f/o) A. K. BAKSHI,
Fmr. Military Secretary to President of India & GOC Corps Army Dr. KUSUM SAHGAL,
Fmr. Principal, Director & Professor Lady Harding Medical College, Delhi
Prof. (Dr.) A. K. GUPTA, Fmr Dean Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi & Ophthalmic Adviser WHO
Dr. KAVITA SAMA (w/o) Dr. S.K. SAMA, Chairman Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi
Air Vice Marshal (Medical) K. N. Ghosh,
Fmr. Principal Medical Officer WAC, Indian Air Force Air Vice Marshal (Medical) R. K. Ganjoo
(w/o) Fmr. Commandant, Air Force Hospital, Bangalore
ARJUNA AWARDEES: Chhaya Adak, Rishi Narain, Dhanraj Pillai, Dilip Tirkey, Jugraj Singh, etc.
INTERNATIONAL CRICKETERS: Visiting West Indies & Pakistan Cricket Teams Allwyn Kallicharan (West Indies), Manoj Prabhakar, Nikhil Chopra, Murali Karthik, Rahul Sanghvi
AMBASSADORS / HIGH COMMISSIONERS / DIPLOMATS: Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Ghana, Hungry, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, Sweden, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, etc.